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活学巧用1.单项选择(经典回放)Youll find this map of great_in helping you to get around London. A.priceB.costC.valueD.usefulness提示:用“be+of+抽象名词”这一句型,A、B两项不合句意,D项为可数名词。句意为“你会发现这张地图帮助你在伦敦旅游大有益处”。答案:C2.翻译1)It was typical of her to forget._2)The trains late again typical!_3)The weather at the moment is not typical for July._4)A typical working day for me starts at 6._答案:1)她这人就是爱忘事。2)火车又晚点了一贯如此!3)现在的天气并不是七月份常有的。4)我的工作日一般从6点开始。3.翻译The chairs are all out of position._提示:“out of position”为固定搭配,“不在适当位置”。答案:椅子全都放得不是地方。4.翻译现在的青人比以往任何时候都有更多的机会。_提示:the youth 青少的总称答案:The youth of today have greater opportunities than ever before.5.翻译1)他总是穿得很讲究。_2)他找到了解决问题的简便方法(solution)。_3)他的文章典雅而又风趣(wit)。_答案:1)He always dresses eleqantly.2)He has got an elegant solution to the problem.3)His writings are full of elegance and wit.6.完成句子(用介词填空)1)This magazine will be running a special feature_ (关于) education next week.2)Does a new job feature_your future plans?1)提示:句意为“这一杂志下周要发表一篇关于教育的专题文章”。答案:on2)提示:句意为“新的工作在你的未来计划中重要吗?”答案:in7.单项选择The ideal person for the job has these _, ten years experience and an advanced degree.A.charactersB.characteristicsC.marksD.signs提示:character “人物;品质”;characteristic 具体的特点,特征;mark “符号,分数”;sign “符号,标志”。句意为“担任该职位的人应有这样的特点:10工作经验和高学历”。答案:B8.1)翻译Im happy to be of service._2)改错I had the happy of seeing you._答案:1)我愿意提供帮助。2)happyhappiness9.完成句子(用介词填空)1)Mr Hill rents this land out_500 a year.2)Ive found an apartment_rent.(在出租)1)提示:句意为“Hill先生将这块地租给我们,租金每500英镑”。答案:for/at 2)提示:句意为“我找到一套正在出租的公寓。”答案:for10.翻译What a terrible accident! It is really a narrow escape from death for him._答案:多么可怕的意外事故啊!对他而言真是九死一生。11.单项选择After the heated discussion, a conclusion_ about the matte.A.put forwardB.was appearedC.was reachedD.was arrived at提示:A项应为被动,B、D两项无被动语态。句意为“经过一番激烈地讨论后,针对那个事件的结论终于得出了”。答案:C12.单项选择Did he break the glass_ (故意地)?Which answer is wrong?A.by accidentB.by purposeC.accidentallyD.on purpose提示:A、C、D三项意为“故意”,另外“by chance”“intentionally”也有“故意”之意。句意为“他是故意打破杯子吗?”答案:B13.翻译Football is like a religion for Bill; He is devoted to it everyday._答案:对Bill来说,足球就是他天大的乐趣;他每天都泡在上面。14.翻译1)有些学校极注重语言学习。_2)他强调小心驾驶的重要性。_答案:1)Some schools put great emphasis on language study.2)He emphasised the importance of careful driving.15.单项选择After the big earthquake, almost all the houses and buildings were_.A.fallenB.in ruinC.destroyingD.in ruins提示:“in ruins”搭配中“ruin”应为复数形式,选项A无被动语态,C项应为被动语态。句意为“那场大地震后,几乎所有的楼房都成了废墟。”答案:D16.完成句子work on, work out, work as1)She _ a secretary in a clothing company.2)He_the problem with no difficulty.3)Now he is_ a new novel.答案:1)works as2)worked out3)working on17.单项选择This kind of books _ well, and they _in a short time.A.sell, were sold outB.sells, were sold outC.was sold, sold outD.were sold, sold out提示:首先判断其主语是单数;某物畅销,sell应用被动。句意为“这种书很畅销,马上就销售一空。”答案:B18.完成句子She is_ (试演) the part of Wu Zetian, an empress in the history of China.答案:trying out for句意:“她正在试演中国历史上一个女皇武则天。”19.翻译1)我觉得你的建议值得考虑。_2)我们认为你这种行为是犯罪行为。_答案:1)I look on your suggestion as worth considering.2)I regard your action as a crime.20.单项选择The fashion, which is_date now,_from the nineteenth century.A.out of; is datedB.out of; datesC.beginning; datedD.begun; dates提示:其中A项后一空语态错。C项后一空时态错。D项前一空语态错。句意为“这种现在已过时的时装始于19世纪”。提示:B21.单项选择She is an easy-going girl_. you meet her, she will smile to you.A.AsB.Every timeC.WhileD.Since提示:其中A、D两项都表示明显的原因。C项为“在一期间”句意为“她的性格很随合,每次见面都笑”。答案:B22.单项选择Some problems _in his rep
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