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Literature in Han,Wei , Jin , Southern and Northern Dynasties,汉魏晋南北朝时期文学,CategoryofHanDynastyLiterature,1.PoliticalProse政论散文2.HistoricalProse历史散文3.Hanfu汉赋4.YuefuFolksongs汉乐府民歌5. Five word poem 文人五言诗,1. PoliticalProse: OnFaultsofQin 贾谊过秦论 晁错论贵粟疏 董仲舒贤良对策 2. HistoricalProse: RecordsoftheGrandHistorian 司马迁史记,3.Hanfulong essays(大赋) & short essays(小赋) On Faults of Qin 过秦论贾谊 Lamenting Qu Yuan 吊屈原赋贾谊 Master Void Rhapsody 子虚赋司马相如 Rhapsody on Great Man 上林赋司马相如,4. YuefuFolksongs Southeast Peacock Flies 孔雀东南飞 The Ballad of Mulan 木兰诗 Roadside Mulberry Tree 陌上桑 The Song Of an Orphan 孤儿行 The Easter Gate 东门行 5.Five word poem the nineteen Ancient Poems古诗十九首,Categoryofthe Literature in the Wei , Jin , Southern and NorthernDynasties,1.the stories recording spirits and anecdotes (志人志怪小说) 2.Jianan Literature (建安文学) 3. Tao Yuanmings Works 4.Parallet Prose (骈文) 5.yuefu folk songs (乐府诗),1.the stories recording spirits and anecdotes (志人志怪小说) a New Account of the Tales of the world 世说新语 Stories of Immortals 搜神记,2.Jianan Literature (建安文学) The “Three Caos” ( 曹操薤露行蒿里行苦寒行,观沧海观沧海龟虽寿,曹丕的燕歌行典论论文,曹植白马篇美女篇) The “Seven Masters of the Jianan Period” (王粲七哀诗、登楼赋,陈琳饮马长城窟行、阮瑀驾出北郭门行、刘桢赠从弟) Cai Yan 蔡琰 (五言悲愤诗,骚体悲愤诗和胡笳十八拍),3.Tao Yuanmings Work (陶渊明的作品) The Peach Blossom Spring桃花源记 (散文) 五柳先生传(散文) 归去来兮辞 (辞赋) 饮酒 (田园诗) 归园田居(咏怀诗),4.Parallet Prose (骈文) The Literary Mind and Carving of Dragons 文心雕龙刘勰 5.yuefu folk songs The Chile Ballad 敕勒歌,The feature of literature in Han Dynasties,Contents of hanfu 一是渲染宫殿城市;二是描写帝王游猎;三是叙述旅行经历;四是抒发不遇之情;五是杂谈禽兽草木。 Features of hanfu 散韵结合,专事铺叙。即汉赋多用铺陈,押韵的手法。,The feature of literature in Han Dynasties,Contents of yuefu folk songs 爱情婚姻、下层的艰苦生活、上层的奢华生活、战争、感喟生命 Features of yuefu folk songs 1、汉乐府最大、最基本的艺术特色是它的叙事性 2、通过人物的语言和行动来表现人物性格 3、语言的朴素自然而带感情 4、形式的自由和多样,有三言、四言、五言、六言以及杂言种种,其中最常用的是新兴的杂言和五言诗 5、浪漫主义的色彩 6、两汉乐府诗还表达了强烈的乐生恶死愿望,Features of literature in Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties,魏晋南北朝时期文学总体特征是乱世文学。具体表现在七个方面: 1、文学的感情基调表现为悲观和放达 2、文学的主题是生死、游仙和隐逸 3、文学中渗透着儒学、玄学与佛学思想 4、文学中反映了寒门之士的抑郁不平 5、大量出现文学家族 6、创作形式异彩纷呈 7、文学理论和批评的兴盛及文学的自觉,It is a monumental work that recording the Chinese history from the time of the legendary figure Yellow Emperor to the Han Dynasty, over a period of about 3,000 years, in 130 chapters. Sima Qian applied the following five styles in writing the book:,Records of the Grand Historian (史记) By Sima Qian,The Contents in The Records of the Grand Historian,12 volumes of Benji (本纪:biographies of prominent rulers and emperors) 10 volumes of Biao (表:chronological tables) 8 volumes of Shu (书:economic and cultural records of the time) 30 volumes of Shijia (世家:biographies of notable rulers, nobility and bureaucrats ) 70 volumes of Liezhuan (列传:biographies of important figures),Yuefu folk songs are mostly written in five-character lines, although some are in seven-character or multi-character lines. They reflect the reality and life of lower-class working people. The most outstanding works are Southeast the Peacock Flies (孔雀东南飞) and The Ballad of Mulan (木兰诗),The Ballad of Mulan and Southeast the Peacock Flies,Disney Pictures Mulan,Southeast the Peacock Flies,It is the first long narrative poem in Chinese literary history. It tells a tragic love story of a young couple , Jiao Zhongqing (焦仲卿)and Liu Lanzhi(刘兰芝). It is narrated in the poem that during Jianan Period in the Eastern Han Dynasty,a girl named Liu Lanzhi from a common family got married to Jiao Zhongqing, who grew up in a well-known official family which was in decline at that time.,Southeast the Peacock Flies 孔雀东南飞,Though they loved each other, they were broken up by both families due to difference in family status. Liu Lanzhi was dispossessed by her mother-in-law from the family and then forced by her elder brother to remarry. Finally, the couple had no other choice but decide to commit suicide for their faithful love.,The Ballad of Mulan 木兰诗,It sings of a girl who disguised(假扮) herself as a man ,joined the army in place of her father and won glory on the battlefield.,The Peach Blossom Spring (桃花源记)By Tao Yuanming,Using plain words in an artistic and profound way, he perfected descriptions of nature, and his style was followed by poets long after. He was a master of the five-character-a-line poetry.,It is widely eulogised(传颂) by later generations because it describes the isolated and ideal life people pursue . 借武陵渔人行踪这一线索,把现实和理想境界联系起来,通过对桃花源的安宁和乐、自由平等生活的描绘,表现了作者追求美好生活的理想和对当时的现实生活不满.。,The Literature in the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties,The “Three Caos” (Cao Cao, Cao Pi and Cao Zhi) Cao Cao followed the tradition of The Book of Songs, writing some four-character-a-line poems displaying his great ambition as well as considerable sympathy for the sufferings of the common people. The Sea (观沧海) and A Short Song (短歌行) are his well-known pieces. his great ambition and sympathy for the sufferings of the common people.,1、时光易逝,人生苦短 2、渴望贤才,礼遇嘉宾 3、渴盼人才,忧思难解 4、虚心纳士,竭尽诚心,诗歌的主要内容:,A Short Song (短歌行),短歌行,对酒当歌
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