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17B Unit 6【重点短语】1.更有礼貌 be more polite 2.大多数时间 most of the time3.把它握在我手里 hold it in my land 4.教它说话 teach it to speak5.玩精彩的把戏 do wonderful tricks 6.好好照顾 take good care of7.务必/确信 make sure 8.发出太多吵闹声 make too much noise 9.变累 get tired 10.睡在扶手椅里 sleep in the armchair11.在阳光下 in the sun 12.返回家 go back/return home13.忘记要做某事 forget to do sth. 14.刷狗毛 brush the dogs fur 15.了解 lea rn about 16.决定做 decide to do sth.17.朝人叫 bark at people 18.看它游来游去 watch it swim around19.需要常喂他们 need to feed them often20.把她自己藏在碗橱里 hide herself in the cupboard21.学着重复我说的话 learn to repeat the words I say/what I say/ my words22.和你的宠物玩一段时间 play with your pet for some time some time (一段时间); sometime(某时); sometimes(有时); some times(几次)23.把你的宠物独自留在家 leave your pet at home alone24.太多的 too much (+) 不可数名词; too many (+) 可数名词复数; 实在太 much too (+) 形容词或副词25.整个公寓可以发现它的毛 find its fur all over our flat26.整天忙于工作 be busy at work/ working all day27.照料鸟的正确的方法 the right way to look after birds28.听一个关于的报告 listen to a talk on/ about 【重点句子回顾】1. 我躲藏的时候它眼睛睁得大大地找我。With eyes open wide he hunts when I hide.2. 我会照顾他直到最后。 Ill look after him until the end. 3. (不 )做 是必要的/重要的。 Its necessary/ important (not) to do sth.24. 确保水既不太冷也不太热。 Make sure the water is not too cold or too hot. 5. 缸里的水必须是 干净的。 The water in the tank must be clean.6. 这猫重 2 公斤。The cat weighs 2 kilograms. / The weight of the cat is 2 kilograms.7. 它看起来/长什么样? What does it look like?/ What is it like?8. 如果你希望你的宠物健康的话,有必要每天带它们到公园里 散步一次。It is necessary to walk them in the park once a day if you want them to be healthy.
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