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山东省淄博市沂源县中庄乡中学中考英语 考前重点任务及部分短语归纳一、中考题型专项复习 1、命题方向预测;2、各题型考查点;3、答题技巧指导与训练。二、综合模拟考试及讲评 1、重视学生应考心理素质的训练,做好心理疏导工作;2、答题方法、答题技巧的指导训练与提高;3、及时反馈,矫正补偿,总结提升;4、规范学生书写,培养学生良好的规范答题习惯。三、回扣课本考点一考查与动词get搭配的短语 中考链接(1)We should learn how to well with people around us.A. get alongB. get downC. get toD. get up(2) So many problems! Im too tired. You should try to them by yourself. Youre not a child any longer.A. get overB. get offC. get onD. get into考点归纳与动词get搭配的短语有:get along / on well with(与某人相处得好); get back(取回;返回); get down(下来,落下); get into(进入); get off(下车); get on(上车); get over(克服);get to(到达); get up(起床)。如:The bus is coming. Be careful when you get on the bus.公共汽车来了,上车时要当心。考点二考查与动词look搭配的短语 中考链接(3)You dont have to worry about me. Im old enough to myself.A. look afterB. look forC. look upD. look at(4) What are you doing? Im my English book.A. looking upB. looking forC. looking afterD. looking out考点归纳与动词look搭配的短语有:look at(看); look after(照顾,照料); look for(寻找); look forward to(盼望); look out(注意,小心); look through(浏览); look up(仰视;查阅)。如:Im looking forward to visiting Tiananmen Square. 我正盼望着参观天安门广场。We are looking for the lost child, but havent found him. 我们在寻找那个丢失的孩子,但是还没有找到他。考点三考查与动词take搭配的短语 中考链接(5) Ted, could you please the trash? Of course, Mom.A. take afterB. take offC. take outD. take care of考点归纳考查与动词take搭配的短语: take after(在外貌、性格等方面与父母等相像); take away(拿走); take off(起飞;脱下); take out(拿出,取走); take care of 与look after同义(照顾,照料); take part in(参加,通常指参加某一项具体活动); take down(取下); take a look与have a look同义 (看一看); take photos(拍照,照相); take up(从事;占据;拿起); take around 与show around同义(带领某人参观); take exercise(做运动); take medicine(吃药)。如:Jack takes after his father. They both look the same. 杰克长得像他父亲,他俩看上去一样。Would you like to take (show)us around your school? 你想带领我们参观你们学校吗?The plane will take off from Beijing Capital Airport and land in London.飞机将从北京首都机场起飞,在伦敦着陆。考点归纳考查与动词turn搭配的短语有turn on(打开); turn off(关上,关掉); turn down(关小,调低); turn up(调高,调大); turn into(变成,使成为)。My grandpa is sleeping. Will you please turn down the radio a bit? 我也也正在睡觉,请你把收音机音量调低一点好吗?考点五考查与动词put搭配的短语中考链接(8)Our school had to the soccer games because of the bad weather, which made students frustrated.A. put onB. put offC. put up(9) Excuse me, Sir. But smoking is not allowed here. Sorry, I didnt see the sign. Ill my cigarette at once.A. put outB. put awayC. put upD. put off(10) Why did you come back so early today? The English party was till next Friday.A. put upB. put offC. put outD. put down(11) Allen, your bedroom is in a mess. Sorry, Mum. Ill my things at once.A. put onB. put awayC. put outD. put up考点归纳考查与动词put搭配的短语有: put away(把收起来); put on (穿上,戴上;上演); put out (伸出;熄灭); put down(放下,写下,记下); put up(举起;张贴,张挂); put off(推迟;推延); put into(放进)。如:They had to put off the 800-meter race because of the bad weather.由于天气不好,他们不得不推迟了800米的比赛。Mary, put on your sunglasses. The sun is so bright.玛丽,带上你的太阳镜。太阳光太强了。 How can we make people know the latest movie?我们如何让人们知道这部最新的电影? We should put up some posters. 我们应张贴一些海报。考点六考查与副词out搭配的短语中考链接(12) To make your own study plan is a good way to become a top student. After your plan , you should correct it from time to time, and then it will be more helpful.A. comes outB. watches outC. finds out (13) Cao Wenxuans new book has just . Lets go and buy one.A. come overB. come downC. come onD. come out考点归纳考查与副词out搭配的短语有: break out (爆发);call out (大声呼喊,叫喊); clean out (清除,把打扫干净); come out (出版,发表) ;find out (找出,查明); get out(离开,离去); give out (发放;宣布;耗尽);hand out (分发,发放);keep out (挡住,留在外面); look out(小心,当心); put out(熄灭,扑灭;伸出); sell out(卖完,售光); take out(取出); watch out(注意,留神); work out(算出,解出)。如: Will his new novel come out this September? 他的新小说将在今年九月份出版吗? Yes, we are all looking forward to it.是的,我们都正期待着。It took the firemen five hours to put out the fire.扑灭这场大火花费了消防员五个小时的时间。My mother asks me to clean the old books out.妈妈要求我把旧书处理掉。考点七考查与副词up搭配的短语中考链接(14) He failed in the math test and looks sad. Lets .A. put him upB. set him upC. cheer him upD. clean him up(15) I have a problem. I dont know what to do. Lets ask Dick for help. He can a good idea to solve your problem.A. think upB. give upC. hang outD. laugh at(16) The workers in the Huashan Mountains have to rubbish to keep the mountains clean.A. turn upB. pick upC. mix upD. give up考点归纳考查与副词up搭配的短语有:come up(开始,发生); dress up(穿上盛装,乔装打扮); fix up(修理,修补;安排); give up(放弃); grow up(成长,长大); hurry up(赶快); look up(抬头;查阅,查找); make up(编造;化妆;组成,构成); pick up(捡起,拾起); put up(张贴,搭建); send up(发射,发出); set up(创立,开办); stay up(熬夜); stand up(站起来); turn up(开大,
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