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上传百度城轨英语精品文档 城轨英语试卷 题号一二三四五总分得分一、词汇连线(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)。 1. 早高峰 A.non-peak/off-peak hours 2. 晚高峰 B.interval between trains 3. 高峰时段 C.dwell time 4. 非高峰时段 D.morning peak 5. 列车间隔 E.peak hours/rush hour 6. 停站时间 F.evening peak 7. 断电 G.electrical faults 8. 刹车故障 H.power failure 9. 电力故障 I.failure of the automatic train control system 10. 列车自动控制系统故障 J.failure of the brake system二、选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)。1. Please _ me at the station on time. A. meeting B. to meet C. meet D. Met密封线2. _ “hello”, he reached out his hand. A. Said B. Saying C. To say D. Say 3. Please telephone me half an hour _. A. in charge B. in advance C. in time D. in front 4. Both Mary and Ellen, as well as Jan, _ studying Chinese History. A. are B. is C. are being D. is being 5. Joes handwriting is _ Marys. A. more better B. as well as C. much better than D. more better than 6. Why not _ me earlier? A. to tell B. tell C. telling D. Told 7. His report on the space exploration was really _. A. exciting B. excited C. excitement D. Excitedly 8. I hate to see papers _ in pencil. A. writing B. to write C. written D. Write 9. There is _red apple on the table. A.a B.an C.the D./ 10. Tomorrow I _go to school. A.would B.is going to C.will D.am 3、 用下列词语的正确形式填空(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)。 amount so that vend shiver identify apply purchase prevent deposit operate 1. The light was too dim for me to _ her. 2. The poor old man _ fruit from a cart. 3. Do you know how to _ the heating system? 4. I packed him a little food _ he wont get hungry. 5. The desk are kept some distance apart, so as to _ cheating. 6. I cant stop _ . 7. A large _ of money was spent on the bridge. 8. This rule _ only to people with disabilities. 9. A five-jiao _ will be charged on beer bottles. 10. He gave his son some money for the _ of his school books.四、翻译(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)。 1. Whats wrong with you? 2. I have a fever. 3. My whole body feels weak. 4. What do you think of the weather here? 5. Its usually warm and sunny in spring and autumn,and very hot in summer. 6. 手提包是什么样子的? 7. 您可以描述下您的手机吗? 8. 请告诉我您乘坐列车的时间和方向。 9. 恐怕我们对此事无能为力。 10. 请您留下您的姓名和电话,我们一旦找到马上通知您。五、写作(本大题共1小题,共20分) 假设您是一位地铁工作人员,有乘客投诉根本无法听见拥挤的列车上报站广播声音,乘客错过了自己的站点。您作为地铁工作人员如何处理此项投诉。请您写一篇80字左右的作文。 下面是此篇作文的关键词组供您参考。 crowded train(拥挤的列车) visual information display(视觉信息显示) destination(目的地) announcement(通知) audio and visual information(音频和视觉信息)密封线密封线密封线收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除
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