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上海最新版本牛津英语5A教案精品文档5A Module 1 Getting to know youUnit 1 My birthdayContent5A M1U1 Look and learn (P3) (Period 1)Aims1. To learn the following new words: first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, party, begin, bring, favourite2. To learn the expressions of time: the first of 3. To encourage students to use the new words.4. To encourage students to read more interesting books.Language focusTo use the words and phrases correctly.Teaching aidsMulti-media, PPT, etcProceduresStepTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesPurposePre-task preparation1. Sing a song.2. Daily talk.How many months are there in a year?What are they?1. Sing a song.2. Answer the questions.轻快的歌曲为课堂营造轻松的氛围。日常对话围绕水果展开,为本课埋下伏笔。While-task procedure1. To teach: the first of To elicit: Whats the date today?(1) Show the phrasethe first of September(2) Show more dates.(3) Introduce three festivals.(4) Play a game.2. To teach: party/begin/bringIntroduce Eddies birthday party.(1) Show the new words.(2) Read the paragraph.(3) Show the short dialogue.3. To teach: favouriteIntroduce Eddies gift from Danny.(1) Show the new word.(2) Read the paragraph.4. To teach: secondIntroduce Eddies gift from Kitty.(1) Show the new word.(2) Read the paragraph.5. To teach: third/fifthIntroduce Eddies gift from Alice.(1) Show the new words.(2) Read the paragraph.6. To teach: fourth/sixthIntroduce (1) Show the new words.(2) Show a movie.1. To learn: the first of (1) Look and read.(2) Look and say. the first of (3) Try to say:_ is on the _.We usually/often/sometimes(4) Guess Eddies birthday.2. To learn: party/begin/bring(1) Read the new words.(2) Read the paragraph.(3) Act out the short dialogue.3. To learn: favourite(1) Read the new word.(2) Read the paragraph.4. To learn: second(1) Read the new word.(2) Read the paragraph.5. To learn: third/fifth(1) Read the new word.(2) Read the paragraph.6. To learn: fourth/sixth(1) Read the new words.(2) Enjoy the movie.通过实际的日期学习单词,并感知日期的表达方式。通过三个节日的表述,巩固所学知识。通过自编文本,让学生在较真实的语境中初步感受单词。通过主人公一一拆礼物的环节,让学生感知first, second, third中所表达的顺序的含义。通过学生喜欢的哈利波特系列书,学习较简单的序数词。Post-task activity1. Show the questions.2. Fill in the blanks.3. Show the key words.1. Read and answer.2. Read and fill in the blanks.3. Retell the story.复习形式由易到难,紧扣教材的教学内容。Assignment:1. Read and copy the new words on P2-3.2. Listen to the tape and read after it.板书设计教学反思Content5AM1U1 Look and say & Say and act (P2, P4) (Period 2)Aims1. To learn the following new word, phrase and sentences: wear, invitation, the of (date)Whens birthday? Its on 2. To encourage students to make sentences.3. To encourage students to act out the dialogue.4. To encourage students to invite their friends to their birthday parties.Language focusTo use the sentence structure correctly.Teaching aidsMulti-media, PPT, etcProceduresStepTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesPurposePre-task preparation1. Show a song.2. Review Eddies birthday party.3. Show another birthday party.1. Enjoy the song.2. Answer the questions.3. Guess.通过歌曲温习上一课时的序数词。由上一课时的内容引出本课时,起到承上启下的作用。While-task procedure1. To teach: invitation(1) To elicit:Whose birthday is it? Heres an birthday invitation.(2) Show the new word.2. To teach: When is birthday?(1) Show the new sentence.(2) Show the new word: nineteenth(3) Show more pictures.(4) Try to compare: when / what time.3. To teach: wearElicit: What is an orange party?Show the new word.4. Show the dialogue.5. To elicit: It is the 19th of September now. The children are at Peters birthday party.(1) Show the flash.(2) Finish the exercise1. To learn: invitation(1) Look and think.(2) Read the new word.2. To learn: When is birthday?(1) Read the new sentence.(2) Look and read.(3) Pair Work.(4) Compare the sentences.3. To learn: wearRead the new word.4. Act out the dialogue.5. Look and read(1) Enjoy the flash (2) Try to act it out通过让学生从邀请卡上的内容自己寻找有用的信息,培养了学生的思维能力。通过学生感兴趣的人物的生日,学习新句型。Post-task activity1. Show a flash.2. Make a birthday invitation.1. Enjoy the flash.2. Make a birthday invitation.通过让学生自制生日邀请卡,让学生了解到友谊的珍贵。Assignment:1. Read and copy the text on P2, P4.2. Listen to the tape and read after it.板书设计教学反思Content5AM1U1 Ask and answer(P3) (Period 3)Aims1. To learn the cardinal numeral and ordinal numeral (from 1-31).2. To consolidate the new sentence and expressions of time: When is your birthday? Its on the of January/February3.
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