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Continuing report of HRM(The Hotel Paris International)院 系: 班 级: 人力 学 号: 姓 名: 课程名称: 人力资源管理 完成时间: 年 月 至 年 月ContentCHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION TO HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT4CHAPTER 3 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY AND ANALYSIS6CHAPTER 4 JOB ANALYSIS AND THE TALENT MANAGEMENT PROCESS9CHAPTER 5 PERSONNEL PLANNING AND RECRUTING13CHAPTER 6 EMPLOYEE TESTING AND SELECTION16CHAPTER 7 INTERVIEWING CANDIDATES18CHAPTER 8 TRAINING AND DEVELOPING EMPLOYEES22CHCAPTER 9 PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT AND APPRAISAL25CHAPTER 10 MANAGING EMPLOYEE RETENTION, ENGAGEMENT, AND CAREERS27CHAPTER 11 ESTABLISHING STRATEGY PAY PLANS30CHAPTER 12 PAY FOR PERFORANCE AND FINANCIAL INCENTIVES31CHAPTER 13 BENEFITS AND SERVICES32CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION TO HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENTI sum up five main points specific HR problems I think Cater Cleaning will have to grapple with.First of all, they were lake for personnel management regulations and procedures both every manager and each employee. As there were many of problems which were harmful to their management because workers lake a series of clear knowledge, abilities and skills. For example, fair employment problems would serious damage employees rights but they didnt know up to now. Human resource managements always asked people of applicants about their national topic and some other sensitive topics but they didnt refer to professional, abilities and, many other useful topics. Luckily, they havent been reported their discrimination because the employees were almost women and ethnic minority which were short of laws concept. This phenomenon told us they couldnt clarify fair employment rules and professional knowledge and laws knowledge.In addition, human resource managements couldnt make employees clear their own duties and responsibilities. They employees didnt know their clear division of responsibilities; as a result, Cater Center would be inefficiency after confusion day by day. Numan resource of Cater Center couldnt keep employee loyalty and employee stability. It is terrible for a company to face employee thefts there. It would not only cause benefits of company, but also cause legitimate equities of the firm. Whats worse, as a result, corporate cultural development and employees activities will be destroyed. Not only the issue of fair employment lacks attention, but also the manager himself has not received any basic training. If I were Jennifer, I will persuade every management to pay much attention make a Post Office Book at first for all of my employees in order that they can identify their responsibilities and obligation. In addition, we must identify the management process is based on the functions of planning, organization, staffing, leading, and controlling. In total, we start with these five functions and we will avoid mistakes like I summed up in my first paragraph.We must consummate the rules and processes of HRM. We can achieve it by solving the fair employment problem, improving their knowledge, abilities and skills of cleaning and service, enhancing legal knowledge and experience. By doing these, we can improve Cater Centers personnel management regulations and procedures both every manager and each employee.CHAPTER 3 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY AND ANALYSISI would recommend that the Caters expand their quality program. My reasons are as shown below.First, the company faced to a larger scale and only holding employee meetings cant solve all the problems they facing. So we must expend ways and measures for every employee in order to widening the feedback channel for the problem of company.Second, as a manager, we cant be everywhere watching everything all the time. And expending the quality program is a real way for innovation and sustainable development to the company. We need to discover a series of finding for making progress at any time.Specifically, Cater should expand their quality program by taking forms as shown below.We need make a scientific strategic human resource management in the whole company in order to guarantee the running of it.Training and development is the first step for strategy. It will be explicit if Caters make employees know that where are they now and who they are, and writing a job description, significantly. They will learn to size up the situation including perform external and internal audits., Afterwards, Caters strategic options will be known and be created by managers and even employees easily. At the same time, they will be supportive and having a high performance. It can minimize the plane turnaround on ground and the meals and frills and so on. All of these benefits are to decrease costs and increase revenues for the organization.A question we must face to and need to be solved urgently is whether t
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