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Summary Writing常见的同义替换:1. 动词(词组):absorb-assimilate 吸收agree partly-agree with reserve 有保留地赞同arouse-ignite/stimulate/spur/motivate 引起;鼓励change-alter 改变consider-take into account 考虑devote to-dedicate to 把奉献于;专注于emphasize-accentuate 强调expect-anticipate 期望;预期explain-interpret/illustrate 解释;说明get into chaos-with chaos ensuing 陷入混乱join-participate 参加;参与lead to-contribute to/ conduce to/result in 导致;产生 结果limit-stress/hinder/hamper 限制阻止;阻碍operate-manipulate 操作;操纵provide-lend-offer 提供;给予publicize-propagandize 宣传;公布sway-vacillate 影响;摇摆,使摇摆think-contemplate/muse/meditate/retrospect 思考;考虑;想起thrive-palmy(a.)/flourishing(v./a.)/prosperity(n.)undermine-debilitate 破坏;使衰弱,衰竭use-employ/utilize 使用;利用want-intend to/tend to/be inclined to 希望;倾向于want to-desire 想要2. 形容词/副词:first-primarily 首先(ad.)hardly-merely-barely 几乎不(ad.)hurt-vulnerable 受伤 ;易受攻击 inevitable-indispensable 必然 ;不可缺少 in fact-actually/virtually 事实上;实际上(ad.)key-crucial/vital/consequential 关键 ;重要 large-miraculous/marvelous 大 ;不可思议 (表程度)maybe-probably 也许;大概(ad.)more and more-increasing/growing 越来越多 obvious-conspicuous 明显 ;显著 old-ancient 老 ;古老 proper-apposite 适当 ;合适 persuasive-thorough/sound/specific/convincing 有说服力 true-accurate 正确 ;准确 vague-unwarranted/oversimplified 模糊 well-known-outstanding 著名 more often than not = oftenHe more often than not comes here. 3. 名词(词组):bias-prejudice/discriminate 偏见;歧视big city-metropolis 大都市chance-alternative 机会;选择character-trait/individuality/personality 品质;特性;个性child-juvenile 孩子;青少年clash-conflict/collision冲突custom-convention/tradition 传统;习俗delegate-representative 代表detail-specific 细节lawmaking-legislation 立法offspring-descendant 后代;子孙value-merit 价值附:1. purchasing power of incomesMaximize their incomes = increase the purchasing power of incomes 2. property = real estate 3. precision = accuracy4. Thinking ability = critical thinking =creative= innovation5. reasoning = logical thought =thought6. popular culture= common culture7. cultural power= assimilating power10. judge = Justice (必考含义)“法官”11. apprehension (必考含义) = worryapprehensiveability 理解能力12. mind = people= individual 13. faith=confidence 信心14. drug= medicine15. dismiss 斥责= rebuke=criticize16. tap 开发 tap the market = explore the market = expand the market18. entail =make= cause19. nature;nurture/ born; made /inherited;acquired/(先天和后天)innate cognitive/intuitive made/born20. attribute= character=trait=merit=feature=virtue 特点;特质 21. complementary=auxiliary 22. suits = enable = entail(This job entails a lot of hard work.)24. mechanical = unchanged mechanical learning Dynamic=changeable=variable;varyModify=change25. distinction= fame 26. implication; connotation; suggestion; reference; carry important implications for(短语动词)27. accumulation = expansion = augmentation28.literally = actually=absolutely 29. initiatives=measures Initiatives =intentionInitiative =activeInitiative=primitive=beginning30.endeavors=efforts31.Doubt= deny= dont believe33. 经济下滑,衰退slowing economy/softening economy/stagnant economy/economic recession/economic decline/economic stagnation (stagnant)/depression/slowdown34.symptoms =negative example35.frames = body36.grasp = understanding37.reshape= remold38.entitle :we are entitled to some privileges./Some privileges are given to us ./Some privileges are conferred on us.4. 其他:although-albeit/notwithstanding 尽管(conj.)because-in that-since-seeing 因为(conj.)but-nonetheless/nevertheless 然而;但是(conj.)through-in term of/via 通过(prep.)to sum-to summarize/in conclusion 总之;最后 表示“地位” :status, rank 表示“偏见” :bias, prejudice, discrimination, inequality 表示“组成” 同义表达:constitute, be made from/of, include, consist of 表示“导致” :result in, cause, lead to 表示“发行”:issue, release, distribute, launch 表示“授予” :grant, award 表示“结果” :result, consequent, outcome, turn out to 表示“交易” :deal, trade, exchange, transaction 表示“能力” :ability, capability, potential, power 表示“结束” :fulfill, finish, accomplish, carryout, achieve, complete 表示“语言” :verbally, language, words, lingual 表示“精确” :accuracy, precision 表示“以前” :previous, former, latter, prior to 表示“加强,促进” :promote, facilitate, enhance, reinforce 表示“前景,未来”:prospect, future, expectation, outlook 表示“顾客” :customer, client, consumer, guest 表示“暂停、延期” :suspend, phase back, put off, stop, postpone, delayed 表示“信息” :information, message, data, figure, statistics 表示“公司” :enterprise, firm, company, corporation 表示“故意” :deliberately, intentionally, purposely, on/in purpose 表示“冷漠” :indifferent, neutral, carefree, detached(超然 ) 表示“抱怨” :complain, moan, groan 表示“吸引” :appeal, attract, fascinate, tempt, absorb 表示“赶上” :catch up with, keep up with 表示“对手” :rival, equal, comparative, competitor, opponent, adversary, enemy 表示“谨慎” :prudent, cautio
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