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新思维英语阅读 III,陈红阳,CHAPTER I COMMUNICATION STYLES CHAPTER 2 GENDER ROLES CHAPTER 3 EDUCATIONAL REFORM CHAPTER 4 LIFESTYLES CHAPTER 5 AGING CHAPTER 6 BILDIVERSITY (REVIEW),CHAPTER 7 FOOD CHAPTER 8 FASHION CHAPTER 9 MODERN TECHNOLOGY CHAPTER 10 RURAL AND URBAN LIFE CHAPTER 11 THE ARTS CHAPTER 12 SPORTS (REVIEW),CHAPTER 13 LITERARY JOURNEYS CHAPTER 14 LOVE CHAPTER 15 FAMILIES CHAPTER 16 TRADITION AND CHANGE CHAPTER 17 THE ANIMAL WORLD CHAPTER 18 POPULATION (REVIEW),Chapter 2 GENDER ROLES,Reading 1 Gender Differences Reading 2 A Womens World Reading 3 Mens Liberation Reading 4 Gender Stereotypes in Chinese Schools,Chatper 3 EDUCATIONAL REFORM,Reading 1 Voices from the Classroom Reading 2 Montessori, Alternative School Reading 3 Education for the 21st Century Reading 4 Reforming Chinas Higher Education,CHAPTER 4 LIFESTYLES,Reading 1 The Good Life Reading 2 New Lifestyle in China Reading 3 Searching for Utopia Reading 4 Timeshifting: An Interview with r. Stephan Rechtschaffen,CHAPTER 5 AGING,Reading 1 Aging Crisis in China Reading 2 Why Do We Age? Reading 3 How to Live to be 120 Reading 4 Thoughts on Age and Aging,CHAPTER 6 BIODIVERSITY,Reading 1 The Value of Biodiversity Reading 2 Biodiversity Loss Reading 3 Biodiversity in China Reading 4 Diversity in Diet Helps Preserve Species,CHAPTER 7 FOOD,Reading 1 Area Listings Reading 2 Food for Thought Reading 3 Fusing Cookery Reading 4 Changes is Brewing,CHAPTER 8 FASHION,Reading 1 Bargain Fashion Reading 2 Translating Fashion Reading 3 Body Art Makes a Fashion Statement Reading 4 Chinas Models,CHAPTER 9 MODERN TECHNOLOGY,Reading 1 Technology: Are You Ready? Reading 2 The Technology Buyers Guide Reading 3 China Goes Online Reading 4 Data on Ocean Floors,CHAPTER 10 RURAL AND URBANLIFE,Reading 1 Nothing Wasted, Everything Gained Reading 2 Man and Nature Coexist Reading 3 City on the Sea Reading 4 The Most Innovative City,CHAPTER 11 THE ARTS,Reading 1 The History of Printing Reading 2 Musicians Find a Whole World to Explore Reading 3 Chinese Opera Introduced in America Reading 4 World Mourns Passing of Cinema Giant,CHAPTER 12 SPORTS,Reading 1 Out of Africa Reading 2 Seventy-four Years of Winter Olympic Glory Reading 3 Mas Army Gets the Job Done Reading 4 The Odd Couple,CHAPTER 13 LITERARY JOURNEYS,Reading 1 The Art of Reading Reading 2 America Reading 3 A Pair of Silk Stockings Reading 4 Blackberries,CHAPTER 14 LOVE,Reading 1 Friendship: Soul to Soul Reading 2 An Incident Reading 3 Romantic Love: The Basics of Courtship Reading 4 The Power of Love,CHAPTER 15 FAMILIES,Reading 1 Families in Upheaval Reading 2 Daddytrack Reading 3 A New Family Member in China Reading 4 Prenuptial Accords: Read the Fine Print,CHAPTER 16 TRADITION AND CHANGE,Reading 1 The Meaning of Christmas Reading 2 Fish Cheeks Reading 3 Asians Buy into Christmas Reading 4 The $100 Christmas,CHATPER 17 THE ANIMAL WORLD,Reading 1 The Emotional Lives of Animals Reading 2 Zookeeper Mothers Her Wards Reading 3 Pets Work Wonders Reading 4 Importance of Pet Loss Theraphy,CHAPTER 18 POPULATION,Reading 1 A New Consensus on Population Reading 2 Populaion and Culture: Local Impacts Reading 3 Population and Environment: Global Impacts Reading 4 Population and Poverty: “The Child Peddler”,Care smiling 快乐的微笑 Relate to 在意 Free-lance writer 自由撰稿人 Vocational school 职业学校,Body language 体态语 Non-verbal behavior 非言语行为 Greeting behavior 问候行为 Undependable 不可依靠的 Shaking ones head from side to side 摇头,Caultion against 反对 Big lies 弥天大谎 Public opinion polls 民意测验 CBS (美国)哥伦比亚广播公司(Columbia Broadcasting System) Over-reported 过分渲染 White lies 善意的谎言 Under-reported 轻描淡写 Lie-detecting ability 测谎能力 Control groups (实验)对照组,Communication habits 交际习惯 Show up 显现出来 Power balance 权利平衡 Gender difference 性别差异 Wicked Witch 邪恶的女巫 Give away 让出;放弃 The stereotyped role 传统的角色;固定沿袭的角色,Gender stereotypes 对性别的传统看法或认识 Areobiv power 吸氧能力 Mental illness 精神疾病 Magneic resonance imaging(MR) 核磁共振成像 Positron emission tomography(PET) 正电子放射断层显像装置,Rebel against 反抗 Matrilineal societies 母系社会 Bachelor 单身汉 Shillong 西隆(印度) Handed down 传送下来 Patriarchal system 父系制度 Cut comers 以最简捷、经济方式做事,这里指“对家务敷衍了事”,Alcoholism 酗酒;酒精中毒 Sign up for 报名上课 Mens lib group 男性解放运动组织 Two sides of the same coin 一个问题的两个方面,Track down 对追查到底 Beijing Normal University(BNU) 北京师范大学 A role-playing game 角色扮演游戏,Internet 国际互联网 A junior-high school 初中 Diverse backgrounds 多种背景 Throw out 排斥;拒绝 Shakespeare 莎士比亚(1564-1616)英国伟大的戏剧天才,代表作有哈姆雷特、罗密欧与朱丽叶等 African American culture 美国黑人文化 Tip of the iceberg 冰山一角,比喻较大问题的很小一个方面 Creative thinkers 具有创新思维能力者 Computer literate 懂计算机 Informaiton Age 信息时代,On behalf of 代表 Normalized 正常化 Attachment to reality 与fantasy相对,意即“面对现实” The laws of nature 自然规律 Quarterly issues 季刊 Through correspondence 通过信函方式 Membership fee 会费,Interactive TV 交互电视 The humanities 人文学科(文科) A talent creativity 创新能力 Growing pool of mature students 成人学生的持续增加 Conflict resolution 解决冲突 By other means 通过其它方式手段,Subject specialties 同下文的subject majors, “学科专业” 或“专业科类” Working knowled
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