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,A new method to prepare low viscosity but stable W/O system一种制备低粘度稳定油包水体系的新方法,CS-PP shanghai Lab,Background 研究背景,Low viscosity W/O system is difficult to make,especially for powder contained formulas like sunscreen lotion ( shake-shake formula) and low viscosity liquid foundation. The main reason is not easy to stabilize: oil separation or powder sedimentation always occurs.低粘度W/O含粉体系,如防晒(shake-shake 配方),低粘度粉底液等,通常遇到的最大问题是离心出油或者粉沉积,体系难以稳定.Two methods have been studied targeting to this topic:对文献和经验中的两种解决办法进行了研究: 1. Stabilizers like fumed hydrophobic silica or hydrophobic bentonite was studied and screened, but it can only get stable viscosity no less than 5000cps.使用疏水的硅石或者膨润土。根据反复测试和筛选,可稳定的最低粘度为50006000cps 2. A patent from Beiersdorf (US 7138128 B2) claimed that cationic polymer can improve stability of low viscosity, high water content W/O system, but the result also shows the lowest stable viscosity is above 5000cps.Beiersdorf的一篇专利宣称使用阳离子聚合物可以帮助稳定较低粘度的油包水体系,但是同样,最低的粘度还是在50006000cps,2,CS-PP,Findings and Studies 发现和研究,Findings and Studies 发现和研究 To check the properties of small mocular weight cationic surfactants (Varisoft PATC, palmitamidopropyltrimonium chloride for example) in W/O system. 根据在实验中的意外发现:阳离子表面活性剂(以Varisoft PATC 棕榈酰胺丙基三甲基氯化铵为代表)可以降粘的同时提高稳定性,于是对以下三类体系进行研究,这三类体系涵盖了所有油包水的应用情况 Three main W/O systems are studeid: 主要研究的油包水体系 1. With superfined powders like TiO2 or ZnO超细的钛白粉和氧化锌防晒产品 2. With pigments powders like TiO2 颜料级的钛白粉粉底产品3. Without any powder 不含粉的体系普通产品,3,CS-PP,Nano TiO2 with Varisoft PATC超细 TiO2 + PATC 的体系,PATC has an optimum amount in this system, at a certain range, viscosity can be lowered but suspending stability is improved! This finding is very interesting. 试验证实,PATC有一个最适添加量,在此用量下PATC不仅可以(使含粉体系)降粘,同时还可以提高体系的稳定性,O: oil out; W: water out 分层 破乳,4,CS-PP,Microstructure (10X10) with different PATC concentrations100倍下的显微照片,Emulsion particles are larger with PATC=0原始配方乳化颗粒较大 With PTAC increased (from 0.5% to 1%),particles size is getting smaller and stability improved加入0.5%PTAC后,乳化颗粒明显减小,体系的稳定性也有所提高 With 2% PTAC, it shows inhomogeneous and a multiple emulsion occurs. Due to the broken HLB system.随着PTAC添加量的进一步增加,原有HLB值系统被破坏,微观结构显示了界面混乱以及多重乳液的出现,X=0,X=1,X=2,X=0.5,5,CS-PP,Compare with other O/W emulsifiers和其它HLB值较高的乳化剂相比较,Based on Formula 1,0.5% PATC was substituted by PL Flake (GMS SE, anionic),Abil care XL 80 (nonionic) and REWOPOL SB Z (anionic). Results are as follows:在配方1基础上,将0.5%PATC换成TEGIN PL Flake (自乳化单甘酯),ABIL Care XL 80(硅油改性的非离子水包油乳化剂),以及REWOPOL SB Z (月桂基磺基琥珀酸盐),研究这些不同离子性的亲水乳化剂对W/O含粉体系离心稳定性的影响。,Compare with other hydrophilic emulsifier, cationic emulsifier shows outstanding suspension ability for W/O powdery system阳离子乳化剂与其它乳化剂相比,对W/O含粉体系的降粘和悬浮稳定性改善最明显,6,CS-PP,Dispersing effect by different surfactants对疏水处理钛白粉的分散性比较,1,2,3,4,5,0.5%Surfactants + water + TEGOSUN TDEC 45,1 Varisoft PATC 棕榈酰胺丙基三甲基氯化铵 2 ABIL Care XL 80 硅油改性的非离子水包油乳化剂 3 REWOPOL SB Z 月桂基磺基琥珀酸盐 4 PL Flake 自乳化单甘酯 5 Blank 空白,Above picture shows only PATC help the dispersion of tested hydrophobic treated TiO2 powders.图片结果显示只有PATC对当前测试的疏水改性超细钛白粉有较好的分散作用,这进一步证实PATC和粉体之间的相互作用。,7,CS-PP,lower content super fined TiO2 system在较低含量超细粉体系中的情况,Compared with Formula 1, TEGOSUN TDEC 45 decreased from 14% to 10%TDEC 45的含量从14降至10,相当于粉量从6.3%降至4.5%。,Less nano powder added, less cationic emulsifier needed含粉量降低,PATC的最适用量随之降低 It seems PATC was absorbed by TiO2 powders.显示PATC会被钛白粉消耗。,8,CS-PP,Compared with F3,F4 has lower viscosity and better stability. 和配方F3相比,F4的粘度更低且稳定性更好 After adding more water, the system can be stable at around 2000 mpa.s(F6),much better than F5, which is unstable even with 3000mpa.s. 加水增稠后,F6可通过稳定性测试,F5即使粘度更高但是不稳定,Stable low viscosity W/O system with nano TiO2纳米TiO2的低粘度稳定W/O体系,Graph,9,CS-PP,Different nano TiO2(solid powder)超细钛白粉干粉的情况,Compare to formula 7, formula 8 have better suspend stability at same viscosity, due to cationic addition.和配方7相比,配方8具有在相同的粘度下具有合格的稳定性,10,CS-PP,With nano ZnO powder超细氧化锌,PATC has the same influence for nano ZnO: decreasing viscosity W: water out 出油 出水,Graph,13,CS-PP,Normal W/O With Aerosil配合使用疏水的硅石可以理想解决问题,For normal W/O system (without powder), with the help of Aerosil, PATC can improve the stability a lot: decreasing viscosity & improving suspend stability.普通不含粉的体系,配合使用疏水的气硅,PATC可以继续发挥其功效:降粘并稳定体系 Formula 17 shows a good stability even less than 3000 mpa.s.这样,配方17即使在3000mpa.s的粘度下依然显示良好的稳定性。,Graph,14,CS-PP,Mechanism discussion现象原理探讨,According to previous tests result, in order to reduce viscosity but improve stability, the system has to fit two equations in the right, and thus results in two reasons:根据前述的试验结果,降粘的同时还要提高稳定性,必须满足右边的两个关系式,因此只能有两种可能性: Reason1: higher yield value with lower viscosity原因1: 粘度虽然下降,但是具有更高的屈服值 Reason2: smaller emulsion particles原因2: 乳液具有更小的颗粒 If reason 1 right, what happened for the increased yield value?如果原因1成立,需要探讨是什么促使了屈服值的提高。 If reason 2 right, then a new problem arises, why the viscosity decreases with smaller particles.如果原因2成立,就带来一个新的问题,因为根据经验,高内相含量且固定相比例的情况下,更小的乳化
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