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7B期中复习知识点总结Unit1Dreamhomes一、词汇短语1.dream n/v:dream to do sth 梦想做某事;dream of 梦到 2 next to prep.在旁边,仅次于=beside=near3 capital n/adj: 大写字母,资本/大写的,顶好的;the capital of 的首都(省会) 4 have fun=have a good time=enjoy oneself 玩的开心 have fun (in) doing sth5 enjoy a cup of tea 喝杯茶 6 in the centre of 在的中心7 share vt/n 合用,分享;份,份额 sharesthwithsb; a share of 一份8 own adj/vt自己的; 拥有 (owner n 拥有者) of ones own 属于某人自己的;on ones own=alone 独自的 9 on the seventh floor 在第七层10 look out at 向外眺望 ;look out=be careful 小心,当心;look out of 从向外看 11 be different from 与不同 be the same as 与相同 12 be full of =be filled with 满是 13 some day 将来有一天,总有一天14 call v/n 打电话,拜访call sb=telephone sb=ring sb;give sb. a call=call sb call sb back 回电话 call on sb拜访某人;call at s.p参观某地15 message n.可数名词“消息,讯息” take a message稍口信 leave a message 留口信 16 at the foot of 在脚下 17 more than=over 多于18在足球场 on the football field 在羽毛球场 on the badminton court在游泳池里 in the swimming pool 19 invite vt邀请 invite sb. to do sth ; invite sb to +地点/场合 invitation n.二、重点句型1. Would you like sth/to do? 肯定回答 Yes,Id love/like to ;否定回答 No,thanks;Yes,Id like to,but2. 电话用语(1)“电话问候” Hello/Hi; see you/bye/goodbye(2)找人May/Can I speak to, please?或Id like to speak to, please?(3)请问您是哪位? Whos calling? /Whos speaking? /Whos that?(4)自报家门 如果你就是对方要找的人,那么你可以说:Speaking./This isspeaking.(5)稍等片刻 Hold on,please./Wait a minute, please./One moment, please.(6)转告某人接电话 Theres a telephone call for you, Amy./Youre wanted on the phone.(7)找不到接听的人,告知对方 Im afraid he/ she is not here at the moment.Im sorry he/ she is out at the moment.主动相助 Can I take a message?3. have an area of 数字+单位=be 数字+单位 in size/area 意为“有面积” 三、语法A 基数词-数量(1)2199之间的各数词,在十位数和个位数之间加连字符“”。 (2)101999之间的数词,在百位数hundred后应加and 。 (3)具体数字后面hundred、million不加s,泛指时要加s, hundreds ofB 序数词-排序、日期、楼层 一二三,特别记(1)其余后加th。八减t(2),九去e(3),f要将ve替(4)。Y变为ie,然后再加th(5)。注意:1.序数词一般要加定冠词the, 但有时加不定冠词a(n),则表示“再一”,“又一”的意思2.序数词前有其他限定词不加the(our first time)3.序数词做adv不加the(come first)4.用于街道不加the(in Fifth Street)。Unit2Neighbours一、词汇短语1 afraid adj.害怕,畏惧 (1)be afraid to do sth (2)be afraid of doing sth(3)be afraid that从句be afraid not 恐怕不行;be afraid so 恐怕是这样的2 like prep像一样, 类似; be like=look like 看起来像3 Its good to do做好 It is+adj+(for/of sb) to do sth 4 most adj大多数,大部分 pron大多数,大部分可以和of搭配 most of 后面若跟名词,名词前需要有限定词修饰;most of 后若跟代词,应该跟宾格。 adv 很;颇相当于very。 I like this magazine most. 5 help v/n help sb.with sth / help sb (to) do sth;ask sb for help cant/couldnt help doing sth 意为“情不自禁/忍不住做某事” help oneself to 意为“随便吃” 6 check v check in 登记,报到 check out结账离开 check over检查 check up核对,检查7 ask sb. (not)to do sth. 叫某人做(不做)某事8 Something pron某物,某事主要用于肯定句中,否定句或疑问句中通常用anything。有时为了表示一种较肯定的意味或提出申请等,something也可用于疑问句中。something用于主语时,谓语动词用单数形式something有形容词(else)修饰时,形容词放在后面(something important) 9 ready adj be ready to do sth=be willing to do sth 乐意做某事 be ready for10 do some+v.-ing do some washing do some cooking do some reading11luck n lucky adj luckily adv good luck to sb; good luck with sth be lucky to do sth 很幸运做某事 12 plan a day out 计划一天外出 plan to do计划做 13 make a fire 生火 14 old与elder old指年老的;旧的 elder指年长的(同辈中) ones+ elder15 sick adj既可以做表语也可以做定语(放n前) 生病的,恶心的 ;ill adj 做表语表示生病的,作定语表示“坏的” 16系动词sound/feel/look/smell/keep/taste +adj 17notice v/n take notice of 18 information un a piece of information / some information19 feel well(指身体) 感到康复了,feel good 感觉良好 20 make you feel better 使你感觉更好21 worry about=feel/be worried about为担心 22 know a lot about 知道很多关于二、重点句型1坏了(1) Theres something wrong with (2) Something is wrong with(3)is/are broken (4)dont/doesnt work2乘坐交通工具(1)介词短语:by+交通(中间不加任何单词,后面交通用单数);in/on+限定词+交通 (2) 动词搭配:take+限定词+交通+to s.pgo to s.p by=take a to s.p (做此类题一定要分析句子成分!)3whatbe like? 是什么样子的三、语法一般将来时结构:shall/will/be going to +do只有第一人称I,we用shall.注意:(1)go, come, leave, arrive用现在进行时表示将要发生的动作。(2)在含有if条件状语从句或时间状语从句的复合句中,主将从现。(3)there be句型将来时(看到there一定要多注意!)there will be/is going to be (4)如果是对话形式出现,要根据回答来判断用wil还是be going to do.Unit3WelcometoSunshineTown一、词汇短语1 wait a minute =just a moment等一会 2 enough adj&adv 足够的 n.充足,足够Adj/adv+enough+n ;be enough for sth/to do sth.足够.enough不能用very修饰,但可以被quite修饰 3 maybe=perhaps放句首 大概,也许;may be分开的放句中 可能是4welcome+adv(home/there/back);welcome to+s.p 5 take与bring take带走(由近到远)bring 拿来(由远到近)take sth to sb把带给某人 take sb to s.p把某人带到6 order v订购;命令 order sb to do; n 秩序,顺序 7 try to do sth.努力做某事 have a try 试一试try on 是动+副的结构,宾语是名词可放后也可放中间;宾语是代词,一定放中间。Try ones best (not)to do 尽某人最大的努力(不)做8 far与away的用法辨析be far away from 用来泛指
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