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主备人课题 4B Unit2 At a party 课时第一课 时执教者教学目标1、能正确地听、说、读和写单词 grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, brother, sister, an eye, a head, an ear, a nose, a mouth, hair; 2、能正确地听、说、读和写句型 Whos thewith?Hes/Shes (my); 3、能根据人物的外貌特征和穿着打扮来认识人, 培养学生实际运用英语进行交流的能力和乐于于人交流、合作的个性。 重点难点1、 能正确地听、说、读和写单词 grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, brother, sister, an eye, a head, an ear, a nose, a mouth, hair; 2、能正确地听、说、读和写句型 Whos thewith?Hes/Shes (my)3、能根据人物的外貌特征和穿着打扮来认识人,并学会外貌特征用介词 with,穿着打扮用介词 in。教具学具 单词图片及单词卡片,人物图片,录音机、磁带和实物投影预习要求 通过预习,正确地朗读单词。教学过程 个人复备Step1.Revision1、Sing a song.Whos that girl? 2、Free talk T : What can you see in the classroom? Who can you see in the classroom? Whos the girl(in a)? Whos that boy(with )? Step2.Presentation 1、Teach: Whos the with ? Hes/Shes (1) 由 Free talk 引出句型 (2) Teach: with,学生跟读。 (3) Teach: Whos the with ? Hes/Shes a、教师利用 Helen 的图片提问“Whos the girl with yellow hair?”学生回答“ Shes Helen.” b、教师板书句型:Whos the with ? Hes/Shes (4) Drill(利用教室内人物进行集体问答练习) 2、Teach: grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, brother, sister (1)教师出示自己爷爷的照片,提问”Whos the man with white hair?”,在学生猜测后教师回答”Hes my grandfather. Hes a teacher.”。 (2)Teach: grandfather (3)教师出示几张学生爷爷的照片,用所学句型” Whos the with ? Hes”进行猜测问答。 (4)教师出示学生家人的照片,通过猜测问答教学”grandmother, father, mother, brother, sister”. (5)学生互相问答巩固单词的识记 3、Teach: head, a nose, a mouth, an ear (1)T : Whos the boy?(教师出示两张男生的照片,一个头大,一个头小点)S1: Which one? T : The one with big head. S1: Hes (2)Teach: head (教师边指自己的头边说) a、出示音标词带领学生读音标; b、跟读、齐读、个别读; c、扩展词组:big head,small head (3)T: I have a big head, I have black hair and small eyes, I have big nose .(教师指自己的身体部位进行介绍) (4)Teach: a nose (5)同法教 a mouth, an ear 4、Say a rhyme(身体部位歌) 5、Drill(利用教室内人物进行问答练习) a、教师问,学生回答; b、让一名学生提问,其余学生回答。Step3.practice1、 教师出示 Ask and answer 的第一幅图,师生示范问答; 2、 教师出示其余三幅图两两自由问答。 Step4.consodilation1、教师利用板书引导学生小结本课所学的单词和句型; 2、Play a game: (教师利用实物投影出示董浩,菊萍,冯巩等人物图片,通过提问让学生猜猜是谁) T : Whos the man? S : Which one? T : The one in the white vest. S1: Hes Dong Hao. (先教师向学生提问,再由一名学生向其余学生提问) 3、出示一张教师自己小时侯的全家照 (1)T: Whose family photo?(让学生猜测) (2)The man in a green jacket is my father, the woman with small mouth is my mother, the man with white hair is my grandfather, the woman with long hair is my aunt, the boy in a yellow sweater is my brother.(教师指照片中的人物进行介绍) (3)教师让学生同桌之间相互介绍自己的家庭照片; (4)让学生介绍自己的家庭照片。 4、Wb. C Listen, choose and write D Look, think and write 板书设计作业设计1、抄写本课单词; 2、用本课所学句型编演对话。3、完成本课时的导学案习题。主备人课题 4B Unit2 At a party 课时第二课 时执教者教学目标1、能正确地听、说、读和写单词 white; 2、能正确地听、说、读和写句型 Is that your ? Which one? The one in the; 3、能正确地听、说和读日常交际用语 Nice to meet you; 4、能有表情有节奏地朗读歌谣 My brother, 通过朗读激发学习英语的兴趣。 5、能正确理解和掌握对话内容,并能用正确的语音、语调朗读并表演对话; 6、能运用所学句型编演对话,通过合作表演培养团结协作的精神,增进师生间的情感交流。 重点难点1、能正确地听、说、读和写单词 white; 2、能正确地听、说、读和写句型 Is that your ? Which one? The one in the; 3、能正确理解和掌握对话内容,并能用正确的语音语调朗读对话。 教具学具 单词图片及单词卡片,人物图片,课文挂图、录音机、磁带预习要求 通过预习,正确地朗读并理解课文对话。教学过程 个人复备Step1.Review1、Sing a song.Whos that girl? 2、Free talk (1)T: Whos the with/in ? S: Hes/shes (2)T: Whos the ? S: Which one? T: The one in/with S: Hes/Shes (师生个别问答,学生问教师,两两问答) 3、让学生介绍自己家庭照片 Step2.Presentation 1、Teach: Is that your ? Which one? The one in the (1) T: Is that girl Helen?(教师出示 Helen 和 Wang Ying 的图片) S: Which one? T: The one with yellow hair. S: Yes, she is. (2)教师出示几组人物的图片进行问答练习 (教师问学生,学生问教师,学生两两练习) (3)教师出示一张学生的家庭照片(有两名男士) T: Is that man your father? S: Which one? T: The one in the blue shirt. S: Yes, he is. (板书:Is that your ? Which one? The one with /in the Yes, he/she is./No, he/she isnt.) 2、Look and say (教师出示课文中 Look and say 的图片进行问答练习,先师生示范,再同桌互练) Read and say 1、T: Whos the boy?(出示 Ben 的图片) S: Hes Ben. T: There is a party in Bens home. Lets go and have a look. 2、Watch TV.(播放两遍) 3、Answer the questions: (1)Whos the boy with big eyes? (2)Whos the girl in the white dress? 4、T: What are they saying?(出示第一幅图) Listen and repeat. 5、出示第二幅图,先让学生复述内容 Listen and repeat. 6、出示第三幅图,听录音并复述。 7、出示第四幅图,听录音并复述。 8、Read in pairs. 9、分角色朗读。 10、分角色复述。 Step3.practice1、Play a game: Guessing Game T : Whos my friend? S1 : Is that boy your friend? T : Which one? S1: The one in the black coat. T : Yes, he is. (先师生示范,在四人一组练习并表演) 2、教师出示一张学生的家庭照片,提问“ Whose family photo?”,在学生猜对后,和这一学生用所学句型编演一段小对话。 3、Practise in groups. 4、Act it out. Step4.consodilation教师引导小结本课所学。板书设计作业设计1、听录音,朗读和表演对话; 2、和同伴围绕本课的句型编演对话。3.预习本单元的 E、F 版块,完成本课时导学案。教后记主备人课题 4B Unit2 At a party 课时第三课 时执教者教学目标1、复习本单元所学习的家庭成员和身体部位的单词; 2、能听、说、读日常交际用语 Were late for the party. Lets hurry! 3、了解辅音字母组合 ck 在单词中的读音; 4、能比较熟练地在情景中运用本单元所学的句型和日常交际用语,并能围绕“认人”这一主题编演对话。 重点难点 进一步掌握和运用本单元的句型,并能围绕“认人”这一主题编演对话。 教具学具 人物图片,录音机、磁带和实物投影预习要求 预习本单元的 E、F 版块教学过程 个人复备Step1.Review1、听歌谣My brother. 2、Free talk. 3、Play a game: Whos the boy/girl? (记忆游戏:教师让学生根据教师的提示猜人) T : Whos the boy? S : Which one? T : The one in the with black coat. S : Which one? T : The one with big eyes, small mouth. S1: I know, he is . (先教师提示让学生猜测,再学生
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