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四年级英语期中测试卷一 补全下列单词。(10分)1. comput_ _. 2. sch_ _l. 3. tea_ _er. 4. b_ _k. 5. p_ _cil.二. 单项选择(20分)()1 .IhaveanEnglishclass_Monday.A. inB. atC .on()2 .There_twonewbedsinmybedroom.A. areB.isC .the()3 .Whats_thefridge?A.atB .inC. your()4 .Howmany_arethereonthefarm?A .sheepsB. sheepC. sheepes()5 .Whatsubject_youlikebest?A. areB. doC. will( ) 6.-_istoday?A. WhatdayB. HowdayC .Howmany()7.Whatdoyouusuallydo_?A. inweekendB .forweekendC. onweekends()8.Lets_seeyourgrandma.A .goingB .goC. goto()9 .Wewant _tothefarm.A.togoB. goC. going()10 .Whats _inEnglish?A .thisB. thoseC. these三连线。(16分)twenty-one 三十三thirty-two 二十一forty-thirty 九十八fifty-four 七十六sixty-five 六十五seventy-six 五十四eighty-seven 四十三nighty-eight 八十七四写出下列单词的复数形式(14分)1.student_. 2.boy_3.girl_. 4.book_5.pencil_. 6.tomato_.7.lesson_.五选出不同类的一项(10分)。( )1.A.desk B.mother, C.chair.( )2.A.kite B.ball. C.girl( )3.A.seven B.sofa. C.table( )4.clock. B.eleven. C.picture.( )5.living room. B.name. C.bedroom.六选词填空(15分)。( )1.How many _ are there in your classroom. A.a boy B.boy C. boys.( )2. I like it very_. A. much. B. many. C. best.( ).3 _ subjects do you have? A.Where B. What. C. How.( )4.We_. A.listen and sing B.singing and acting C. listen and speaking( )5.I have _ books. A. China. B.Chinese C. a Chinese七根据提示写单词,完成短文。(15分)。 Welcome to my new home. There is an _(球) and a _(电视) in my living room. There is a new _(书桌) and two _(风筝)in my study. Oh, this is my bedroom. There is a nice _(床)。答案及评分标准一1.Computer 2. school 3. teacher 4. book 5.pencil(每题2分,共10 分)。2. 单项选择。(每题2分,共20分)。3. 连线。1.二十一。 2.三十二。 3.四十三。 4 五十四。5. 六十五。 6.七十六。 7八十七。(每题2分,共16分)4. 写出单词复数。1.students 2.boys 3.girls 4.books 5.pencils 6. tomatoes. 7.lessons.(每题2分,共14分)。5. 选出不同类的一项。15 BCABB (每题2分,共10分)。6. 选择。CABAB (每题3分,共15分)7. 填空,完成短文。 ball TV desk kite bed (每空3分,共15分)
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