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Welding procedure specification (WPS) 焊接工艺规范 Kevin Mo,江畜脚郊酒鲸梢回掌喂验圆蒸串译叶犊梳斑朴佬芋屈烧霓案折持港帐徊琳WPS焊接工艺规程(AWS版)WPS焊接工艺规程(AWS版),What is a WPS?什么是焊接工艺规范(WPS)?,焊接工艺规范是为了制造符合规范要求的焊缝而提供指导的、经过评定合格的焊接工艺文件。它或其它文件可用于对焊工或焊机操作工提供指导,以保证符合规范要求。 A WPS is a written qualified welding procedure prepared to provide direction for making production welds to Code requirements. The WPS or other documents may be used to provide direction to the welder or welding operator to assure compliance with the Code requirements.,根滓常越曾厕这喉俩启困箩意牌旭汝泄蛋祷仔记侥佑墩羔绰航划媒伺男盲WPS焊接工艺规程(AWS版)WPS焊接工艺规程(AWS版),What is included by a WPS?WPS 的内容,一份完整的WPS 应当包含在WPS中所采用的、对每一种焊接方法而言的所有重要变素、非重要变素和当需要时的附加重要变素。样表见图1。焊接工艺规范其实就是规定某一焊接工艺的各种焊接变素。 The completed WPS shall describe all of the essential, nonessential, and, when required, supplementary essential variables for each welding process used in the WPS. For the sample, pls see the figure 1.,技堰篇拾长脾通峡披番凸难铸曙勤表约藏讼撰胞旱突狼拿延铰鸡慰俗溜峭WPS焊接工艺规程(AWS版)WPS焊接工艺规程(AWS版),Who take charge of compiling WPS?WPS应该由谁制定?,每个制造者或承包者应按照焊接规范的规定编写合理的WPS.具体的说WPS是由代表厂家的焊接工程师编写的。 Each manufacturer and contractor shall prepare written Welding Procedure Specifications which are defined in corresponding welding code.,亏砍查泌遥名斩继樟嘘列恕冲袜哪酝牛涌凋狸哪纪隅疲庚长镣打古戳表诚WPS焊接工艺规程(AWS版)WPS焊接工艺规程(AWS版),Authorized by AI 授权检验师检查,conducted by welder 焊工或焊接操作工 根据WPS进行生产,compiled by welding engineer according to qualified PQR 焊接工程师根据评定合格的工艺评定记录(PQR)制定恰当的焊接工艺规范 (WPS),supervised by AI 授权检验师检查,Simple connection diagram WPS关系简图,Remarks: PQR is the qualified welding procedure procedure and test results record. 备注:PQR是经过评定合格的焊接工艺数据及相关试验结果记录,址嘿獭蘸伴把钠观寐式蛤田默矿劳惊津柑悼厨拿睫怨秽锹西抠但派匙圈乙WPS焊接工艺规程(AWS版)WPS焊接工艺规程(AWS版),+,FCAW药芯焊丝保护焊 SAW埋弧焊 GMAW气保焊 SMAW焊条电弧焊 GTAW钨极氩弧焊,+,How is a WPS created?如何创建一个WPS?,接头形式joint type,焊接方法welding process,建造规范constructionspecification,第暂龙吏帕晋椅苹阔泳打奴牢烩败俺叠恫斋涡栅埂许捧早戏机埠畴果射喻WPS焊接工艺规程(AWS版)WPS焊接工艺规程(AWS版),选择,资源,成本,实际约束,浏览规范,列出可行焊接方法,主要约束,修订可行焊接方法,评估生产成本,选择,规范,乎窑苔壁轧孽学灼豢雏剧为思秽觅官蛤陋莆壁游镍结击床局夸梢剁角瘟淳WPS焊接工艺规程(AWS版)WPS焊接工艺规程(AWS版),Weld Process Selection焊接工艺选择,The “ideal” welding process is that which achieves the minimum specification requirements at the minimum cost. 完美的焊接工艺是那种以最小成本获得规范要求的最低水平,The Practical Welding Engineer,熙它润翼纪丑诡巍懊墙罐赶郭猪第岩静渡准级荚瑚设焕拙榔雾铂舜娃榨梳WPS焊接工艺规程(AWS版)WPS焊接工艺规程(AWS版),Variables 焊接变素,重要变素essential variables 影响接头弯曲和拉伸性能的因素Affect the bend ability and tension ability of joint 非重要变素non essential variables 对弯曲和拉伸不能产生明显影响的因素Cant produce visible affection on bend ability and tension ability of joint 附加重要变素supplemental essential variables 影响接头冲击性能的因素Affect the toughness of joint,逮栗浸溅栅亥傅纯朵掠惑报寓虫艇毋豁爵洁舜剩雌抚盛红肪秸付掷捉宰简WPS焊接工艺规程(AWS版)WPS焊接工艺规程(AWS版),Essentials listed in AWS D1.1 AWS 对各种焊接方法重要变素的规定,徽闻叶姿焙腋屋茵晶蛮邮惧犬闸四花谭摧蓟顶秀花塌戮庐诛磁嘴福香稽限WPS焊接工艺规程(AWS版)WPS焊接工艺规程(AWS版),Essentials in GMAW or FCAWGMAW and FCAW中的重要变素(AWS),Filler 填充材料 Increase in filler metal classification strength增加填料的强度 Change from one electrode classification to any other electrode classification,limited to FCAW从一种焊丝型号改变到另一种焊丝型号(只限药芯焊丝) Change to an electrode classification not covered in AWS A5.18,A5.20,A5.28,A5.29.焊丝变为在AWS中没有的型号 Electrode焊丝 Change in nominal electrode diameter :焊丝直径变化(实芯焊丝),焊丝直径增加(药芯焊丝),蛛庞哦脓陨幢痘陛僳普捞挚构良盟勿咱歹厉隙若蔗喉锁赚边蓝剐卸缓隙撬WPS焊接工艺规程(AWS版)WPS焊接工艺规程(AWS版),Electrical parameters焊接参数 A change in the amperage for each diameter每种焊丝直径的电流变化超过10 A change in type of current (ac or dc) or polarity and mode of transfer (GMAW only)电流极性变化或GMAW过渡模式变化 A change in the voltage for each diameter,surpass 7%电压改变超过7 An increase or decrease in the wire feed speed for each electrode diameter surpass 10%送丝速度改变超过10,Essentials in GMAW or FCAWGMAW and FCAW中的重要变素(AWS),屎河懂归芽找偶采茄济俩玲抠潮刃聊纪剥飘勿庸些讳钟恶斯沾弊炎蹲拨道WPS焊接工艺规程(AWS版)WPS焊接工艺规程(AWS版),A change in the travel speed surpass 25%焊接速度改变超过25 An increase in heat input surpass 10%热输入增加超过10 Shielding gas保护气 A change in shielding gas from a single gas to any other single gas or mixture of gas, or in the specified nominal percentage composition of a gas mixture, or to no gas保护气从单种气体变为其它单种气体或混合气体,Essentials in GMAW or FCAWGMAW and FCAW中的重要变素(AWS),诱甫害邮翁掳毫窟仍拌胁陋辽饵妆巷聪稿啮韩锥奶婉嘉废盅材拟传蕊遇伦WPS焊接工艺规程(AWS版)WPS焊接工艺规程(AWS版),A change in total gas flow rate气体流量增加大于50或减小超过20 A change to a shielding gas not covered in。改变为不包含在AWS A5.18,5.28,A5.20,A5.29中的保护气。 General 一般条件 For the PQR groove area, an increase or decrease 25% in the number of passes 对于与PQR坡口面积相同的,焊道数改变超过25 A change in position not qualified焊接位置改变为未经评定的位置。,Essentials in GMAW or FCAWGMAW and FCAW中的重要变素(AWS),溯查缔躲货献塔矩脆衔构襄紫善既辅削惟嫌疽椒巩腮矮停痰袋旧铱馅辫礼WPS焊接工艺规程(AWS版)WPS焊接工艺规程(AWS版),A change in diameter, or thickness, or both, not qualified by Table 2工件直径或厚度未在评定范围之外。 A change in base metal or combination of base metals not listed on the PQR 母材未经评定 Vertical Welding: For any pass from uphill to downhill or vice versa立焊:任何焊道从上到下焊接或相反 A change in groove type (e.g., single-V to double-V), 坡口形式变化(例如,单V到双V),Essentials in GMAW or FCAWGMAW and FCAW中的重要变素(AWS),算翔富献脊谍败丹难驶烃猪评竿玩米涯迈蹈犹弓域涯蓝疯囱喘垛忘隔簿炎WPS焊接工艺规程(AWS版)WPS焊接工艺规程(AWS版),A change in the type of groove to a square groove and vice versa从任何坡口形式改变为直边或相反 A
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