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全国2007年10月高等教育自学考试旅游英语选读试题课程代码:00837请将答案填在答题纸相应位置上Write all your answers on the Answer Sheet!I. Multiple Choice (l20=20)Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked A. B. C. and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence.1. The International Conference on Travel and Tourism Statistics convened by WTO in _, _, in 1991 reviewed, updated and expanded on the work of earlier international groups. A. Hanover, Germany B. Ottawa, Canada C. Madrid, Spain D. Osaka, Japan2. China has numerous temples, pagodas, statues, and cave carvings, _ are associated with Buddhism, Daoism and Confucius. A. whose B. which C. many of which D. many of whom3. What kind of organization is International Civil Aviation Organization? A. It is a global organization of some 80 governments B. It is an organization for economic cooperation and development C. It is a regional organization for international air carriers D. It is the prime government agency in USA4. The definition described an international tourist as anyone visiting a country, other than that which is his usual place of residence, for _. A. less than 12 hours B. less than 24 hours C. more than 12 hours D. more than 24 hours5. Tourism _ the sum of all the phenomena and relations arising from the travel and temporary stay by people who have left home to go to other places to visit. A. defines about B. is defining about C. is defining as D. is defined as6. With the coming of the _ and the development of the _ business after the Second World War, travel retailers took on a new role. A. shipping companies, retail agency B. air transport, package tour C. railways operators, retail entrepreneur D. coach operators, foreign tour7. Increases in _ and _ are the main factors that give rise to tourism. A. travel marketing, travel agents B. leisure time, warm weather C. mode of travel, population D. net discretionary incomes, improved educational standards8. The Pacific Asia Travel Association was founded _ _ to develop, promote and facilitate travel to and among the destination areas in and bordering the Pacific Ocean. A. in Hawaii, in 1951 B. in Tokyo, in 1952 C. in Soul, in 1955 D. in HongKong, in19499. There are also a number of _, and perhaps _ effects on the tourist localities. A. more direct, more visible B. most direct, most visible C. less direct, less visible D. least direct, least visible10. _ and _ have successfully expanded tourism without destroying their Environment. A. Australia, Switzerland B. Switzerland, Austria C. Britain, Spain D. Spain, France11. The first task of a tour brochure is _. A. to be attractive, truthful, accurate and easily comprehended B. to reinforce an image of quality and reliability C. Both A and B D. to be quickly recognized by customers12. It has been said that more food and beverage repeat business has been lost by _ than by poor food. A. poor service B. badly cooked food C. badly designed menu D. poor interior design13. In the second half of the 20th century, travel _ has become safe, comfortable, rapid and above all cheap. A. by water B. by railway C. by highway D. by air14. _ with a well-established transportation network, _ effectively move its rapidly increasing numbers of international and domestic tourists. A. Only . we can B. Only. can we C. As . we should D. Once . should we15. The automobile and the jet plane have radically affected the hospitality industry, _travel patterns and _ to the development of different types of hotels. A. change, lead B. changes, leads C. changing, leading D. changed, led16. Domestic tourism usually consists of _ travel activities by citizens within their own country. A. business B. leisure C. mature D. A and B17. Tourism contributes to both preservation and development of the worlds _. A. cultural heritage B. cultural tradition C. scenic route D. scenic wonder18. In the case of tourists interested in other cultures, _ will determine the destination selected. A. the standard of accommodation B. the support services C. the location and availability of the cultural event D. the sun-sea-sand set19. Today the successful general manager must be highly _ person, capable of _ a complex business enterprise. A. train, direct B. trained, directing C. training, directed D. being trained, being directed20. In _, _ and _, high-speed trains have been developed and are in operation. A. Britain, France, Austria B. Germany, France, Japan C. Germany, Spain, Japan D. Britain, USA, Australia II. Reading Comprehension (210=20) Directions: Read the following passages and make your proper choice.(A)Traveling with child
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