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仁爱英语七年级上册Unit1简单练习题精品文档Unti1练习卷一、基础选择(25分)( )1. Alice: Whats your name, please? Lucy: _A. My names Lucy. B. Im nine. C. Im Meimei. .( A )2. Alice: Hello, Good morning! Lucy: _A. Hi, Morning. B. Hello, afternoon. C. Hello, Good evening.( A )3. Alice: How are you, Peter? Peter: _A. Fine, thanks. B. Guess. C. Great. ( C )4. Tom: _, Li Lei. LiLei: Nice to meet you, too.A. How are you B. Whats your name C. Nice to meet you( C )5. Lily: _? Mike: Im fine.And you? A. Can I have some water B. How are you C. How old are you( B )6. _ you Tutu? A. are B. Are C. Is ( C )7. Whats _ name? A. you B. is C. your( C )8. Nice to _ you. A. Meet B. thank C. meet( C )9. I _ Bai Ling. A. is B. are C. am ( )10、Where are you ? I am from the USA. A. with B. from C.in( )11. is she ? She is Maria. A. Who B. who C. Where ( )12. Is she Maria ? No,she .A. is B. isnt C. are( )13. Who is this ? is Jim. A. this B. This C . it ( )14. She is doctor.A. a B. an C. x( )15. is a teacher. A. Her B. His C. He ( )16. are Jim and Cake from ? They are from England. A. Where B. Who C . Which ( )17、Whats your telephone number ? AI am fine B I am Maria C. It is 0772- ( )18、What class are you in ? AI am from Jinxiu BClass Two CI am OK( )19、How old are you ? A0772- BClass Six CTwelve ( )20、Are you in Class 3? A. Thanks B Thats all right CNo, Im not( )21、 is this in English ?It is an orange. A. What B. How C. Where ( )22、Whats that in English ? AI am from England B. Yes , I am .CIt is a pen( )23、Is it orange ?Yes,it is . A. an B. a C. this ( )24、What are in English ?They are apples .A. this B these Cthat ( )25、What are in English ? They are cars . Athose B that C it 二、选择所给方框的词填空:仔细观察,注意大小写,您会选对的(25分)nice lets excuse this how fine thank thanks have whats old number class in an do an twelve your grade Where who this form tcacher in good Im am1.Hello!Im Kangkang. your name ?2. to meet you!3. begin !4. me ! Are you Jane ?5. Mom, is my teacher, Mr Lee .6. are you ? Im . you .7. a nice day ! You, too.8. How are you ? Not bad , .How are you ?9、Whats your telephone ?10、How are you ?11、What are you in ? I am in Class Two.12、Whats that English?13、What are you in ?I am in Grade One.14、This is apple .That is orange .15、Whats English name ?16、How you spell your name ? 17、How old is she ? .18、 are you from ? I am from Guilin.19、 is this ? This is Jim.20、They are Shanghai .Where are you from ?21、Where is Nanjing ? It is Jiangsu .22、She is a .23、 evening !24、Where are you from ? from Tokyo.25、Are you Kitty ? Yes , I .三、口语交际:写出下列用语的答语(30分)1、 Good morning ! 2、 Good afternoon ! 3、 Sit down,please ! 4、 Nice to meet you ! 5、 Whats your name ,please ? 6、 How do you do ? 7、 How are you ? 8、 Goodbye 9、 Are you Jane ? 10、 Is she Maria ? A Yes ,she is .B I am from Guigang.C . He is from Hainan.D.No, they arent.F. Good evening!G. Cheers!H. She is MariaI. It is in Guangxi.J. She is from Guangzhou.K .I think they are from England.11.Where are you from ? ( ) 12.Where is she from ? ( )13.Where are they from ? ( )14.Where is he from ? ( )15.Is she from Shanghai ? ( )16.Are they from Guilin ? ( )17.Good evening ! ( )18.Cheers ! ( ) 19.Who is she ? ( )20.Where is Nanning? ( ) ( )21. Which grade are you in? A. Its a computer.( ) 22. Where are you from? B. Im in Grade Six.( ) 23.Whats Jims telephone number? C. Glad to meet you, too.( ) 24. How are you? D. Its .( ) 25. Glad to meet you. E. Yes, there is. ( )2
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