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冀教版英语五年级下册第三四单元精品文档五年级(下)Unit 340.单词:much(与how联用以询问数量)多少;很;非常 write 写mum 妈妈(非正式用语) did 爸爸(非正式用语) dear 亲爱的 fine 健康的;晴朗的 left 左边的;左边 right 右边的;右边 turn 转向;转弯 wrong 错误的 email 电子邮件(an email)postcard 明信片 letter 信idea 想法;主意 computer 电脑 use 使用;利用 kind 友好的;体贴的 us 我们(we的宾格形式)stamp .邮票。41.短语:write an email/write emails写电子邮件 write a postcard/ write postcards 写明信片 write a letter/write letters写信 sendto 把.寄/送给buy some postcards 买一些明信片a picture of 一张的图画42. These are postcards .这些是明信片。A postcard has a picture on it . 明信片上有一张图片。43. This is a letter .这是一封信。We write a letter on paper . 我们在纸上写信。44. This is an email .这是一封电子邮件。We write an email on a computer . 我们在电脑上写电子邮件。45. This postcards has a picture of the Palace Museum!这张明信片上有一张故宫的图片。46. I want to send this postcard to my mum and dad .我想给我的爸爸妈妈寄这张明信片。47. May I see that postcard ?我能看一下这张明信片吗?Sure . 当然。48. How much is this postcard?这张明信片多少钱?Its two yuan .两元。Ill take nine . 我要买九张。49. how much 询问物品价格。(1) How much is this shirt? 这件衬衫多少钱?(询问单个事物价钱 is )(2) How much are these shirts? 这些衬衫多少钱?(询问多个事物价钱 are )50. Where do you write on a postcard?明信片的内容写在哪?On the left . 在左边。51.Where do you put the address?地址写在哪?On the right . 在右边。52. Write the date first .首先写日期。53.Dont forget the stamp . 不要忘记贴邮票。54. I want to send a letter to my uncle . 我想给我叔叔寄封信。55.I want to send a postcard to Danny . 我想给丹妮寄一张明信片。56.I want to send an email to my father . 我想给我爸爸寄一封电子邮件。57.Excuse me,wheres the post office?打扰了,邮局在哪?58.Go straight . Turn left at the traffic lights .先直行。然后再红绿灯处向左转。59.I need stamps for two postcards to Canada .How much are postcards . 我要买两张邮票贴到寄往加拿大的明信片上。60.They are twenty yuan . 它们20元。61.Ill take them . 我想买两张。62.Do you need stamps?你需要一些邮票吗?63.Yes,but not now!是的,但是不是现在。64.Thats wrong . 那是错的。65.Thats right . 那是对的。66.Lets send an email . 让我们寄一封电子邮件吧。67.Can we use the computer?我们能用这台电脑吗?Sure . 当然。68.Hows the weather in Canada?加拿大天气怎么样?69.There is no snow . 这里没有雪。70.People here are kind . 这里的人们很友好。71.What a great trip!多么棒的一次旅行。72.What a fun trip!多么有趣的旅行。73.Tomorrow youll go back to Canada . 明天你就要回加拿大了。74.Dont forget to write to us . 别忘了给我们写信。75. There are many famous places in Beijing . 北京有许多著名的地方。改为一般疑问句,把are 提前。Are there many famous places in Beijing?北京有许多著名的地方吗?76.Say hi to your friends for me . 代我向你的朋友问好。 (Say hi/hello to 对问好)77. 询问天气怎么样:How the weather today?今天天气怎么样?How the weather in Summer?(季节)夏天的天气怎么样?How the weather in Beijing?(地点)北京的天气怎么样?How the weather in May?(月份)五月的天气怎么样?(划线部分可以替换成其他同类词语)答语:Its +描述天气的形容词+其他.78.名词形容词rain 雨rainy 下雨的,多雨的sun太阳sunny晴朗的wind风windy 多风的,有风的cloud云cloudy 多云的,阴天的snow雪snowy 下雪的,多雪的关于天气的两组反义词cold寒冷的hot 炎热的,热的 warm 温暖的cool凉爽的79. It is snowy. 在下雪。 改为一般疑问句,把is 提前。 Is it snowy? 在下雪吗? Yes, it is. 是的,正在下雪。/No, it isnt. 不,没下雪。 五年级(下)Unit 480.单词:story 故事(复数stories,讲故事tell a story/tell stories) did 做,干;助动词(do的过去式) yesterday 昨天 night 夜晚,晚上 had 有;吃;进行(活动)(have的过去式) went 去;走;离开(go的过去式)photo 照片 (复数photos) saw看见(see的过去式)ate 吃(eat的过去式)were 是;存在(are的过去式)was 是;存在(am,is的过去式) happy 快乐的;高兴的 bought 买(buy的过去式) back 回原处,向后photo 照片(复数photos)81.认识一般过去时一. 定义表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态,常和表示过去的时间状语连用,如:yesterday,last night,last year,last week,last Sunday.二. 句型结构1. 肯定形式主语+动词过去式+其他 .He was five years old last year . 他去年不是五岁。She went to the park yesterday . 她昨天去公园了。2. 否定形式:(1) 主语+wasnt/werent+其他 .He wasnt five years old last year . 他去年不是五岁。(2) 主语+didnt+动词原形+其他She didnt go to the park yesterday . 她昨天没去公园。3.一般疑问句(1)Was/Were+主语+其他?Was he five years old last year?他去年五岁吗?(3) Did+主语+动词原形+其他?Did she go to the park yesterday?他昨天去公园了吗?3. 特殊疑问句特殊疑问词+一般疑问句?How old was he last year?他去年几岁?(He was five years old last year. 他去年五岁。)Where did she go yesterday?她昨天去哪了?(She went to the zoo yesterday. 她昨天去了动物园。)What did you do yesterday? 你昨天做了什么?(I went to the beach yesterday. 我昨天去了沙滩。)82.动词原形变过去式的规则一. 规则变化(1).一般情况下,只接在动词末尾加-edworkworked /t/,playplayed /d/,wantwanted /id/,callcalled /d/,askasked /t/,answeranswered / d/,openopened /d/,looklooked /t/,visitvisited /id/,helphelped /t/,walkwalked /t/,watchwatched /t/,jumpjumped /t/,brushbrushed/t/(2).以不发音的e结尾de,只接在动词末尾加-dlivelived /d/,likeliked /t/(3).以辅助字母+y结尾的动词,把y改成i,再加-edstudystudied,trytried,(4).重读闭音节动词,双写词尾辅音字母,再加-edstopstopped /t/,shopshopped /t/二. 不规则变化is/amwas,arewere,makemade,writewrote,saysaid,swimswam,dodid,havehad,gowent,comecame,taketook,eatate,flyflew,runran,cancould,throwthrew,fallfell,buybought,thinkthought,seesaw,bringbrought,winwon,runran,getgot三.过去式与动词原形一样 putput,hithit,hurthurt83. I missed you. 我想你了。 I missed you, too. 我也想你了。84. Did you have a nice trip?你旅途愉快吗?Yes! I had a great trip! 是的!旅途非常愉快!同义短语:have a nic
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