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四年级英语复习资料精品文档四年级上册英语复习第一单元:重点对话:1、Whats in the classroom?One blackboard, one TV, many desks(注:句子首字母大写,many的意思是许多,后面的单词是复数形式)2、Where is the picture? (it) Its near the window. (The picture is near the window.)3、Lets clean the classroom. Ok.4、Let me help you. Thank you.5、Whats this? Its a bee.(蜜蜂)重点句型1、We have a new classroom.2、Its in the desk. (此处的It 可以换成具体的事物,但要注意事物前面要加the表示特指。)3、The door is orange.4、There is a bee in our classroom. (我们的教室里有一支蜜蜂)重点短语Open the door. 打开门Turn on the light. 开灯Close the window. 关窗户Clean the blackboard. 擦黑板Put up the picture. 张贴图片Sweep the floor. 扫地(划横线的为动词或者动词短语,需要特别注意)本单元需要注意的知识:1、 单复数:a /an / one 后面接的事物都为单数a blackboard, a desk, an egg, an eraser多于1的数词后面跟复数形式,要注意加s或者其他不规则形式,此处需要注意candy的复数 candy-candies2、 完整及缩写形式 Whats - What is Its- It is Wheres - Where is Lets- Let us (此处注意完整形式不是Let is )3、注意Lets(让我们)和let me (让我)的区别4、方位介词: in (在。里面)on (在。上面) under (在。下面) near ( 在。旁边)5、cake face name make( 制作)hate (讨厌) date (日期)这些单词需要注意划线部分字母的发音和单词的写法第二单元:对话1、Whats in your schoolbag? An English book, a Chinese book, a maths book and three storybooks. I have an English book, a Chinese book, a maths book and three storybooks. 2、What colour is it ? (此处注意是What colour,不要写成Whats colour 了)句型:1、I have a new schoolbag.2、I lost my schoolbag.3、Its a fat panda. 4、Here it is.5、Thank you so much. Thanks. (注意Thank you. 不要写成 Thanks you.)6、I have three pencils in my pencil box.短语 参照课本15页短语Putin. 把。放到。里面Put on 把。放到。上面Put under 把。放到。下面Putnear. 把。放到。旁边语音 参照课本16页单词,注意红色部分的发音以及写法。注意:1、English book 和Chinese book 的第一个字母都要大写 2、单复数第三单元对话:Whats his/her name? His/Her name is Whats your name? My name isWhos he/she? He/She is句型1、 表达我有。 I have a good friend.2、 表达他/她有。 He/She has glasses.3、 描述朋友的身材:He is tall and strong.4、 描述朋友的性格或者品质: He/She is friendly.5、 描述他/她的书包是红色: His/Her schoolbag is red. He/She has a red schoolbag.描述我的眼镜是黑色: My glasses are black. I have black glasses. (此处注意眼镜是复数)语音 参照课本16页单词,注意红色部分的发音以及写法。注意:1、he(他) she(她) his(他的) her(她的)2、 have和has的区别 My brother(He) has black glasses.只要用他/她/它(第三人称单数)可以代替的,表示有。全要用has, 其他的人称后面用have.3、is 和 are 的区别: 单数用is, 复数用areWhere are my glasses? They are (Theyre) on the table.3、 shoes 和 glasses 都以复数形式出现 第四单元对话1、Wheres my pen? Its on the desk.2、Where is she/ he? Shes/Hes in the living room.3、Where are the keys? Theyre in on the fridge.4、Is it in the desk? Yes, it is. No, it isnt.5、Is she in the living room? Yes, she is. No, she isnt.6、Are they on the desk? Yes, they are. No, they arent.7、Open the door please. Ok.句型1、Look at the picture. (看那张图片)2、The sofa is in the living room. 3、The chairs are in the bedroom.(2、3句为叙述某物在某地)短语Go to the.Watch TV. Read a book. Have a snack. Have a nap. Take a shower.(此处注意划横线的动词和后面的名词不要搭配错了)语音 参照课本40页注意:1、 单复数2、 代词用法 单数:it (它) he(他) she(她) 复数:they (他们,她们,它们) 第五单元对话1、 What would you like for dinner? Id like some beef.2、 Would you like some milk? Yes, please./Yes, thank you. No, thanks.3、 Help yourself. Thank you.4、 Can I have a knife and fork, please? Sure . Here you are.句型1、 当你问别人想吃什么时可以说:What would you like ?2、 当你想知道晚上吃什么时可以说:Whats for dinner?3、 当你想让别人把筷子递给你时可以说:Pass me the chopsticks.4、 Dinners ready.5、 I can use chopsticks.6、 Can I use chopsticks?7、 Try chopsticks for noodles.(试着用筷子吃面条)8、 Heres your bill. (这是你的账单)注:第5、6句区别,can 放第一位是问句,在连词成句中一定注意看所给的标点符号。短语 参照课本52页,注意几个动词:use (使用) cut (切) pass (递) try (尝试) 语音 参照课本50页注:1、Id like (我想要) I like (我喜欢)2、Id like 完整形式是I would like第六单元对话1、How many people are there in your family? There are three./ Three.2、 Is this/that your uncle? Yes, it is./Yes, he is. No, it isnt./No, he isnt. (此处注意肯定回答和否定回答的区别,不要混淆) 3、Whats your aunts job? Whats her job? Shes a nurse. (此处注意aunts 表示阿姨的,不是缩写) Whats your fathers job? Whats his job? Hes a doctor. 句型1、 Come and meet my family.2、 This is my mother. (介绍某人)3、 I am a student. (介绍自己)4、 I have no job.5、 Welcome to my home.6、 Give me the cake. 7、 My family has six people. (此处注意,用has, people的复数不能加s)注意:课本60页有本单元语音总结,需要认真看看,注意发音规则) 收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除
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