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关于开展暑期优秀学生与500强企业(泰科电子)带薪实习项目的通 知各学院(部):为培养学生实践能力,提高学生专业素质,为优秀学生提供到知名企业实习的机会,学校特联合世界500强企业之一美国泰科公司(详见www.tycoelectronics.com)开展暑期优秀学生与500强企业带薪实习项目,现将有关事宜通知如下。一、 项目实施时间2008年暑假期间,经选拔,优秀学生统一安排到企业进行为期六周的实习。二、 优秀学生选拔方法根据泰科电子实习岗位要求(见附件),有意参加此项目的同学请准备好个人简历一份,参加学校统一组织的项目介绍会,现场投递简历,现场面试。面试合格后,则可参加此项目,其中机械类、材料化学类、工业工程、应用化学等专业优先考虑。三、 项目介绍会时间及地点时间:2008年6月22日下午13:30-18:00地点:青岛科技大学崂山校区明德楼406教室四、 项目介绍会议程时间项目负责人13:30-13:45现场布置公司招聘人员13:45-14:00学生入场公司招聘人员14:00-14:05开 场校有关部门负责人14:05-15:05泰科电子公司介绍全国机械创新设计大赛简介暑期实习生职位发布公司人力资源部部长15:05-15:40实习岗位介绍公司实习岗位部门负责人15:40-16:10现场问答招聘人员/部门负责人16:10-18:00现场收简历面试公司实习岗位部门负责人18:00结束五、 联系方式青岛科技大学 教务处实践科 徐立勋 : 88956977 (o) xulixunqust.edu.cn泰科电子公司 人力资源部 张小姐 :13583288950 jie.zhangtycoelectronics.com如有不详事宜,请来电来信咨询。教务处实践教学科2008-6-17附:实习岗位及要求实习岗位及要求No.Job openingsTarget Position Target Major Main ResponsibilitySelection Criteria11Intern - Stamping EngineerMechanical Engineering/Electric1. Assist in developing, implementing, and maintaining methods, operation sequence and processes in the fabrication of parts, stamping, rereeling etc. 2. Interfaces with engineering in coordinating the release of new products. 3. Assist to estimate manufacturing cost, determines times standards and instruction, and makes recommendations for tooling and process requirements. 4. Assist to analyze records and systems for coordination of manufacturing operations.1. GOOD grade2. Be active22Intern - Stamping TechnicianMechanical Engineering/Electric1. Assist to do the set-up and changeover of the stamping die quickly.2. Assist to diagnose the die failure and troubleshoot it to insure high quality parts.3. Assist to repair, adjust and maintain the different class dies. (two-plate die, three-plate die, combined die)4. Assist to prepare the reshape of part with the Tooling shop.5. Assist to inspect the product to insure high quality product.6. Assist to read the part drawing, and inspect the part to meet the print.1. GOOD grade2. Be active32Intern - Plating TechnicianChemical Engineering/Plating technicianWork to ensure quality product is produced and interface with personnel providing proactive support and communication.1. English level:CET-42. Computer skills: intermediate3. Major :good4. Proficient CAD41Intern - QEDie Design /Chemical Engineering1. Assist in process quality control2. Assist in defect root cause analysis and corrective action plan.3. Assist in determining quality inspection plan. 1. Bachelors degree or above with related major2. Familiar with PROE and other soft tools3. Knowing well with Molding process and mold design is preferred4. Perfect English(CET-4) or Japanese both in oral and report51Intern - Molding TechnicianPlastic molding/Control engineeringMold repair and maintenance1. Bachelors degree or above with related major2. Familiar with PROE and other soft tools3. Knowing well with Molding process and mold design is preferred4. Perfect English(CET-4) or Japanese both in oral and report61Intern - IEIndustry Engineering1. Assist in BOM, routing creation and maintenance in SAP system2. Assist in production efficiency analysis and continuous improvement3. Assist in process tact time analysis and continuous improvement1. Bachelors degree2. Familiar with MS-office. 3. Good English skill. CET-4 or above71Intern - Customer Service CoordinatorBusiness AdministrationEconomy1. Create shipment to customers2. Reply customers inquiry3. Follow the urgent items status closely1. Bachelor (Business Administration / Economy, etc)2. Smoothly English speaking and reading(at least CET 4)3. Good skill of MS office4. Customer service experience is appreciated81Intern - Plating TechnicianChemical Engineering/Plating technicians1. Assist in process setup 2. Assist in hourly confirm of line process and maintenance line3. Assist to make skillful record of production and process4. Assist to operate reeler and de-reeler5. Assist in skill operate plating jig and know conformation6. Assist in 6S and EHS1. Native place: Shandong2. English level:CET-43. Computer skills: intermediate4. Major :good5.Be proficient in CAD91Intern - MID TechnicianChemical Engineering/Electroless technician1. Assist in process setup 2. Assist in the analysis of exceptional situation3. Assist to make skillful record of production and process4. Assist in 6S and EHS on site1. Native place: Shandong2. English level:CET-43. Computer skills: intermediate102Intern - ASSY TechnicianElectronics Engineering/Industrial Engineering1. Assist main-tech supervisor for all manufacture equipments maintain in plant, include preventive, emergency and daily maintenance.2. Responsible for found, analysis and solve equipmen
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