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,Unit19,Lesson2,Varieties of English,Objectives:,1.To practise listening strategies for identifying different English accents. 2.To develop awareness of different English expressions in different countries.,Warm up,Discussion: 1)How many countries can you name where English is the native language? 2)Do all these speakers sound the same?,America,Australia,Britain,Write down the words with the same meaning.,American English British English 1.mail _ 2.movie _ 3.sidewalk _ 4.trash _ 5.Apartment _,post,film,pavement,rubbish,flat,Listening Listen to the dialogue and decide if these sentences true (T) or false (F),1.Pam is American. ( ) 2.Robert comes from Australia. ( ) 3.The more different accents you hear the more confused you get.( ) 4.Richard has an Australian English accent.( ) 5.Pam and Robert say “classroom” the same way.( ),T,F,F,T,F,Listening strategies Identifying different English accents Before listening, think about different English accents. While listening, pay attention to words that pronounced in different English accents. Listen to the intonation of the speakers to identify where they come from. Try to identify rules for accent of each country or place.,Practice(1),Listen and decide whether they are spoken in an American accent (A) or British accent (B),1.Would you like a glass of water? _ 2.She is dancing in the classroom._ 3.Lets give you an example._ 4.I like to eat tomatoes._,B,A,A,B,Practice(2),Listen and decide whether they are spoken in an Australian accent (A) or British accent (B),1.Did you say youre going sailing this weekend._ 2.Im going on a date this Saturday._ 3.How much did you pay for your rollerblades._ 4.The mail always comes on Tuesday._ 5. What did you say when he was late._ 6. Sorry Im late. I had to pay my bills. _,A,B,B,A,B,A,Practice(3),Listen and decide which speaker is American, which is British and which is Australian.,Listening Strategies,Identifying situations and people alternatives in the questions-what they are going to talk about. the important words -identify the situation. sound effects -identify the situation. language formal or informal-what the relationships are between the people the intonation -their moods,Listen to the Canadian travel dialogues. Use the Strategies to choose alternative for each dialouge. 1.Where are the people? A)in a tourist information office B)in a hotel C)at the observation dome D)at the travel agents,2. Who is talking ? A)a tourist and a trainee B)a receptionist and a hotel guest C)a passenger and the Tour Managers D)two passengers,3)What are they talking about? A)a tour around the city B)a delay C)stopping off somewhere D)the citys buildings,4)How do the tourists feel? A)nervous B)frustrated C) happy D)tired,Polite requests,1._to fill in this form here,please. 2.I know this is unususl, but after the long flight _to go on with the group. 3._I just go off on my own a bit later? 4._she wont be here till about ten oclock. 5._having lunch in the hotel,sir? 6._give me a map of the city,please?,If youd like,Id prefer not,Im afraid,Will you be,Could you possibly,I was wondering if,7._you could give me information about visiting some of the buildings in Toronto,please? 8._have something about the modern buildings,please? 9._ask someone else,please? 10._I could ask you something? 11._to stay over an extra night in Winnipeg? 12._we have to keep to the timetable,sir.,I was wondering if,Do you think I could,Could you,I wonder if,Would it be possible,Im sorry, but,Act out a dialogue,Student Aa tourist who is checking in a hotel ,make some requests at the front desk. Student Ba receptionist of the hotel, refuse some of the requests politely,; 银闪付 瀚银银闪付 veg42whv 呀,怎么搞的,小琴的谦卑语气没有了撒,取而代之的更像是一种老婆在极度关心老公的出差之后回到家的各种问候的语气。子溏帅哥也毫不介意地回答小琴道,“嗯,顺利完成了。”自不必说,他又是很温柔的回答道。这声音真是一把利器啊,我在一旁也被寒得一身鸡皮疙瘩,哪有女人能受得了啊。唔等一下,大少爷一起回来?但是我怎么看也就只有一个子溏愣在这里而已嘛!于是,我不自觉得到处张望,想找一下传说中的大少爷。子溏貌似看出来我在做甚,于是就对我说道,“小兄弟,你不用再张望了,大少爷刚刚回去了。”说罢,便指着已经远离我们但是还勉强能看到一些人影的人群方向,“最高的那个,就是我师傅!”纳尼!那个大彪悍是你的师父?不对,我们不是在说大少爷吗?你怎么话题转得那么快啊?不对,纳尼!难道你的师父是大少爷?话说,这大少爷不应该是和丑妇人一个德行才对的吗?应该是又肥又矮满脸狰狞样才对吧?此时,我心中正在激烈地翻滚着。小琴看我一脸惊讶状,就对一开始她下跪的那件事向我作了解释。原来,小琴是给大少爷下跪的,而且这个大少爷不喜欢和不认识的人有什么眼神接触,难怪小琴把头埋得这么深。但是我们跪是跪下了,貌似这个大少爷没有注意到我们俩的存在似的,直径走了过去。也许,这就是我们微不足道的表现的最好的例子了吧。虽然知道了大少爷是那个大汉了,但是我就更好奇这个大少爷是干啥子的了。不是听说是个朝中大官吗?干嘛穿着一副侠士衣,而且他散发出来的就是去干架的那种气息。还有,他和这位子溏兄去做任务?这是去打怪兽还是公会任务神马的啊?真心想不明白!子溏兄见我一直在思考什么东西,打趣地问了我话,“小兄弟,你有什么不懂得地方吗?”惊!被他这么问一句我心中愣是一惊!这怎么能说我在无国界地天马行空地歪歪中呢?于是,我就说到,“没什么,我在发呆而已。”“嗯?这样啊。”此时子溏的声音听起来简直就是在怀疑我似的。难道,这个帅哥已经看出来了,看出来了我不是这个时代的人?!“小琴,我先走一步了,还有事要忙。”说罢,子溏就咻的一声消失了。这个,这个子溏深不可测啊,说起话来能放倒一片女人,问起话来又直中要害,貌似会读心术似的。这时,我转向小琴,发现她露出一脸依依不舍的样子,哎,这花痴时间还没结束吗?我带有取笑意味地对小琴说道,“子溏兄,你是不是要继续带我去熟悉熟悉你家宅子呢?”小琴听罢,回过神了,作一脸生气状,果然是被我说到点子上去了,只能装怒去遮掩自己的难为情。然后带着我继续参观这大少爷宅子去了。花了半天
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