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Module2模块练习题 Unit1 一、翻译短语和句子:1.参加比赛_ 2.一等奖_ 3.祝你好运_ 4.停止尝试_5.太遗憾了_ 6. 编写,写作_7.编写,创作_ 8.邀请去_ 9.考虑_ 10.我梦想的假日_二、写出下列动词的过去式、过去分词。visit _ _ invite _ _ win _ _ take _ _ see_ _ send _ _ be _ _ stop _ _三、选用have, has, havent , hasnt 填空1.I _ always travelled around the world. 2. Betty_ never visited England.3.My sister _ traveled all over the world. So she knows a lot.4.- _ you ever dreamed of becoming a bird? -No, I _.5.-_ your mother been to England? -Yes, she _. But my father _ been there.四、 填空。A:1. Im nervous because of the c_ (is a game to find out who is the best at the activity).2. It is a great p_ (sth you get after you win )one weeks holiday.3.My d_(is to think about something special you hope to do)is to be a doctor.4. I want to w (be the winner) the competition.5.Its too expensive, I cant a (have enough money to pay for sth)it.B: 6.Thank you for your (invite). 7.You dont need (write)the truth.8. All of us cant afford (travel)around the word.9.Please write down your name and (experience).10.The competition will help you (improve)English .五、改写句子。1. I have entered a competition. ( 一般疑问句,否定回答)_ you _ a competition? No,I_ .2.He has worked in this company for five years.(画线部分提问)_ _has he worked in this company?3.They have travelled around the world.(一般疑问句) _ they_ around the world?4.I have read Harry Potter already.(否定句)I _ _the other Harry Potter books.5.I need to play concerts.( 否定句)I _ _ _ play concerts.6.Can I com into the room?= Can I _ the room?7. I finish my homework just now. (现在完成时态)I_ already _ my homework六、完成句子。1. Mary_ _ (曾经参加)lots of competitions.2. _ _ (为了赢得)it, you must _ a story _ (编写)animals. 3.I _ _ (买不起)it, so I _ _ (停止付款)now.4. He _ _ _ (已经考虑)this dream for a long time.5.Tony _ _ (已经)Tom _ _ (旅行)with him.6.You cant _ _ (编造)your experiences.Unit 2一、翻译短语和句子:1.一个18岁的男孩_ 2.之一_ 3.搬到_ 4.怀特一家_5.例如_ 6. 和不同_ 7.盼望做_ 8.倒数_ 9.全世界_ 10.在很多方面_11.到目前为止_二、写出下列动词的过去式、过去分词。come _ _ make _ _ learn _ _ say_ _ go _ _ think _ _ have _ _ find_ _三、选择填空.(注意人称) 6. _(How soon/How long) have you learnt English ?1) Wheres Jim?- he _ (have been to/have gone to) Guiling.2) She _ (have been to/have gone to) the park, she will be back in two hours.3) I _ (have been to/have gone to) the West lake, and I have taken many photos .4) How many times _ you_ (have been to/have gone to) Shanghai?5) I have ever been to China, _(such as/for example) I have seen the Great Wall.四、 填空。A:1) . We _ (plant) some flowers last week.2). Have you ever _ (climb) the Great Wall? 3). How long have they _ (write) their stories? 4). David _ (finish) his homework just now.5). The monkeys are full, because we _ (feed) them.B: 6. They are from (德国), theyre (德国人) .7.You can see (古老的) pyramids for the (国王).8. (法国)is famous for its Eiffel (塔).五、改写句子。1. I have ever visited Beijing. (否定)I have Beijing.2.He has just done the work.(画线部分提问)_ _he just_ ?3.They have travelled around the world.= They have travelled _ _ the world.4.I moved to Bishan 9 years ago.= I have_ _ Bishan _ 9 years .5.Im not the same as others.= I _ _ _ others.6.Tom has been here for a week ?= (画线提问)_ _ _ Tom been here?六、完成句子。1. Mary is a _ (13岁的女孩).2.New York is_ _ (之一) _ _ _ (最繁华的城市)in the world. 3.I _ it_ (发现容易) _ _ (数数).4. He _ _ _ (去过)Chengdu twice_ _ (到目前为止)5.Tony _ _ _ (盼望)to visiting_ _ (另外的城市).七、用过去时或现在完成时填空: 1.“_you_(have)lunch?”“Yes.” “ When_you_(have)it?”“I_(have)itat12:00.”2.“_you_(write)alettertoyourauntyet?”“Yes,I_
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