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Negotiations on Payment,Negotiation Tips: 1.Tell frankly what mode of payment you want 2.Explain why you insist on your choice 3.Be patient and realistic 4.In case of great disagreement on the mode of payment,make a compromise by using two or more modes of payment in transaction,Main Modes of Payment 支付方式,一. 汇付 Remittance 二. 托收 Collection 三. 信用证 L/C(Letter of Credit),汇付 Remittance 汇付又称汇款:汇款人(Remitter)向汇出行(Remitting Bank)申请汇款,汇出行接受汇款人的委托,将款项委托书寄交汇入行或以密押电报通知汇入行(Receiving Bank),授权汇入行按额付款给收款人(Payee/Beneciciary). 汇款人(remitter):通常是进口人,买卖合同的买方。 汇出行(remitting bank):通常是进口人所在地的银行。 汇入行(receiving bank):通常是汇出行的代理行,出口人所在地的银行。 收款人(payee):通常是出口人,买卖合同的卖方。,汇入行,汇出行,汇款人,收款人,电汇/信汇业务程序图,买卖合同规定以电/信汇付款,1 电/信 汇申请 书、交款、付费,4 收 据,5 付 款,3取 款 通 知,2 电/信汇委托通知,6 收回垫款或付讫借记通知,(Telegraphic Transfer, T/T),(Mail Transfer, M/T),汇付的特点: 基于商业信用 合同中须明确汇付具体方式及付款期限 顺汇法(票汇的结算工具与资金流向一致),汇付的本质:汇款,托收 Collection 托收是出口人(债权人)先行发货,开立以买方为付款人的汇票,或随附主要有关单据(如提单、保险单、发票等),委托出口地银行通过其在进口地的分行或代理行向进口人(债务人)收取货款的一种结算方式。 托收当事人: 委托人(principal): 通常是买卖合同的卖方。 托收行(remitting bank):即委托人的代理人,通常是出口地银行。 代收行(collection bank):即托收行的代理人,通常是进口地银行。 付款人(drawee, payer):即受票人,通常是买卖合同的买方。 提示行(presenting bank):向付款人提示汇票/或单据的银行。(代收行),托收的种类: 光票托收 Clean Bill for Collection 跟单托收 Documentary Bill for Collection A. 付款交单 Document against Payment (D/P) (a)D/P at sight 即期付款交单 (b)D/P after sight 远期付款交单 D/P.T/R B. 承兑交单 Document against Acceptance (D/A),An export drew a time draft on July 1st,2011. His collecting bank made the presentation to the importer on the same day when the draft was received on July 10,2011, then under the three different types of collection, as follows:,托收的特点: 基于商业信用 逆汇法(支付工具与资金流向相反),信用证 L/C 是开证行根据申请人的要求,向受益人开立的有一定金额的在一定期限内凭规定单据在指定的地点支付的书面保证. 信用证实质上是银行代表其客户(买方)向卖方有条件地承担付款责任的凭证,信用证的内容: (一)关于信用证本身 1.form of credit 信用方式 2.L/C number 信用证号 3.date of issue 出票日期 4.L/C amount 信用证金额 5.expiry date and place 有效期时间地点 6.issuing/opening bank 开证行 7.advising/notifying bank 通知行 8.applicant(importer进口人)申请人 9.beneficiary(exporter出口人) 受益人,(二)关于货物: modity name,article number and specification 2.quantity and packing,unit price (三)关于单据 mercial invoice 2.bill of lading 3.insurance policy 4.certificate of origin,(四)关于运输 1.port of loading/shipment 2.port of discharge/destination 3.latest date of shipment 4.partial shipment allowed/not allowed (分装允许/不允许) 5.transhipment allowed/not allowed (转船允许/不允许),信用证的支付程序(即期议付信用证),开证申请人,受益人,贸易合同,开证行,通知行,(1) 申 请 开 证,(2)信用证,(3) 通 知 信 用 证,(4) 交 单,(5) 议 付,(6)寄单索汇,(7)偿付,(8) 通 知 付 款 赎 单,(9) 付 款,(10) 单 据,即期付款L/C(Sight Payment Credit),议付L/C(Negotiation Credit),1),延期付款L/C(Deferred Payment Credit),承兑L/C(Acceptance Credit),信用证的种类,只有在信用证注明“可转让”时,才是可转让信用证。,循环信用证(revolving L/C),4),对开信用证(reciprocal L/C),对背信用证(back to back L/C),信用证的特点: (1)银行信用,开证行负有第一性付款责任 (2)信用证是独立自足文件 (3)信用证是一种纯单据交易,优点:1)当采用信用证方式结算时,受益人(出口商)的收款有保障,特别是在出口商不是很了解进口商时,在进口国有外汇管制是,信用证的优越性更为显著。 2)信用证方式使双方资金负担较平衡 。 缺点:1)容易产生欺诈行为,由于信用证具有自足性的文件,有关银行字只处理单据特点,存在假单。 2)信用证方式手续复杂,环节较多,不仅费时,而且费用较高,审单等环节要较强的技术性,增加了业务成本。,Question,1.我们已经谈妥了品质和包装问题。(settle 谈妥) We have settled the question of quality and packing. 2.现在我们来谈一谈付款条件吧。 Now lets come to the terms of payment. 3.As an importer, we insist on payment in cash on delivery. 作为进口商,我们坚持货到付款。 4.我们不接受货到付款的支付方式,但可以考虑随单付款的支付方式。(on delivery 到货 order 随单 ) We cant accept payment in cash on delivery,but may consider payment in cash with order.,5.We think remittence against documents is safer. 我们认为凭单付汇更为安全。 6.Lets make a compromise. (compromise 通过协商解决) 让我们折中一下。 7.What about 30% of the sales proceeds to be paid, in advance by T/T and the balance to be paid in cash on delivery? 30%的货款用电汇预付,余额货到付款,如何? 8.我们30%的贷款将不迟于十月十五日用电汇付至贵公司。 Our 30% will reach you by T/T no later than October 15th.,9.Could you make an exception and accept D/A for this order? (make an exception 破例 D/A 承兑交单) 对这批订货能否破例接收承兑交单。 10.我们不能接受承兑交单,但是我们可以考虑接受付款交单。(D/A & D/P付款交单) We cant accept D/A,but we may consider accepting D/P. 11.你们能否接受见票30天后付款交单?(30days sight) Could you accept payment by D/P at 30 days sight? 12.不能,我们只接受即期付款交单。(at sight 即期付款) No, we only accept D/P at sight. 13.You should make payment against our documentary draft upon presentation. 贵公司应凭我们的跟单汇票于见票时付款。 14.The shipping documents are to be delivered to you against payment only. 装运单据于付款后才交至贵公司。,Main Means of Payment 支付工具,1.汇票 2.本票 3.支票,汇票(Bill of Exchange/Draft),是一种债权证书,它是由一个人向另一个人签发的无条件的书面支付命令。它要求对方立即或者在一定时间之内,对持票人,支付一定金额。,汇票票样:,Bill of exchange,No. (汇票号码) Exchange for (汇票小写金额) Tianjin,(汇票日期),At(汇票期限) sight of this Second of Exchange ( First of the same tenor and date unpaid), pay to the Order of ( 收款人 ) .the sum of (汇票大写金额) Drawn under (出票条款:应填写相关信用证开证行、开证号码及开证日期) To (付款人即受票人),汇票的种类(按付款时间的不同) 即期汇票 Sight Bill 远期汇票 Time Bill,见票后若干天付款 pay at 30 days after sight 出票后若干天付款 pay at 30 days after date of issue 提单签发后若干天付款 pay at 30 days after date of B/L 指定日期付款 pay at 10th July 2013,汇票的使用: 出票(issue) 提示(presentation) 承兑(acceptance ) 付款(payment) 背书(endorsement) 拒付(dishonor),本票(Promi
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