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(一)开源IT资产管理系统-OCS Inventory NG服务端(win)安装 原始出处 :http:/viong.blog.51cto.com/844766/503463 OCS Inventory NG(Open Computer and Software Inventory Next Generation)是一款系统管理软件主要功能: Relevant inventory 资产清单管理. Powerfull deployment system 强大的部署系统,代理程序软件部署方便宜用。. Web Administration Console 基于Web的管理控制界面. Multiple operating systems support,多操作系统支持 Microsoft Windows, Linux, *BSD, Sun Solaris, IBM AIX, HP-UX, MacOS X. Lightweight bandwith usage: 轻量网络带宽使用,Windows系统的全部清单信息大约5 KB . High performance: 高性能,1 000 000 电脑每天做清单扫描,使用的服务器是bi-Xeon 3 GHz /4 GB RAM. 3-Tier architecture 三层架构设计,支持http/https/xml等协议河标准. 基于有名的开源产品实现, Apache web 服务器, MySQL 数据库服务器, PHP 和 PERL 脚本语言. Web service 提供 SOAP 接口的Web服务访问. Plugins support 通过API提供插件支持. OCS应用架构图:OCS+GLPI应用架构图:安装OCS服务端下载地址:http:/launchpadlibrarian.net/64034650/OCSNG-Windows-Server-2.0RC2.zip双击OCSNG-Windows-Server-Setup.exe提示安装需求,点确定点Next点Next点Next点Install如果提示有perl没有安装,被终止安装,解决方法:点确定,关闭安装界面,手动删除C:xampp目录,接着双击OCSNG-Windows-Server-Setup.exe,重新安装,到下面一步,只选择XAMPP安装直到安装结束,接着继续双击OCSNG-Windows-Server-Setup.exe,也同样到下面一步,只选择OCS INVERTORY NG SERVER安装安装结束按确定会跳出两个页面,一个是OCS服务端设置界面,一个是OCS向导界面,点向导界面的Finish,会跳出XAMPP,点左侧中文显示.接着安装OCS服务端,输入默认mysql用户root 密码为空,点“send”直接点“提交查询内容”点蓝色“Clickhere to enter OCS-NG GUI”输入OCS默认的user和password都为admin进入OCS服务端后台界面OCS服务端到此安装结束参考文档:http:/wiki.ocsinventory-ng.org/index.php/Documentation:Main(二)开源IT资产管理系统-OCS(win)客户端代理安装安装windows平台代理的客户端下载地址:http:/launchpad.net/ocsinventory-windows-agent/2.0/2.0rc2/+download/OCSNG-Windows-Agent-2.0RC2.zip双击OCS-NG-Windows-Agent-Setup.exe,点“Next”点“I Agree”这里输入OCS服务端的ip地址,其它选项不动,直接点“Next”代理服务这里无需设置,直接点Next这里打勾以下两个选项,一个是支持详细日志,一个是支持标签,标签名字写上能直接辨别这台设备的别名就ok,然后直接点“Next”点“Next”安装结束后会在桌面右下角任务栏有个OCS标志图标注意:当OCS服务端ip换掉的时候,必须在客户端用命令去更新ip地址如:进人客户端安装目录,运行以下命令,说明把服务端的ip更改为192.168.50.96C:ProgramFilesOCS/InventoryAgentOCSInventory.exe /server=http:/贴一下OCSInventory.exe 为windows命令行用法:Command Line Options:Meaning:/work_dir:path to directory Agent must use path to directory as working dir (this directory may included configuration file). Default is %ALLUSERSPROFILE%Application DataOCS Inventory NGAgent or %PROGRAMDATA%OCS Inventory NGAgent/local=path to folder Agent do not contact communication server, and store inventory in xml compressed .ocs file into folder path to folder. If no path to folder provided, agent assume folder as data folder/debug=level Generate a very verbose log file ocsinventory.log into agents install folder. 0 = disable verbose logs (default) 1 = enable default verbose logs (default when no level provided provided) 2 = enable debuging logs /notag Agent must NOT prompt user for TAG in any case/tag=my value Agent must set my value as TAG value/xml=path to folder Agent must store inventory in uncompressed xml format into folder path to folder. If no path to folder provided, agent assume folder as data folder/force Always send inventory, even if server do not ask for it (use only for debugging purpose!)/ipdisc=network number Agent must launch IP discovery on network network number (use only for debugging purpose!) /ipdisc_lat=number of milliseconds Set latency between 2 IP Discover requests to number of milliseconds/fastip Never wait for latency between 2 IP Discover requests (use only for debugging purpose!)/hkcu Search also for software under HKEY_CURRENT_USER registry hive (do not work with service as LocalSystem!)/uid Agent must generate a new unique device ID/server=https:/server.domain.tld:port/ocsinventory Agent try to connect to Communication Server address and port Listening on https:/server.domain.tld:port/ocsinventory/ssl=0|1 When usng SSL connections: 0 = SSL without certificate validation, 1 = SSL with server certificate validation required (needs CA certificate) /ca=path_to_cabundle.pem Path to CA certificate chain file in PEM format, for server certificate validation/user=username /pwd=password Communication Server authentication credentials/proxy_type=0|1|2|3 Agent proxy use 0 = no, 1 = HTTP proxy, 2 = Socks 4 proxy, 3 = Socks 5 proxy) /proxy=proxy_address Proxy server address (without protocol!)/proxy_port=port Proxy server port/proxy_user=username /proxy_pwd=password Proxy authentication credentials (三)开源IT资产管理系统-部署GLPI与OCS数据同步GLPI介绍GLPI是法语Gestionnaire libre de parc informatique的缩写,翻译过来应该是开源IT和资产管理软件,在法国等欧洲国家和地区应用广泛并取得了很好的用户口碑。但在中国了解和应用的人并不多。 GLPI提供功能全面的IT资源管理接口,你可以用它来建立数据库全面管理IT的电脑,显示器,服务器,打
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