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汽车技术杂志2008年第10期摘要目 次车辆电子稳定性控制试验与评价方法的仿真应用(摘要链接)1基于Top-down的载货汽车设计方法(摘要链接)2基于约束处理求取车轮静载荷的新方法(摘要链接)3轮边缓速器制动力矩的计算方法(摘要链接)4基于ADAMS软件的汽车前横向稳定系统分析与改进(摘要链接)5不同碰撞模式下的汽车侧面结构抗撞性分析(摘要链接)6汽车侧面碰撞帘式气囊泄漏特性研究(摘要链接)7汽车电子机械制动执行器的研制及压力估算研究(摘要链接)8动力总成悬置支架的多工况拓扑优化(摘要链接)9金属带式CVT模糊控制研究(摘要链接)10基于虚拟样机技术的汽车空气悬架系统导向机构设计(摘要链接)11空气悬架车辆ADAMS与MATLAB联合仿真研究(摘要链接)12进气噪声对动力总成噪声影响试验研究(摘要链接)13铝合金轮毂门槛值试验数值模拟技术研究(摘要链接)14气动AMT阀控系统设计与特性测试技术研究(摘要链接)15子午线轮胎硫化过程仿真(摘要链接)16车辆电子稳定性控制试验与评价方法的仿真应用郭孔辉1 付 皓1 胡进2 丁海涛1(1.吉林大学 汽车动态模拟国家重点试验室;2.美国机械仿真有限公司) 【摘要】介绍了美国法规FMVSS126中关于车辆电子稳定性控制(ESC)的试验方法和评价指标,针对该法规在Carsim软件平台上开发了FMVSS126试验与评价仿真流程,并应用该流程对所开发的ESC控制算法进行了仿真试验与评价,仿真目标车型为CarSim车辆模型库中的某四轮驱动SUV车辆。仿真结果表明,施加了稳定性控制的车辆通过了法规试验,进而验证了该ESC控制算法的有效性。主题词:车辆电子稳定性控制 试验 评价 仿真Simulation Application of Test and Evaluation Methods on Electronic Stability ControlGuo Konghui1; Fu Hao1; Hu Jin2;Ding Haitao1(1. State Key Laboratory of Automobile Dynamic Simulation, Jilin University;2. US Mechanical Simulation Corporation)【Abstract】This paper describes the test and evaluation methods on Electronic Stability Control (ESC) defined in American federal regulation FMVSS126. Based on this regulation, the FMVSS126 test and simulation process are developed on software Carsim, and the ESC control algorithm is tested and evaluated by using this process with a four-wheel drive SUV in Carsim database as target vehicle. The simulation results show that the vehicles equipped with ESC pass the tests required by regulation, which further validates the effectiveness of ESC control algorithm.Key words:ESC, Test, Evaluation, Simulation基于Top-down的载货汽车设计方法杨兴龙1,2 金叙龙 1 林逸3 (1.中国第一汽车集团公司技术中心;2. 吉林大学;3. 北京汽车研究总院)【摘要】简述了Top-down设计方法的应用背景,并对Topdown规范化设计的工具进行了定义。结合某载货汽车的具体设计过程,对Top-down规范化设计的先期准备工作和Top-down规范化设计方法的具体实施过程进行了详细阐述。提出了设计数据轻量化、产品结构模块化、设计信息传递标准化以及同步设计的产品开发理念,探讨了一种符合载货汽车设计流程的设计方法。主题词:载货汽车 Top-down 设计方法 Truck Design Method Based on Top-downYang Xinglong1, 2, Jin Xulong 2, Lin Yi 3(1. China FAW Group Corporation R&D Center;2. Jilin University;3. Beijing Automobile Institute)【Abstract】 The application background of Top-down design method was discussed and the design tool of Top-down standardization was also defined. Combined with the detailed design process of a truck, the preliminary preparation and detailed application process of Top-down standardized design was explicated. The ideas of lightweight design data, product structure modularization, standardization of design information transfer and synchronized design were presented, the design method adapt to truck design was discussed.Key words:Truck, Top-down, Design method基于约束处理求取车轮静载荷的新方法秦玉英 李杰(吉林大学汽车动态模拟国家重点实验室)【摘要】针对很难精确计算多轴或整车振动模型的车轮静载荷,从而影响汽车行驶平顺性研究这一问题,提出利用计算结构力学中通过约束处理获得反力而给出汽车静止时只受自身重力作用条件下车轮静载荷的求解方法。实例求解验证结果表明,该求解方法不仅适用于求解1/4汽车模型和1/2双轴模型的车轮静载荷,更适用于求解复杂多轴汽车结构模型的车轮静载荷。主题词:车轮 静载荷 平顺性 约束处理A New Method of Solution to Static Load of Vehicle Wheels Based on Constraint DisposalQin Yuying, Li Jie(State Key Lab of Automobile Dynamic Simulation, Jilin University)【Abstract】 For it is difficult to precisely calculate static load of wheels for multi-axle or complete vehicle vibration model as to interfere with the study of ride comfort, this paper raises a solution of calculating static load of vehicle wheels when the vehicle is static and only bears self gravity by utilizing constraint disposal in computational structural mechanics to obtain reacting force. The result by examples shows that the method is not only applied to the calculation of wheel static load for 1/4 vehicle model and 1/2 dual-axle model, but also for the complicated multi-axle vehicle model.Key words: Vehicle wheels; Static load; Ride comfort; Constraint disposal轮边缓速器制动力矩的计算方法何仁,丁福生,张圆圆(江苏大学)【摘要】介绍了轮边缓速器的基本结构与工作原理。根据电磁学原理对轮边缓速器的磁路进行了简化,确定了气隙中磁感应强度的计算公式,进而推导了轮边缓速器的制动力矩公式。并利用MATLAB将该公式计算出的制动力矩数值绘制成出曲线。计算结果表明,本文所提计算方法对于轮边缓速器的结构参数选择具有指导作用。关键词: 轮边缓速器 制动力矩 计算A Calculation Method for BrakingTorque of Wheel RetarderHe Ren, Ding Fusheng, Zhang Yuanyuan(Jiangsu University)【Abstract】The structure and work principle of wheel retarder were presented in this paper. Based on electromagnetic theory, the magnetic circuits of wheel retarder were simplified and the formula of the magnetic induction in the gas gap was defined so as to deduce the formular of wheel retarder braking torque. The braking torque curve is drawn based on the calculation data from formular on MATLAB. The results show that the method can paly guiding role in structural parameter selection of the wheel retarder.Key words: Wheel retarder; Braking torque; Calculation基于ADAMS软件的汽车前横向稳定系统分析与改进陈玉莎(河北中兴汽车制造有限公司)【摘要】应用ADAMS软件,建立了某车型前横向稳定系统的多体运动学模型,针对稳定杆橡胶衬套磨损问题,对车轮动态跳动时该系统参数的变化进行了仿真分析。依据分析结果,提出增加稳定杆衬套厚度、将卡箍和橡胶衬套的接触面改为圆弧面、更改下横臂稳定杆卡箍支架在下横臂的焊接角度等改进方案,解决了该车型前横向稳定杆衬套的早期磨损问题。主题词:多体运动学 横向稳定杆 橡胶衬套 磨损Analysis and I
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