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2014届海南大学外国语言学及应用语言学硕士研究生毕业论文答辩公告答辩时间:4月25日8:30-11:40,14:40-17:30答辩地点:旅游学院3号楼202答辩人论文题目答辩时间答辩地点1姚小艳The Relationship between Students English Learning Achievements and their Motivations and Family Backgrounds: A Study with Middle Schoolers in Hainan Minority Areas海南少数民族地区中学生英语学习成绩、学习动机与家庭背景关系研究4月25日8:30-11:40旅游学院L3-2022罗旭丽A Discourse Analysis of Judge Evaluations in Fox Real Show So You Think You can Dance美国真人秀舞林争霸评价话语语用分析3贾玉坤An Analysis of the English Translations of Chinese Tea Instructions from the Perspective of Skopostheorie从翻译目的论视角看国产茶品说明书英译4李冰The Translation of Chinese Martial Art Images in The Deer and the Cauldron-from the Perspective of Cultural Turn从“文化转向”看鹿鼎记英译本中武侠文化意象的传递5荣磊Cultural Adaptation of Chinese Interns Abroad: A Study with Chinese Interns in Disney World, Orlando海外实习生文化适应研究:以赴美国迪士尼世界实习的中国学生为例6林妙明日本終活現象研究关于日本“终活”现象的研究4月25日14:40-17:30旅游学院L3-2027唐园园The Socio-Cultural Impact of Intercultural Tourism on Tourist Destination: A Study on Boao跨文化旅游对旅游目的地社会文化影响研究:以博鳌小镇为例8唐琪An Analysis of Modality in Teacher Talk in English Postgraduate Classes英语专业硕士研究生课堂教师话语的情态系统9王翠翠On Politeness Strategies of Teacher Talk in Classrooms of Postgraduate English Program英语专业硕士研究生课堂教师话语中的礼貌策略海南大学旅游学院二一四年四月二十二日
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