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,上海教育出版社 四年级 | 下册,上海教育出版社 四年级 | 下册,Pre-task preparation,swimming,上海教育出版社 四年级 | 下册,Pre-task preparation,jumping,上海教育出版社 四年级 | 下册,Pre-task preparation,running,上海教育出版社 四年级 | 下册,Pre-task preparation,running,jumping,swimming,上海教育出版社 四年级 | 下册,survey,What do I like playing?,Do you like playing.?,Whiletaskprocedure,上海教育出版社 四年级 | 下册,How can you play _?,hit the ball,volleyball,Whiletaskprocedure,上海教育出版社 四年级 | 下册,S1: Do you like playing football? S2: Yes, I do./No, I dont. I like playing volleyball. Do you like playing volleyball? S1:Yes,I do.,Posttaskactivity,上海教育出版社 四年级 | 下册,S1: Does kitty like play volleyball? S2: No, she doesnt. S1: Does she like playing basketball? S2: No, she doesnt.,Posttaskactivity,ball games,上海教育出版社 四年级 | 下册,basket,foot,ball,volley,volleyball,football,basketball,Consolidation,上海教育出版社 四年级 | 下册,How can you play table tennis?,hit the ball,Consolidation,上海教育出版社 四年级 | 下册,bounce the ball,kick the football,Consolidation,hit the ball,hit the ball,Consolidation,上海教育出版社 四年级 | 下册,I like playing basketball.,I can_ the ball .,Its_.,It makes me _.,fun,healthy,bounce,fit,strong,Consolidation,上海教育出版社 四年级 | 下册,A:What do you like?,B:I like playing.,Consolidation,上海教育出版社 四年级 | 下册,1. Point and read U5 Sport. 2. Write a text about” My favourite ball game” and share it with your friend.,Homework,上海教育出版社 四年级 | 下册,See you!,
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