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A Practical Course of English-Chinese And Chinese-English Translation,By Sang Longyang Professor,Unit 7 The Passive Voice,PRACTICAL TRANSLATION TRAINING I. THE PASSIVE VOICE IN ENGLISH-CHINESE TRANSLATION II. THE PASSIVE STRUCTURES IN CHINESE-ENGLISH TRANSLATION REFLECTIONS AND PRACTICE,Highlights of the Unit,1.English-Chinese Translation,2. Chinese-English Translation,Viewrinals,传真机,Practical Translation Training,Viewrinals,Screens can now be found in supermarkets, cornershops, service-station forecourts, and so on. They can either generate revenue for the shop owners or promote specific products within the store. 现今在超市,街角商店,加油站的加油处等地随处都可以见到显示屏。这些显示屏要么能够为店主带来收益,要么能够促销店内特定商品。 Forecourt: a courtyard in front of a building. 前院:建筑物前面的庭院, 加油站的加油处 Liquid-crystal display technology is partly responsible for this new intrusion. The price of LCD screens has been falling, and their advantages are many. Unlike a cathode ray monitor, an LCD screen is thin and so can fit in tight spaces and on walls. It also needs less power and is easier to protect from vandalism. 液晶显示技术使这一新开发产品成为可能。其价格已经下降,而好处却不胜枚举。液晶显示屏不像阴极射线监视器,液晶显示屏很薄,并且可以牢固地装嵌在挤满物件的狭小空间或墙壁上。它也不费电,并且便于保护,不容易受破坏。 responsible for: 为.负责; 是造成.的原因 fit: to insert or adjust so as to be properly in place安装:插入或调整使之在合适的位置上 vandalism: willful or malicious destruction of public or private property.恶意破坏的行为:故意的或恶意的对公共或私人财产进行破坏的行为,Viewrinals,Furthermore, the Viewrinals screen can now be plugged straight into the Internet, and thus be fed with commercials from anywhere in the world, which are in turn transmitted with the latest video compression techniques. The Viewrinal is thus at the cutting-edge of modern technology. 此外,“视屏便池”的显示屏现在可以直接与国际互连网络连接,这样一来就可以接收世界各地的商业广告节目,而这些广告节目转而又用最新的视频压缩技术来转播。因此,“视屏便池便处于现代技术之前沿。 plug: To insert (something) as a plug将作为一个塞子插进去 commercial: An advertisement on television or radio在电视或无线电上的广告 in turn: in turn轮流地; 挨个, 依次; 反过来 Theory is based on practice and in turn serves practice.理论以实践为基础,反过来又为实践服务。 cutting-edge: “(刀片的)刃口,刀刃”,此处意译为“前沿”,“尖端”。,Viewrinals,Digital View(数码视图公司)has introduced advertising screens in shops, buses and trains, as well as in more unusual places. 数码视图公司已将广告视屏引入商场、公交车、列车以及其他一些特殊场所。 A few nightclubs now sport Digital Views cigarette machines with built-in televisions, to advertise different parts of the venue. 目前,一些夜总会利用嵌入式电视来炫耀数码视图公司的一些香烟出售机,用广告来显示现场的各个不同侧面。 sport :to display or show off: 炫耀:展示或炫耀惹人注目地穿带: Spor a diamond ring 炫耀钻石戒指 built-in: Constructed as part of a larger unit; not detachable: 嵌入的:作为一个大整体的一部分建造的;不可分的:,Viewrinals,The company also has plans for screens in taxis and on cash registers, and for tiny ones on the side of beer pumps(从啤酒筒抽出啤酒的唧筒) to promote each drink. 数码视图公司还打算在出租车和现金出纳机上安装显示屏,甚至准备在啤酒唧筒侧面安装小型显示屏以促销各类饮料。 Will Viewrinals catch on? Advertisers can keep a tab of how many times each advert is seen. “视屏便池”能流行于世吗?广告商可以密切注视各个广告究竟看了多少次。 catch on: To understand; perceive; to become popular: Skateboarding caught on quickly.,Viewrinals,On the other hand, a loo sophisticated enough to be at risk of computer hackers is not necessarily in progress. 而另一方面,设施过于先进的洗手间有遭电脑黑客破坏的风险,因此没有必要考虑修建。 sophisticated :very complex or complicated: 非常复杂精密或尖瑞的 And, although Digital View also makes Viewloos-screens placed tastefully by the basin - it has no plans for a female equivalent to the Viewrinal. Thank God. 所以,尽管数码视图公司也将视屏厕所显示屏高雅地安装在便池旁,但是却没有在女厕所也安装“视屏便池”的打算。谢天谢地。,Notes and Explanations,Viewrinal缩合词,由view + urinal5juErinl构成, 可译为“视 频便池” Digtal View数码视图(公司名) cornershop n. 街角商店 Liquid-crystal display technology液晶显示技术 cathode ray monitor 阴极射线监视器 vandalism n. 对艺术的破坏 be plugged straight into the Internet 直接与国际互联网连接 video compression technology 视频压缩技术,Notes and Explanations,cutting-edge n. 前沿;尖端 different parts of the venue(The scene or setting in which something takes place; a locale: 事件发生地点:某事发生的现场或背景 事件发生场所)现场的各个不同侧面 catch on 流行 keep a tab of 密切注视 a loo sophisticated(Very complex or complicated: 非常复杂精密或尖瑞的) enough 太高档的洗手间;loo n. 厕所;盥洗室 in progress 进行中,传真机,传真机在我国的使用已十分普及,并已成为重要的现代通讯终端设备。 Fax machines have been widely used in China as a popular and important modern telecommunications terminal equipment. 据估计,2002年中国市场对传真机的需求量为200万台,国内产量仅能满足约30%的需求,进口机将占据市场的主导地位。 It is estimated that China needs 2 million fax machines in the year 2002, but the country can only satisfy about 30% of the demand with the market being dominated by the imported ones. 目前国内市场上的传真机90%以上是进口货,其中80%来自日本。 At present, more than 90% of the fax machines in Chinas market are imported from overseas, 80% of which are from Japan.,传真机,面对这种情况,国内已有20多家生产企业组装生产传真机,并开始投放市场。 To deal with such a situation, more than 20 home plants have begun to assemble and produce fax machines, and homemade machines are being put in the market. 上海理光传真机公司生产的产品已经开始返销日本,并已开发出一种具有无纸接收功能的新颖传真机。 The Shanghai Ricoh Fax Machine Company has begun exporting its products to Japan and has developed a new model that can receive information without pa
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