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人教版英语三年级下册,Unit 4 Where is my car?,B.Lets learn,Lets read :读一读,chair,desk,on,in,under,This is my room. 这是我的房间。,car,Where is my car?,on the desk.,ball,tall,Where is my ball?,on the chair.,toy box(玩具箱),boy,box,boat,Guess :猜一猜,Where is my boat?,Is it on your desk ? 它在你桌子上吗?,No, it isnt. 不,不在。,Is it on your chair ? 它在你椅子上吗?,No, it isnt. 不,不在。,Is it in your toy box ? 它在你玩具箱里吗?,Yes, it is. 是的,在。,cap,Guess :猜一猜,Where is my cap?,Is it _ ? 它在你桌子上吗?,No, it isnt. 不,不在。,Is it on your desk ? 它在你桌子上吗?,Is it_ ? 它在你桌子下吗?,Yes, it is. 是的,在,under the chair,map,Guess :猜一猜,Where is my map?,_ ? 它在你桌子上吗?,_. 不,不在。,Is it on your desk,No, it isnt,_? 它在你桌子下吗?,Is it under your desk,No, it isnt,_. 不,不在。,_? 它在你椅子上吗?,Is it on your chair,_. 不,不在。,No, it isnt,_? 它在你玩具箱里吗?,_.,Is it in your toy box,Yes, it is,My room 我的房间,Zoom s room,Listen and answer: 听并回答,What is he looking for? 他在寻找什么?,Listen and answer: 听并回答,What is he looking for? 他在寻找什么?,boat,Listen again : 再听一遍,Where is the boat? 小船在那里?,Listen again : 再听一遍,Where is the boat? 小船在那里?,Its under the desk.,小结:,我说你做:,You should put your things away! 收拾好你的东西。,Form the habit of packing ! 养成爱收拾东西的好习惯!,Game1:,Toy wheel (玩具大转盘游戏) 请快速的站起来说出所指的单词或图片。,car,ball,map,cap,boat,Pair Work:,A:Where is the ?,B:Is it on /in /under?,A:Yes, it is ./ No, it isnt.,pen, pencil, bag, ruler , pencil box,desk chair bag pencil box book,Homework,1.听录音跟读所学的新单词,每个单词读5遍。 2.抄写课本P42的五个新单词各3遍,注意书写格式。,
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