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,Circle the signs you know,Lets learn,Let s go to the shop. I m going to buy a gift for your grandpa.,OK.,Be careful! Look at the traffic lights. Its yellow. Dont cross the street. Stop and wait.,All right.,Lets talk,The light is green. We can go now.,Lets go.,Lets talk,Question 1: Where are they going? Question 2: What are they going to do? Question 3: What color is the light in Picture 1? Question 4: What color is the light in Picture 2?,Read the text and answer the questions,以小组为单位,选择一种喜欢的方式读一读课文。,Read in groups,Read together. (齐读),Read in pictures. (分图读),Read your favorite picture. (自己选一幅读),角色扮演,小组先进行练习,然后展示,其他同学评价。,Role play,Good,Great,Excellent,Summary,本课所学的重点句型:,Lets go to.,Be careful.,e.g.,Lets go to the shop.,Be careful, girls.,
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