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管理学第十二组,陈从军,陈丹,孙方玉,贺茂斌,王秀嫚,阮青松,Operations management运营管理,structure,Operations management,How do services and manufacturing firms differ,How do we improve productivity,What strategic role does operations management play,4,1,2,3,1.Operations management,Design Operation Control transformation process Resources Goods and services,The term operations management refers to the design,operation,and control of the transformation process that converts such resources as labor and raw materials into goods and services that are sold to customers,Operations management,Key words,2.How do services and manufacturing firms differ?,manufacturing,services,Sevices organizations produce nonphysical outsputs in the form of services,vs,Manufacturing organizations produce physical goods such as cars Cell phones or food products,The reason why we compare the two,In fact, most of the worlds industrialized nations are predominantly service economies . in the United States ,for example,nearly 80 percent of all private sector jobs are now in service industries. Similiar percentages can be found in the United Kingdom(73%),Australia(71%),Germany(68%), Mexico(68%), and Canada(66%),3.How do we improve productivity,Productivity is composed of people and operations variables,The overall output of goods and services produced divided by the inputs needed to generate that output,productivity,W. Edwards Deming offered 14 key principles for management,1.Create constancy of purpose 树立改进产品和服务的长久使命 2.Adopt the new philosophy of continual improvement. 接受新的理念 3.Cease dependence on inspection to achieve quality. 不要将质量依赖于检验 4.End the practice of awarding business on the basis of price tag. 不要只是根据价格来做生意,要着眼于总成本最低 5.Improve constantly and forever the system of production and service 通过持续不断地改进生产和服务系统来实现质量 6.Institute training on the job. 做好培训 7.Institute leadership 进行领导。,W. Edwards Deming offered 14 key principles for management,8.Drive out fear 驱逐恐惧以使每一个人都能为组织有效地工作。 9.Break down barriers between departments. 拆除部门间的壁垒。 10.Eliminate slogans, exhortations, and targets for the work force 取消面向员工的口号.标语和数字目标。 11. Eliminate work standards and management by objective 取消定额或指标。 12.Remove barriersthat rob the hourly worker of his right to pride of workmanship.消除影响工作完美的障碍 13.Institute a vigorous program of education and self-improvement. 开展强有力的教育和自我提高活动 14.Put everybody in the company to work to accomplish the transformation.使组织中的每个人都行动起来起实现转变。,4.What strategic role does operations management play,Form The late 1940s to the mid-1970s,A centray ago,The late 1970s,USA,Japan,Germanyand others,USA,000 000,primarily in Detroits automobile factories,They took the opportunity to develop modern,computer- Based and technologically advanced facilities that fully integrated manufacturing into strategic planning decisions,They heavily invested in improving Manufacturing technology ,inceased the corporate authority and visibility of manufacturing executives ,and begin incorporating existing and Future production requirements Into the organizations overall stategic plan,Q&A,Q1:why is operations mannagement so important to organizations ane managers?,Q&A,A1:first,it encompasses processes in all organizations services as well as manufacturing . second,it is important in efficiently and effictively managing productivity . third ,it plays a strategic role in an organizations competitive success,Q&A,Q2:What you said is the service industry development of the abroad, I want to know about China,Q&A,A2:In china, The national bureau of statistics data show that in 2012, Chinas service sector as a share of GDP reached 44.6%, and 45.3% share of industry, service industry growth is faster And experts predict that 2013 could be a watershed, this year Chinas service sector as a share of GDP will likely catch up with industry,Thank You!,
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