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一、帮你归纳 1characteristic adj.典型的,独特的,特有的n特征,特性,特点,品质,character n(人的)品质,性格;(事物的)特点,特征;人物,角色;汉字,字体 characterize v具有的特征;描述的特征 characterless adj.无特色的;无个性的;平凡的 辨析:characteristic,feature与character,必修 Unit 1 Great scientists 课堂考点清障 考点1. Who put forward a theory about black holes? (Page 1) They put forward some practical plans at the meeting. 他们在会上提出一些很实际的计划。 用法归纳 put forward提出;推荐 put down=write down写下 put down as视为;看作 put in打断;插嘴 put off延期;推迟,3.Who put forward a theory about black holes?谁提出了黑洞的理论? put forward (1) to offer (an idea, suggestion etc.) for consideration 提出(建议等) (2)推荐某人或自己任职位;提名 May I put your name forward as our monitor?我能否提名你当我们的班长? put away 抛弃;舍弃 put down 写下来;记入名单; put on 穿上;戴上;增加 put off 耽误;延期 put out 熄灭(灯);扑灭 (火) put up 建立;建造 put up with 忍受 You can take anything from the shelf and read, but please _ the books when youve finished with them. A. put on B. put down C. put back D. put off,8put forward提出;建议;推荐;将提前 Who put_forward a theory about black holes?(回归课本P1) 要点导航 put sth.aside忽视;不理睬;忘记 put sth.away将收起;把放回原处;积蓄 put sth.back将放回;推迟;拨慢(钟表指针) put sth.down记下;镇压 put sth.in安装;插入;插话,put sth.off延期,推迟 put sth.on穿上;演出 put sth.out熄灭,扑灭 put sb./sth.through.接通电话 put sth.up举起;张贴,公布;挂起;建造,3analyse vt.分析;研究,观察并了解某事物 analysis nlsIs n分析 analyst n分析者,化验员 analytic adj.分析的;解析的 analytical adj.分析的,解析的,分析性的 提示:复数形式analyses nlsiz请特别注意,单复数只有一个字母之差。,We should consider all these factors in coming to draw a conclusion. 我们需要综合考虑这些因素以便我们得出结论。 用法归纳 conclude vt.结束;推断出 draw a conclusion得出结论 to conclude使结束;完毕;最后 对应训练 (1)The doctor _ (断定)that the patients disease was only a cold. (2)To _ (最后),I wish you all good health and a long life. (3)From his appearance we may safely _ (得出结论)that he is a heavy smoker.,conclude,concluded,conclude,.重点词汇及短语 1conclude vt.可以用in which;还可以省略. I dont like the way (that/ in which) you speak to your father. 我不喜欢你跟你父亲讲话的方式. 与way相关的短语: by the way 顺便说 by way of 通过的方法 lose ones way 迷路 no way (俚语) 没门,别想 feel ones way 摸黑走,谨慎从事on ones way to在去的路上 in this way=by this means=with this method用这种方法,6. control,v. 统治,控制 He tried to control his anger. 他尽量控制自己的愤怒。 n. 统治,控制 , 掌握 in control of指导;支配 He was in control of the car.他负责这辆小汽车。 under the control of 被控制着 ( go ) out of control 失控,他的钱是由他妻子掌管的。 那辆车失去控制撞在墙上。,His money is under the control of his wife.,The car went out of control and hit the wall.,7control v承受;承担 (费用等) Use the cloth to absorb the spilled ink. 吸干撒的墨水 We will not absorb these charges.我们不能承担这些费用. absorbin/by.吸引注意 I was absorbed in a book and didnt hear you call.专心看书,absorbinto吸收 The big company has gradually absorbed these small companies into its own organization.这家大公司逐渐将这些小的公司吞并了。,7. absorb vt. 吸引;吸收;使专心 【语境强化】 (1)Black clothing absorbs light. (2)The task absorbed all his energies. 【常用搭配】 be absorbed in absorb oneself in 全神贯注于 The old man was utterly absorbed in the book. be absorbed into 被吞并到,7absorb vt. 吸收(液体、气体);耗费;承受,承担;吸引,使专心;理解 提示:absorb 是及物动词,因此后面必须跟宾语,其宾语可以是sth.或sb.,也可以是反身代词oneself。 absorbability n可吸收性 absorbable adj.易被吸收的 absorbing adj.吸引人的 be absorbed by 被吞并;为所吸收 be absorbed in 全神贯注在;一心从事,热衷于 absorb sbs attention 吸引某人注意,8. severe,= serious 严厉的,严格的 = very harmful 剧烈的 be severe with = be strict with 对要求严格 His severe looks frightened me. 他的严厉表情使我恐慌。 He has a severe pain in his leg. 他的脚痛得厉害。 他对自己要求很严格。 He is very severe with himself.,8severe adj.(人、纪律)严厉的,严格的;(疼痛)剧烈的 be severe with 对要求严格 be strict with 对要求严格 be severe on/upon 对很严厉 severe looks 严肃的神色 a severe wound 重伤 a severe winter 严冬,9. valuable a. 贵重的,重要的,有用的,be valuable to sb. 对某人有价值 be valuable for sth. 对有用 value n. 价值 valuable = of great value 他给我们提供了宝贵的信息。 这本书对我的学习很有价值。 电脑对储存资料很有用。,He provided us with valuable information.,This book is valuable to me in my studies.,This book is of great value to me in my studies.,Computer is valuable for storing information.,11. handle,n. 把手, 柄 v. 操作, 处理,管理, 拿 the handle of the door handle the business handle an argument handle the food,门的把手,管理业务,处理一场争论,拿食物,要点导航 instruction n教授;指导;用法说明(书),操作指南(常用复数) instructive adj.说明性的,指示性的;有教育意义的 instructor n辅导员,讲师 be instructed to do sth.被指示做某事 instruct sb.in sth.在某方面指导某人 instruct后接that从句时,从句中的动词形式用shoulddo形式,should可以省略。,12instruct vt.命令;指示;教导 instruct sb. to do 命令某人做某事 instruct sb. in sth.在某方面指导某人 instruct sb. how to do 指导某人如何做某事 提示:instruct意为“命令”时,后面的宾语从句的谓语动词要用“should动词原形”,should可省略;instruction意为“说明书;用法指南”时,在句中常以复数形式出现。,要点导航 (1)contribute.to.把贡献给 contribute to为作出贡献;把时间投入;有助于;导致 (2)contribution n捐献物;贡献;捐款;稿件 make a contribution to对作出贡献 contribution to对的贡献 (3)contributor n撰稿人;捐助人;促成物,6cure vt.治愈,治疗;n.疗法,治疗药 cure sb. of 治好(病、恶习等) a cure for 治疗的方法 remind sb. of sth.提醒某人某事 inform sb. of sth. 告诉某人某事 convince sb. of sth.说服某人某事,15cautious cautious作形容词,意为“谨慎的;非常小心的;细心的”,其后常用介词about/with/of。 辨析:careful/cautious careful的意思是“小心;仔细的;谨慎的”,表示很注意细节,行为小心以避免错误。 cautious的意思是“十分小心的;谨慎的”,意义相近,但它表示的是所有方面都仔细考虑之后才采取行为,带有迟疑、提防等心理。,16reject vt.抛开;丢掉;拒绝,抵制n.被拒绝或抛弃的人或物 reject a gift/a possibility/an opinion/a suggestion 拒绝接受一件礼物/一种可能性
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