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精品文档 . 七年级下册第九单元测试 一、单选题( 30分) 1.Her father _ bald, but her mother _ long, black hair. A. is; is B. is; hasC. has; is D. has; has 2.What does Merry look like?_. A. She looked like her motherB. She is funny. C. She had brown hair and black eyesD. She looks like a movie star 3.My teacher is very young. He short, straight hair. A. have B. has C. haves 4.My little brother likes chess. He joins chess club. A. plays B. play C. playing 5. “Stop . ” said the teacher,“There is too much noise here.” A. talk B. to talk C. talking 6.Nobody why he is late. A. knows B. know C. knowing 7.My grandfather _ bald, but my father _ short, blonde, curly hair. A. has;has B. is;has C. has ;is D. is;is 8. Does she have red hair? A. Yes, she does B. No, she isnt C. Yes, she is. 9. One of the women gold earrings.A. does B. has C. have 10. My friend is a _ girl. A good-looking B. good-look C. looking good D. look-good 11-What does your friend look like? -_. A. He is thin B. She is a kind girl C. She likes music D. She has good-looking 12. Mr Simmons_ a medium build, and he has yellow hair. A. is B. has C. looks like D. isnt 13. -Is he heavy?-No, he is a little bit _. A. tall B. thin C. short D. quiet 14.-Lucy doesn t have curly hair.-Yes, we can say she has _hair. A. bald B. blonde C. short D. straight 15.-Which is your teacher?-The one _ thick glasses over his eyes is. A. wears B. wear C. with D. has 16.-Is Miss Gao tall?-No, she isnt tall, and she isnt short, too. She is _. A. medium height B. medium build C. a little heavy D. thin 17. -_?-He has big eyes and small nose. A. How old is he B. What does he do C. What does he look like D. How is he 18. -Who is in the classroom now? -_.All the students are on the playground. A. Someone B. Anybody C. Nobody D. Mary 19. -Is your friend quiet?-No, he never stops _. A. talk B talking C. to talk D. laughing 20. -Tom is not very heavy.-Yes, I think we can say he is _ heavy. A. a little B. a bit C. a little bit D. A,B and C 精品文档 . 21.Are you _ Chinese or Japanese? A.anB./ C.the D.one 22.The boy _ his father. A.look like B.is loved C.is liked D.is like 23.Miss Su teaches _ English_. A.us;well B.our;well C.us;good D.our;good 24.Its half past ten now. I think the shop _. A.opens B.is openC.is opening D.open 25.This is _ sharpener._ is over there. A.him; Hers B.his; HersC.mine; His D.yours; Mine 26.How do you like the food? _. A.Very much B.Very wellC.Very nice D.Very good 27.I have _ to do this evening. A.a lot of works B.many workC.a lot of work D.some works 28.They watch TV _ Sunday evening,but we _. A.on; dont B.in; doC.on; arent D.in; are 29.There is _ food here.We have to buy some. A.any B.someC.no D.not 30.My grandfather _ bald,but my father _ short,blonde,curly hair. A.has;has B.is;hasC.has;is D.is;is 二完形填空:(20 分) A People are often killed when they 1 the road.Most of these people are old people and children.Old people are often killed because they can not see 2 hear very well.Children are often killed because they are not 3 .They forget to look and listen 4 they cross the road. A car,truck or bus can not stop very 5 .If the car is going very fast ,it will travel many meters before it stops.People dont always understand this.They think a car can stop 6 a few meters.The faster a car is traveling ,the longer it takes to stop.It is very 7 for a person to know how fast a car is traveling. The 8 safe way to cross the road is to look both ways ,right and left.Then 9 the road is clear,it is safe to cross. The right way to cross the road is to walk quickly.It is not 10 to run across the road.If people run across the road,they may fall down. 1.A.over B.acrossC.cross D.through 2.A.and B.but C.both D.or 3.A.care B.carefulC.strong D.healthy 4.A.before B.afterC.since D.for 5.A.ate B.earlyC.quickly D.slowly 6.A.during B.among C.between D.in 7.A.easy B.difficultC.busy D.trouble 8.A.few B.onlyC.often D.always 9.A.if B.beforeC.which D.what 10.A.hard B.dangerC.safe D.dangerous 精品文档 . B Johnny is twelve _1_ old. He is very tall and he loves _2_ basketball. His parents _3_from Anqing. Sally is small and she _4_ glasses. She _5_ long and curly hair. She likes _6_. She _7_ hard.Dave _8_ medium height.He enjoys _9_computer games. He loves to tell _10_. ( ) 1. A. year B. years C. / D. years ( ) 2 .A. play B. plays C. playing D. to play ( ) 3. A. is B. are C. comes D. be ( ) 4. A. not wear B. do wear C. doesn t wear D. don t wear ( ) 5. A. has B. have C. is D. are ( )6. A. sing B. singing C. sings D. doesn t sing ( ) 7. A. works B. working C. to work D. doesn t work ( ) 8. A. are B. be C. is D. am ( ) 9. A. plays B. playing C. to play D. play ( ) 10. A. jokes B joke C. to joke D. not joke 三改错,指出下列句子中的错误并改正(5 分) 1.He has medium height. 2.My fa
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