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Lets climb up the hill!,unit 4,1.很少,不常 2.需要 3.休息, 歇息 4.只是 5.活动 6.从不,绝不 7.一刻钟 8.练习,训练 9.希望,祝愿 10.博物馆 11.野餐 12.两次 13. 不喜欢,厌恶 14.原因,理由 15. 准备好,seldom need rest just activity never quarter practise wish museum picnic twice dislike reason ready,warm-up:,1. I s_ read English in the morning, so I cant speak English very well. 2. There are many old things in these m . 3. Whats the time now?Its a _ (一刻钟)past six. 4. Tell me the _( 理由)for your coming late. 5. Lily likes swimming. But Lucy _( 不喜欢 ) it. 6. .We_(练习)speaking English every day. 7.I like these_(活动).Do you want to join us? 8. They can help us get r_ for the day. 9. I am very tired. Can I have a r_? 10.Please give my best_(祝愿)to your grandparents.,eldom,useums,quarter,reason,dislikes,practise,activities,eady,est,wishes,小试牛刀,wake up,at weekends,all kinds of books,borrow books from the library,do morning exercises,do afterschool activities,chat with each other,twice a month,Start to go!,go on a picnic,get ready for,learn a lot about,have too much homework,on Wednesday afternoon,tell sb. about sth.,betweenand,best wishes,We continue to go!,Language points:,1.It is time for sth. = It is time to do sth. 到了该做某事的时候了。,eg.到了该吃早饭的时候了吗 ?,Is it time for breakfast? Is it time to have breakfast?,It is time for sb. to do sth. 到了某人该做某事的时候了。,It is time for her _(go) to school.,to go,2.叫醒某人 wake sb. (代词)up,1 .我妈妈经常在早上6点叫醒我。 ( )2. Its seven oclock Its time for Millie to get up. Lets _. A. wake up her B. wake her up C. wake up him D. wake him up,My mother often wakes me up at 6 in the morning.,B,3.need 需要 需要一个好的休息 _ 需要某物_ 需要做某事 _ 需要某人做某事 _ ( ) Mum wants to make a cake. She needs_ some eggs. A. buy B. buys C. to buy D. buying,need sth need to do sth need sb to do sth,need a good rest,C,4.have fun 玩得开心 =have a good/great time =enjoy oneself 1.We always have a good time at school.(同义改写) We always_ _at school. have fun +doing sth.=have a good/great time +doing sth. 做某事很开心。 ( )2. They always have a great time_ on the phone. A. chatting B. chating C. to chat D. chat,have fun,A,5.practise v.练习 practise doing sth. 练习做某事 1.What about_ (practise)_(play) basketball? 2.我们应该练习说英语。 we should practise speaking English.,practising,playing,Come on!,6.有时间做某事 have much time to do sth. 1. He doesnt have much time _ (listen) to music from Monday to Friday. have no time to do sth. 没有时间做某事 2.Sandy has no time_(play) tennis. ( )3. - Do you have much homework _ every day? -No, we usually have lots of time _ after- school activities. A. to do, doing B. to do, to do C. doing, doing D. doing, to do,to listen,to play,B,7.thank sb. for sth. 感谢某人某事 thank sb. for doing sth. 感谢某人做某事 1.Thank you for your_(help). Thank you for _(help) me.,help,helping,8.too much +不可数 太多 too many +可数 太多 much too + 形容词 太 eg.太多作业 too much homework 太多书 too many books 太开心 much too happy 1.too much , much too I am_tired(累),but I have_ homework to do. ( )2. We students should not watch_ TV or_ films on weekdays. A. too much; too much B. too many; too many C. too much; too many D. too many; too much,much too,too much,c,9. be good for 对有好处 be bad for 对有坏处 ( )1. Doing morning exercises _ us. A. are good for B. is good to C. is good for D. are good to ( )2. Dont watch _ TV every day. Its bad_ your eyes. A. too many; for B. too much; for C. many too; to D. much too; to,c,B,9.介词用法口诀: 年、月、日 in in on 星期前面 on 跟上 at 紧跟时间点 年龄前面把手牵 还有三个特殊记 中午(noon)深夜(night) 别忘记 三餐时间(lunchtime)别丢弃 季节前面要用in 早中晚上也可行 前面有了修饰词 on 要代替介词in 圣诞春节用at 有day节日要用on,1.I often get up _six oclock. 2.Tom often chats with me _ lunchtime. 3.I began to learn English_8. 4.Children get many presents _Christmas. 5.I read English _ the morning. 6.My sister was born _the cold morning of 2nd October. 7. I was born _ October, too. 8.We skate _ winter and swim _ summer. 9.Kate is my friend. She was born _1999. 10.We dont have lessons _ Sundays.,at,(clock time),at,(mealtimes),at,(age),at,(festivals),in,(parts of the day),on,(parts of a specific day),in,(months),in,in,(seasons),in,(years),on,(days),选用介词at,in,on填空,Victory is coming!,10.频度副词 (频率由高到低): always (总是) usually(通常) often (经常) sometimes(有时) seldom(很少) never(从不),翻译下列句子 1. 太阳总是从东方升起,西方落下. The sun _ rises in the east and sets in the west. 2. 他通常10点钟睡觉 He _ goes to bed at ten oclock. 3. 他上学经常迟到 He is _ late for school. 4. 有时他晚饭后去图书馆. He _ goes to the library after supper. 5. 莉莉很少读报 Lily _ reads newspaper. 6. 我上学从来不迟到 I am _ late for school.,often,sometimes,seldom,never,always,usually,1. 频率副词用在be动词、助动词、情态动词后。 It is usually hot in summer. 夏天天气通常是热的。 2. 频率副词用在主要动词前。 My father usually walks home. 我的父亲经常步行回家。,频率副词在句中的位置:,1. Tom _ to work by bicycle. A. usually go B. go usually C. usually goes D. go
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