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Unit 6 Topic 1 Section A 1.听说2.下中国象棋3.教某人 /学做某事4.没问题5.做某事对某人是 . 2.6.在某人空闲时7.最喜欢 . / 某人的最爱的某物/更喜欢 . 比起.更喜欢 . 3.喜欢做某事(四个)8.演员/女演员9.我也一样 10.哪种节目 11.动作动作片 12 毫 无疑问 ,肯定 13 魔术表演14 令人着迷的,吸引人的 /有关教育的 /悲剧,悲剧作品 /纪 录片/喜剧,喜剧片 /使命。天职,军事行动 /冒险,冒险经历,奇遇 1 could you teach me how to play it 2 I want to be a famous singer like the singing stars I see on TV. 3 It shows us what the future be like 4 I would rather watch sports than those ones. Unit 6 Topic 1 Section A of/about hear that+句Chinese chess sb to do sth/learn to do sth s adj. for sb. to do sth . ones free/spare time .best + ones favorite sth/ 4.like.better/more=prefer. / prefer doing to doing=prefer to do rather than do=prefer to do instead of doing=would rather do than do actress do I kind of.11 action/action movie12 It is certain that13 magic show 14 charming/educational/tragedy/documentary/comedy/mission/adeventure Unit 6 Topic 1 Section B 1 对.感到厌倦2.上映3.用一种疲惫的声音4.吃惊地 5.看电视太晚6.吸引 n./v./adj. 科幻电影8.对.感兴趣 9.听起来棒极了 10.火星历险11.下课后 12.你愿意和我一起去吗 13.以.为根据 14.验证他的想15.一群. 16.船员,乘务员17.奥迷/ 神秘的 / 营救行动 18 奖,奖品,奖金 /运动,移动 /大体普遍 /足迹/有才能的,天才的 /教练 1 A scientist and inventor decides to prove that time travel is possible. 2 To test his travels 800000 years into the future with the help of his own invention-a time machine. 3 A group of aliens visit the earth and one of them,., gets lost and is left on this plane. 4 A mysterious storm kills all but one crew member of the first manned mission to Mars. Unit 6 Topic 1 Section B 1.be tired of./be bored with put on/be on a tired voice surprise TV too late attract/attractive fiction movie/film interested in to Mars class you like to go with me based on his ideas/thoughts group of 16 crew mysterious/a rescue mission18 award/motion/general/footstep/talented/coach 2.Unit 6 Topic 1 Section C 1.三条新闻2 娱乐 3.奥斯卡颁奖典礼4.获奖名单5.影片6.演员 表演 动作 7 导演 指导 方向8.礼物 /目前/ 呈现9.西班牙 西班牙语10.一个总的回顾11.追寻某人 脚步 12 在一次采访中13.热衷于做某事 . 14.没关系15 从事运动 /从事, 继续, 占据16. 目的做某事17.做某事是某人的荣誉职责18 正式的,正规的 /组织,筹备 /发展,进步 12.Unit 6 Topic 1 Section C pieces of news 2.entertainment Academy Awards Ceremony list of picture actress, act, direct/direction general review of. ones footsteps an interview13. be into doing doesnt matter that 从句 15. take up sports/take to do s an/my honor to do formally/organize/advance 1 The show will present 300 of the famous spanish artist s painting and drawings. 2 It is wonderful chance for art lovers to see so many works of the great artist. 3 The famous football star,David Beckham, would love his three boys to follow his footsteps. 4 But it would be great for them to take up sports,because it s such a great things. Unit 6 Topic 1 Section D 1.受欢迎的,流行的2.在某人空闲的3.某人花费金钱 /时间做某事4.对有巨大影 响5.对.有益/有害 6.众所周知7.获取信息的方法 8.向某人提供某东西9.发现外面的世界10 因此11. 暴力 12.代替;而不是 ;相反 13.在前面 /在后面 .打破 n.打断,休息车闸 15.通常,大体,一般来说16.处理。对付 17. 毕竟18.选择 Unit 6 Topic 1 Section D 1.be popular with ones spare time 3. Sb/ spend 时间/金钱 on sth/in doing sth. a huge/great influence on. affect /effect bad for=be harmful to=do harm to is known to all=as we know way of getting information violence sb. with. sth/sth. for sb. the outside world 10.therefore (of) (the) front of .behind /at the back of 14. speaking=in general with(how) do with(what) all choice 1 Is all this television good for us or bad for us 2 It provides us with a more lively way to discover the outside world. 3 Instead of doing outdoor activities, they usually sit in front of the screen for hours enjoying the funny shows and cartoons without break. 4 In general,the problem is not television, but the programs we choose to watch. Unit 6 Topic 2 Section A 1.性格,品质,角色,汉字 /文学,文学作品 /文学的 /说法,陈述 /社会,社团 /诗歌,诗集 / 诗人/戏剧/剧作家 /最优秀的,典型的2.中国古典文学四大名着3.西游记 /猴王/沙僧/猪 八戒/唐僧 5.favorite / like.better /prefer.to/than 6.为了,目的是 7.发现做某事新方法beat/win 9 事 实上be sb./sth. 11.在某人看来12.既不.也不. 13.没有.的帮助14 独木不 成林15.克服困难16.坚持做某事 1 He is a hero in the novel called Journey to the West,Which is one of the four classic novels of chinese literature. 2 I think he is the bravest character I ve known. 3 In order to help Harry, His friend read many books and discovered the best way to defeat their enemines. 4 It was sandy and pigsy who helped the Monkey King win every battle. 5 In my view,neither the Monkey King nor Harry Potter would become a hero without the help of their friends. Unit 6 Topic 2 Section A 1Character/literature/literary/staement/society/poetry/poet/drama/playwright/classic 2.the four classic novel of Chinese to the West/the Monkey King/Sandy/Pigsy 5.one s favorite sth./ Prefer (doing) sth. to (doing) sth.= Prefer to do rather than do=would rather do than do order to do/in order that=so that + 从句 new way to do beat sb. at sth. win +比赛 game/competition/match/ 奖项 medal/prize 名次 place 战争 war/battle 等 9.in fact=as a matter of fact ones view/opinion .nor. tree cant make . difficulties to doing sth.+keep on doing sth. Unit 6 Topic 2 Section B 参观文学社 2.诗歌/诗集/诗人 3.被看做是的多少倍5.英国;英国的 6.都 2 / 都不 2 /全都 3 /都不 3 7.人性的阴暗面8. 代表作 ,杰作/地区,区域/彩虹/灵感,妙语/叙
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