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Chapter 2 Management Yesterday and Today TRUE/FALSE QUESTIONS HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF MANAGEMENT 1. According to Adam Smith, division of labor was an important concept. (True; easy; p. 26) 2. In the Industrial Revolution, machine power began substituting for human power. (True; easy; p. 27) 3. The Industrial Revolution began in the nineteenth century. (False; moderate; p. 27) SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT 4. Principles of Scientific Management was written by Frederick Winslow Taylor. (True; moderate; p. 28) 5. “One best way” is the phrase most associated with scientific management. (True; moderate; p. 28) 6. The primary issue that aroused Taylor to create a more scientific approach to management was worker effectiveness. (False; difficult; p. 28) 7. Based on his scientific management principles, Taylor suggested the incentive pay principle. (True; moderate; p. 28) 8. Geert Hofstede is associated with the scientific management approach. (False; moderate; p. 28) 9. Frank Gilbreths best-known contribution to scientific management concerned selecting the best worker. (False; moderate; p. 29) 10. Gilbreth is best known for “the one best way.” (False; moderate; p. 28) 11. Frederick Taylor is most associated with the principles of scientific management. (True; easy; p. 28) 12. Geert Hofstede was among the first researchers to use motion pictures to study hand-and-body motions. (False; moderate; p. 29) GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE THEORISTS 13. General administrative theory focuses only on managers and administrators. (False; moderate; p. 29) 14. One could say that Fayol was interested in studying macromanagement issues, whereas Taylor was interested in studying micromanagement issues. (True; moderate; p. 30) 15. The 14 principles of management are associated with Fayol. (True; moderate; p. 30) 16. An organization that has a division of labor, a clearly defined hierarchy, detailed rules, and impersonal relationships would be described as a bureaucracy. (True; moderate; p. 30) 17. Webers bureaucracy is a lot like scientific management. (True; moderate; p. 30) QUANTITATIVE APPROACH TO MANAGEMENT 18. The qualitative approach to management has also been labeled operations research or management science. (False; moderate; p. 32) 19. Linear programming is a technique that managers use to improve resource allocation decisions. (True; moderate; p. 32) TOWARD UNDERSTANDING ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR 20. Concern for employee motivation is most closely associated with organizational behavior. (True; moderate; p. 32) 21. Barnard, Follett, Munsterberg, and Owen are all theorists associated with the early organizational behavior approach. (True; moderate; p. 33) 22. Hugo Munsterberg created the field of industrial psychology. (False; moderate; p. 33) 23. Hugo Munsterberg was an early advocate of the human resources approach to management. (True; moderate; p. 33) 24. Munsterbergs work in industrial psychology is easily connected with the scientific management approach. (True; moderate; p. 33) 25. Without question, the most important contribution to the developing field of organizational behavior came from the Hawthorne studies. (True; moderate; p. 33) 26. The Hawthorne studies were performed at the General Motors plant beginning in 1924. (False; easy; p. 33) 27. Follett is the scientist who is most closely associated with the Hawthorne studies. (False; moderate; p. 34) CURRENT TRENDS AND ISSUES 28. Electronic commerce is any form of business exchange or transaction in which the parties interact electronically. (True; moderate; p. 40) 29. An organization whose whole existence is made possible by and revolves around the Internet is categorized as e-business enhanced. (False; moderate; p. 41) 30. According to the textbook, total quality management is a philosophy of management driven by continual improvement and responding to customer needs and expectations. (True; moderate; p. 43) MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS For each of the following choose the answer that most completely answers the question. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF MANAGEMENT 31. Which of the following is not a reason Smith claimed enhanced productivity from division of labor a. increasing worker skill and dexterity b. saving time lost in changing tasks c. creating labor-saving inventions d. strict management control over worker time and motion (d; moderate; p. 26) 32. An example of early uses of the functions of management is the _. a. development of gunpowder b. arsenal of Venice where ships were built c. Artists Revolution in 1803 d. War of 1812 (b; moderate; p. 26) 33. In Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith described the breakdown of jobs into narrow and repetitive tasks and called this _. a. assembly lines b. lowest common factor of work c. division of labor d. greatest common factor of work (c; challenging; p. 26) 34. The major contribution of the Industrial Revolution was the substitution of _ for human power. a. electricity b.
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