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大学体验英语unit5 Passage B 语言点 译文 课后答案Think About It:1. What kind of image does a superman produce in your mind?Answer:A superman in my mind should look very strong and very smart, and with super-natural perseverance and a warm heart.2. Have you ever watched a horse-riding competition?Answer:Yes, I have, but it was on TV. Horse-riding is very popular in many other western countries. It is very exciting and attracts huge crowds of people. But sometimes an accident may happen if it is not handled properly.3 .What are the biggest difficulties you have met with in your life and how did you overcome them?Answer:One of the biggest difficulties I met with was that when I was in senior high school I had a bicycle accident. My leg was broken and I stayed in hospital for several weeks. At that time, the national entrance exam was around the corner. So I spent days and nights in the hospital reviewing my lessons and finally I succeeded.The information in a passage can be organized in different ways. In what way can identifying passage organization help you in your reading?Read and think1.Work with your partner and answer the following questions.1. How did Christopher Reeve fall off the horse?Answer:The horse stopped suddenly, but Christopher kept going. This caused him to be thrown forward over the horses head.2. What did Christopher Reeve manage to do after the operation?Answer:He managed to breathe on his own.3.How long did Christopher Reeve stay in the hospital?Answer:He stayed in the hospital for about seven months.4.Why did Christopher Reeve begin to make public speeches after he left the hospital?Answer:He made speeches to advise people not to give up whenever they face challenges.5.What can we learn from Christopher?Answer:He was just like a Superman in real life. He was dashing, handsome, and strong. He skied, sailed, flew planes, went scuba diving, rode horses, played tennis and did it all with skill and ease.2. Choose the best answer to each question with the information from the passage.Anwser: 1.B, 2.D, 3.B, 4.D, 5.ALanguage Focus3. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.Anwser: 1. bound 2. sustain 3. obstacle 4. restored 5. approval6. shift 7. emphasize 8. undergo 9. invincible 10. appearanceRead and complete4. Complete the following sentences with phrases or expressions chosen from the passage. Change the form where necessary.Anwser: 1. set out 2. at a time 3. in . shape 4. stopped short 5. turned toRead and translate5. Translate the following sentences into English.1. 由于公共汽车司机突然刹车,旅客们都不由自主地向前摔倒。(brake, pitch forward)Answer:All the passengers pitched forward because the bus driver braked sharply.2. 这个协议将冲破对自由贸易设置的障碍。(break through, obstacle)Answer:This agreement will break through the obstacles to free trade.3 .我刚放下叫出租车的电话,车就来了。(soon after)Answer:The taxi arrived soon after I rang for it.4. 在过去,不管我什么时候到家,我父母总会等我。(no matter)Answer:My parents always waited up for me no matter what time I got home.5 .由于没有一方愿意让步,两个公司之间的对话完全破裂了。(break down)Answer:Talks between the two companies completely broke down, because neither of them wanted to give in Reading Skills PracticeAnswer: 1. The paragraph is organized in time sequence.Christopher set out to prove the doctors wrong. First of all, he wanted to breathe on his own. Five months after the accident, he asked to be taken off the respirator. He managed just 10 feeble breaths before being reconnected to the breathing tube. Refusing to be discouraged, Christopher took a few more breaths the next day. By the fourth day, he was able to breathe seven minutes without assistance. After three months, he could sustain himself for 90 minutes at a time. By the end of 1995, he was able to go home.2. The order of his recovery process is as follows:He asked to be taken off the respirator and managed just 10 feeble breaths.He took a few more breaths.He was able to breathe seven minutes without assistance.He could sustain himself for 90 minutes at a time.He was able to go home.Translation 译文克里斯托弗里夫 真正的超人他“比飞速前行的子弹还快,比火车头更有力,轻轻一跃就能跳上高大的建筑物。”他就是全世界最伟大的超级英雄。1977年,克里斯托弗里夫出演超人系列电影,全国观众欢呼喝彩。克里斯托弗活跃、英俊、强壮,一如影片中的超人,而且似乎战无不胜。他滑雪、驾船、驾驶飞机、潜水、骑马、打网球,无一不是技艺高超,挥洒自如。谁也无法想象克里斯托弗会是另外一种样子。1995年5月27日,一切都改变了。当时克里斯托弗和妻子达纳莫罗西尼带着年幼的儿子威尔待在弗吉尼亚州。他参加了一项为期三天的马术比赛。他的坐骑“东方快车”看上去状态颇佳。42岁的克里斯托弗也显得同样神采奕奕,气定神闲。对克里斯托弗而言,比赛进行得很顺利,虽没有名列前茅,但也没有落到最后。但在一场两英里的障碍赛中,第三次跨越障碍时,马和骑手之间不知怎么失去了默契。“东方快车”突然停了下来,可是克里斯托弗还在继续前行,他身子飞过马的头顶,头部着地摔了下来:一动不动,甚至没有呼吸。克里斯托弗颅腔底部的脊柱折断了,导致颈部以下瘫痪。他不能说话,甚至无法自主呼吸。当时医生们认为他的生存几率只有50%。绝望攫住了克里斯托弗里夫的心。他想,也许放弃生存的努力是最佳的方案。死亡似乎是最不费劲、痛苦最少的一件事。他想放弃生存对家人而言也是最佳方案。但这时他看见妻子达纳站在他身边,对他说:“你依然是你。我爱你。”从那一刻开始,克里斯托弗一心只想着活下去。他鼓起勇气,开始为生命而战斗。几天以后,克里斯托弗接受了手术,术后他的上半身恢复了一些知觉。不过,医生们仍然不乐观。他可能永远不能再走路了。他也许永远就只能靠着呼吸器来呼吸了。克里斯托弗要证明医生们错了。首先,他想靠自己呼吸。事故过后5个月,他要求拿掉呼吸器。他只勉强地呼吸了10次就得重新连上呼吸管。克里斯托弗毫不气馁,第2天又多呼吸了几次。到第4天的
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