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1.The train to .is arriving, please let passengers exit first. Next station: _,doors will open on the left/right Please mind the gap between the train and the platform. 开往 .的列车即将到站,请先下后上,下一站: _左/右侧的将会车门打开,请小心列车与站台之间的空隙。 2.Get on/off the bus in an orderly fashion . 请有序上下车。 3.Please stand in line . Let passengers get off first. 请排队候车,先下后上。 4.Please be careful. 请注意安全。 5.Please hold fast and sit securely. 请做好扶稳。 6.Please take care of your belongings. 请保管好您的行李物品。 7.Do not exit or board when doors are closing 当车门正在关闭,请勿上/下车 8.Please stand by at the door. 请勿靠近车门。 9.Please hold the handrail (to balance) 请抓紧扶手(站稳) 10. The last train this evening will be the service to 今晚最后一列火车是到 11. Were now at _, you may interchange to Line 2 or Line 8. 人民广场到了,您可换乘2 号线或 8 号 12. Were now at _. Please get ready to alight from the left 到了,下车的乘客请提前做好准备,从左 门下车。 13. Please remember to take all (your luggage) / (your belongings) with you.请带齐您的行李准备下车。 14. Mind your step when the door is opened 开门请当心。 15. Please move to the middle of the bus. 请往中间走。 16. Don t stand at the door. 不要在车门处停留。 17. At which platform is our train 我们坐的那趟车停在哪个站台 18. Can we go direct or do we have to change 我们能直达还是必须转车 19. Could you tell me how to go to the platform 你能告诉我去站台怎么走吗 20. Does the train stop at South Road 请问列车在西藏南路站停吗 21. How frequent is this subway service 这班地铁多长时间来一次 22. Which line do I take for the Art Gallery 去美术馆乘哪条地铁 23. Do I have to pay an additional fare to change trains 换乘地铁还要付费吗 24. Where do we pay the fare 我们在哪儿付车费 25. Is it the right station to change 是在这一站换乘吗 26. Where do I change to the Second Line 请问我在哪儿换乘地铁二号线 27. Here comes the train. 车来了。 28. The first train pulls in there at 5:00 a.m. 首班列车早上5 点进站。 29. Be careful! Subway doors open and close automatically. 当心!地铁车门是自动开关的。 30. Look, therere two empty seats over there. 看,那边有两个空位子。 31. Is there any subway nearby 请问这附近有地铁吗 32. I cant find the subway entrance. 我找不到地铁入口。 33. Its two blocks away from the subway station. 到地铁站有两个街区。 34. How long will it take by subway 坐地铁要花多长时间 35. Sir,is this the right subway to central park先生,这是去往中央公园的地铁吗 36. You are in the opposite direction. 你坐反了。 37. Let s stand on the better position to get on the train. 咱们得占个有利的位置以便上车。 38. How do I change 我该怎样转车呢 39. We transfer the line one there. 我们就在那换成一号线。 40. Which is the transfer station 那个站是换乘站 41. How many stops are there to xidan station 到西单还有几站? 42. Which exit is for the library 去图书馆应该走哪个出口 43. Is this the transfer station for the loop line 这是去环线地铁的换乘站吗? 44. Taking a subway W:Dan, hurry, the train is coming. M:Don t rush ,behave yourself please. Let the people get off first. W:Ah, there are so many if the train gets full before we could get in? M:But if we all push that way in, nobody could get off and nobody could get in either. W:The next station is many stops are there to xidan station ? M:There are four more stops. W:Oh my God! M:What s wrong, you are like a little monkey on needles. 像个小猴子似的如坐针毡。 W:I need to use the restroom, is there a restroom on the train? M:No, not on the train, but in the station. W:Oh, Im praying the subway will get there as fast as possible . You can see:(你能看到的 ) 严禁携带易燃易爆物品进站上车 Bringing combustibles and exploders into the station and on board is strictly prohibited. 为了你的安全,请按扶梯 For your safety, please hold the handle. 地铁让你生活更便捷 Metro offers easy tour for you. 请留意您需要换乘线路的首末班车时间,以免耽误您的出行 Please pay close attention to the interchange schedule, if you want to transfer to other line 末班车进站前三分钟停止售票 Stop selling ticket at three minutes before the last train arrives 持公交卡的乘客可在三个换乘站出站后30 分钟内进入邻线换乘 Public transportation card holder is changed by one journey when change in Yishan Road(Line 3,4 and 9), Shanghai Railway Staion(Line1,3 and 4) and Hongkou Football Stadium(Line 3 and 8) within 30 minutes 厕所在上层There is a toilet on the upper level. 这里不能用upstairs,因为 upstairs 指的是当你在平地的时候,说的上层。地铁是在地下 ,用 above level 或 upper level 更合适。 到西直门换乘13 号线地铁 Go to the Xizhimen Station to Switch to Railway (因为这句话的最终目的是“ 去乘 13 号地铁 ” 所以要先说 “ 到西直门 ” 然后在说原因“ 去乘 13 号地铁 ” ) 坐右边的地铁到复兴门下车 Take the train on the right side and get off at the Fuxingmen Station. 请您站在黄色安全线后排队候车 Please wait behind the yellow safety line while waiting for the train. 乘客注意安全,往后站 All passengers,please be careful and stay back. 从站台中部上/下 台阶 ,换乘1/2 号线地铁 Please use the up/down stairs in the middle of the station to switch to Railway 2 Certain stations are closed on public holidays. 假日某些车站关闭 Help us to keep the tube litter free 请协助我们,保持地铁清洁卫生。 Luggage must not be put in the gateway 行李不准放到过道上。 Mind the gap 小心台阶间跨度 Not valid on certain trains. 车票对某些列车无效 Peak hours only 只限高峰时段 Please keep gateways clear 请保持过道畅通。 Single or return tickets only 单程或往返程票 Stand clear of the door 请不要站在门口。 To ensure punctuality, this barrier may be closed up to one minute prior to departure of each train 为确保准时 发车,此门在发车前一分钟关闭。 Toilet engaged 厕所有人 Train departure 出站列车 Please use other doors 请使用其他门 Please stand behind the yellow line 请站在黄线外 Speak
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