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中考英语语法填空训练题及答案13-18(13)A magician (魔术师) was working on a ship. The audience (观众) would be (16) _ (difference) every week, (17) _ the magician did the same tricks over and over again. There was only one problem: (18) _ parrot saw the shows each week and began to (19) _ (understand) how the magician did every trick. Once he understood, he started shouting, “Look, its not the same hat”, “Look, he is (20) _ (put) the flowers under the table.” The magician was (21) _ (anger) but couldnt do anything. It was, after all, the captains parrot. One day the ship had (22) _ accident and sank. The magician found (23) _ (he) on a piece of wood in the ocean (24) _ the parrot. They stared at each other with hate, but did not say a word. This went on for some (25) _ (day). After a week the parrot said, “OK, I give up. Wheres the boat?”(14)You may have trouble (6) _ (learn) a language. Here are a few (7) _ (idea) to help you learn a language well.Learning the pronunciation of a language is (8) _ important part of your language learning. You can learn this (9) _ listening to the language as much as possible over the radio or on TV. Building up your vocabulary in a foreign language can take many (10) _ (year). Learning words from the context (上下文) in writing and speaking materials is probably the best way (11) _ (do) this.Learning the grammar of a language can make you understand (12) _ sentences are constructed (构成). And then you can construct your own sentences. (13) _ best ways to learn grammar well (14) _ (be) to take notes and (15) _ (remember) some important sentences.(15)Sometimes we have problems about learning English, so (8) _ should we learn English? I have some advice for (9) _ (your). First of all, we must learn how (10) _ (memorize) new words. For example, we can learn it by (11) _ (make) flashcards (抽认卡) and word lists. (12) _ then, we can learn English by joining the English Club. The best way to learn English is to (13) _ (have) great English conversations. When we have (14) _ (problem), we can solve them by asking teachers for help. Listening (15) _ tapes is also a good way to practise our (16) _ (speak) skills. Well, thats all my advice for you. I (17) _ (hope) you can make great progress.(16)As an international student, applying to study in the USA needs to make a plan and do lots of (16) _ (work). You may have some problems and (17) _ (need) some help to apply to study in the USA. We have (18) _ (make) it easier for you to succeed by (19) _ (put) together a free database (数据库) of articles and stories (20) _ international students, the US educational system (系统) (21) _ much more.Here (22) _ (be) our 12 most popular articles, including How to Get a Student Visa, Transferring to a US University, Applying to a US University and Learning English. (23) _ you dont need them you can also find other (24) _ (use) articles here. We are trying (25) _ (help) you succeed in studying in the USA.(17)I like music very much. (16) _ I was young, I studied music at university. I (17) _ (choose) to study in Vienna, Austria because of its musical culture. Vienna is a city (18) _ a long history and it is also a place where many great musicians have (19) _ (live).By (20) _ (study) there for about one term, I was able to (21) _ (understand) music on a high level. I took part in some of the most famous teachers (22) _ (class) to learn from them and the teachers all taught me (23) _ (patient).I toured around many places of interest in Austria when I was free. There I learnt different culture and experienced different lifestyles.All in all, studying abroad is (24) _ wonderful cultural experience for me, so I will never forget it. Now I know that my college experience is perfect. I have learnt so much about (25) _ (I): who I am and what I should pay attention to.(18)When Im growing up, I dont hear the words “I love you” from my father. If your father never says them (16) _ you when you are a child, itll get harder and harder for him to say those words as he gets (17) _ (old). I cant remember when I last (18) _ (say) those words to him either. I decided (19) _ (make) the first move. In the next phone conversation I Said, “Dad I love you!”There was a silence(沉默)at the other end and Dad was (20) _ (surprise) to answer, “Well, the same back to you!”“Dad, I know you love me; you will say what you want to say,” I cried.Fifteen (21) _ (minute) later my mother called and nervously asked, “Paul, (22) _ (be) everything OK?”A few weeks later, on the phone my father said, “Paul, I love you.” I was at work (23) _ the tears were running in my eyes as I (24) _ (final) “heard” the love. As we both sat there in tears we knew tha
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