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经济全球化使得国际国内市场之间的障碍逐渐消失,品牌国际化已成为企业品牌发展的重要选择。在此背景下,本土护肤品牌国际化发展进程缓慢。面对国际知名护肤品牌的竞争压力,中国护肤品牌佰草集依托中医药理念,突破了文化差异的障碍,成为中国第一个迈入国际市场的护肤品牌佰草集,是上海家化公司1998年推出市场的高端品牌,是中国第一套具有完整意义的中草药中高挡个人护理品牌。是现代生物科技与传统中草药精华结合的成果。并以其独树一帜的定位很快在国内化妆品市场中崛起。从1995年12月正式立项至今,佰草集已经相继招募了百余名科研人员,致力于新型产品的开发研制,目前其产品种类已经多达180余种。2008年佰草集走出国门,将中草药的生活方式与东方文化带到法国巴黎乃至全世界,是第一个真正意义上站在世界舞台与国际一线品牌竞争的中高档中草药护理品牌,短短几年佰草集已在全球化妆品零售巨头丝芙兰法国地区所有独有品牌排名中名列前茅。接下来的3年间,佰草集从巴黎丝芙兰店的一个小小的货柜起步,不仅在法国扎下了根,还在意大利、西班牙、波兰、土耳其等地站稳了脚,欧洲市场的销售额以每年80%的速度增长。1. Background of HerboristHerborist is a high-end brand that Jahwa company launched in the market in 1998, is Chinas first high-end personal care brands with a full sense of the Chinese herbal medicine. It is a result of the combination of modern biological technology and traditional Chinese herbal medicine. And its unique position in the domestic cosmetics market rise soon. From December 1995 formally approved, Herborist has recruited hundreds of researchers, committed to the development of new products; the current product range has been up to more than 180 kinds. Herborist go out of China in 2008, it brought the Chinese herbal and oriental culture to Paris of France and all over the world, it is the first true high-end herbal medicine brand that standing on the world stage compete with the international first-line brand, just a few years Herborist has ranked the best among all unique brands that in the global cosmetics retailer Sephora in the France region. The next three years, Herborist start as a small container from Paris Sephora store, not only rooted in France, but also foothold in Italy, Spain, Poland, Turkey and other places. The European market sales grow at an annual rate of 80%.2. 国际策略 international strategy1. 产品策略产品是能够满足人们需要的所有的有形物品和无形服务的总称。产品整体概念包括核心产品、形体产品、期望产品、附加产品和潜在产品。而产品策略是市场营销战略的核心,其他营销策略都围绕产品策略展开。国际化妆品市场的众多品牌都是生化技术的结果,上海家化很清楚在生化技术上是肯定比不过外国高端品牌的,所以它将产品定位于中草药,并打着中西医相结合的旗号。因为当我们的身体处于亚健康状态时,中医疗养是最佳的选择,佰草集中草药护肤正是这一概念的延续,填补了西方化妆品的空缺。1product strategyProducts are the general term for all tangible and intangible services that meet people need. The overall concept of the product includes core products, expected products, additional products and potential products. Product strategy is the core of marketing strategy, and other marketing strategies are all around the product strategy. Herborist products are divided into: hair care, facial care, body care, aromatic care, oral conditioning 5 major product series. Many brands in international cosmetics market are the result of biochemical technology, Shanghai Jahwa clearly know that in biochemical technology is certainly can not compare with foreign high-end brand, so the product positioning is the Chinese herbal medicine, and combine the traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine. Because when our body is in a state of sub health, Chinese medicine is the best choice, Herborist skin care is the continuation of this concept, to fill the vacancy of Western cosmetics.2. 价格策略价格策略是企业参与国际市场竞争的重要手段,进行国际营销定价时必须对影响定价的各因素进行分析。如成本因素、市场需求、市场竞争、政府的价格调控政策等。佰草集在综合考虑影响价格的各因素后,选择定价高端,以区别目前国内中草药市场的中低档化妆品。佰草集否定了像众多国内品牌定位低端价值的做法,佰草集没有走之前中国的另外一些化妆品品牌低端之路,而是直接走符合时代潮流的高端产品路线,将产品价值定位高端,将目标顾客定位于20-35岁间受过良好教育的知识女性。受教育程度越高,消费能力越强,与价格相比,她们更加注重产品的纯天然品质。佰草集正是抓住这一消费心理,本着天然中草药这一主张,迎合顾客需求,定价高端,改变以往低端制造的面貌,走进时尚之都巴黎,进驻在丝芙兰高档化妆品专柜上。2. price Pricing strategy is an important means for enterprises to participate in international market competition, and the factors that affect pricing must be analyzed. Such as cost factors, market demand, market competition, the governments price control policies, etc. Herborist in the comprehensive consideration of the various factors affecting the price, select high-end pricing, in order to distinguish the current domestic herbal medicine market in the middle and low level. Herborist directly choose to in line with the trend of the times of high-end products, target customers located in the 20-35 years old and received a good education of intellectual women. The higher education level, the stronger the ability to consume, compare with the price, they pay more attention to the pure natural quality of products. Herborist is seize the consumer psychology, with the purpose of natural Chinese herbal medicine this proposition, to meet customer demand, high-end pricing, change the face of a previous low-end manufacturing, into the forefront of Paris, stationed in the counters of high-end cosmetics -Sephora.3. 分销策略佰草集通过分析进入国际市场的渠道并结合自身的特色。 看中了化妆品专业超市这一新兴的业态模式,将丝芙兰作为走向世界的快速通道,因为谁都知道,利用丝芙兰这个平台,就可以减少欧洲消费者对陌生品牌的抵触心理,减少网络布局的高额费用和与当地媒体的沟通成本。最终,成功的进入了法国。佰草集成功登陆法国后,在原先渠道的基础上加上了SPA的专业服务,开辟了独树一帜的“专柜+专卖店+汉方SPA”的复合型销售渠道。专营店为消费者提供SPA服务,成功地塑造了佰草集高端的品牌形象。3. Distribution Herborist through the analysis of the channels into the international market and combined with its own characteristics. Sephora as fast track towards the world, because everyone knows that, by using the platform of Sephora can reduce European consumers unfamiliar brands of
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