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目录1. 安装配置GoldenGate31.1. 设置环境变量31.1.1. 官方资料31.1.2. 源端10.34.1.1机器71.1.3. 源端10.34.1.1上增加tns解析81.1.4. 修改10.34.1.1上ASM数据库的参数91.1.5. 目标端10.34.1.72机器101.2. 安装GG(只在小机1和分析2上建)111.3. 官方系统要求131.4. 目标机器manager进程添加到Windows服务161.5. GoldenGate相关命令171.6. 数据库准备191.6.1. 源数据库要开归档191.6.2. 打开数据库级别的补充日志(supplemental log)191.6.3. 在源端和目标端创建GoldenGate管理用户,并授权201.6.4. 官方技术要求211.6.5. 数据库字符集检查271.7. 在源端添加表级的transdata281.8. 在目标端添加checkpoint表291.9. 源端配置MGR管理进程组301.9.1. 配置参数文件301.9.2. 官方技术要求311.9.3. 使用GGSCI命令管理MGR331.10. 源端配置Extract抽取进程组351.10.1. 创建和编辑Extract进程配置文件351.10.2. Extract相关命令361.11. 源端配置Pump投递进程组371.11.1. 创建和编辑Pump进程配置文件371.11.2. 使用GGSCI命令管理Pump381.12. 目标端创建和配置MGR管理进程组391.13. 目标端配置Replicat复制进程组401.14. 验证DML复制结果411.15. 增加表进行监控的方法422. 安装配置Director432.1. 安装配置Director Server432.1.1. 安装前准备432.1.2. 启动weblogic server472.1.3. 登入服务端472.2. 安装配置Director Client482.2.1. 安装客户端。482.2.2. 登陆信息482.2.3. 配置监控的页面492.2.4. 启动监控502.2.5. 登录页面进行监控512.3. 安装配置Monitor52651. 安装配置GoldenGate1.1. 设置环境变量设置ORACLE_HOME和ORACLE_SID1.1.1. 官方资料To specify Oracle variables on UNIX-based systemsIf there is one instance of Oracle on the system, you only need to set ORACLE_HOME andORACLE_SID at the system level. If you cannot set them that way, use the following SETENVstatements in the parameter every Extract and Replicat group that will beconnecting to the instance.SETENV (ORACLE_HOME = “”)SETENV (ORACLE_SID = “”)These parameters override the system settings and allow the Oracle GoldenGateprocess to set the variables at the session level when it connects to the database.If there are multiple Oracle instances on the system with Extract and Replicatprocesses connecting to them, you will need to use a SETENV statement in the parameter each process group and point it to the correct instance. For example, thefollowing shows parameter files for two Extract groups, each capturing from a differentOracle instance.Group 1:EXTRACT ora9aSETENV (ORACLE_HOME = “/home/oracle/ora9/product”)SETENV (ORACLE_SID = “ora9a”)USERID ggsa, PASSWORD ggsaRMTHOST sysbRMTTRAIL /home/ggs/dirdat/rtTABLE hr.emp;TABLE hr.salary;Group 2:EXTRACT ora9bSETENV (ORACLE_HOME = “/home/oracle/ora9/product”)SETENV (ORACLE_SID = “ora9b”)USERID ggsb, PASSWORD ggsbRMTHOST sysbRMTTRAIL /home/ggs/dirdat/stTABLE fin.sales;TABLE fin.cust;To specify Oracle variables on Windows systemsIf there is one instance of Oracle on the system, the Registry settings for ORACLE_HOMEand ORACLE_SID should be sufficient for Oracle GoldenGate. If those settings areincorrect in the Registry and cannot be changed, you can set an override as follows.On the desktop or Start menu (depending on the Windows version), right-click MyComputer, and then select Properties.In Properties, click the Advanced tab.Click Environment Variables.Under System Variables, click New.For Variable Name, type ORACLE_HOME.For Variable Value, type the path to the Oracle binaries.Click OK.Click New again.For Variable Name, type ORACLE_SID.For Variable Value, type the instance name.Click OK.If there are multiple Oracle instances on the system with Extract and Replicatprocesses connecting to them, do the following.Use the preceding procedure (single Oracle instance on system) to set theORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID system variables to the first Oracle instance.Start all of the Oracle GoldenGate processes that will connect to that instance.Repeat the procedure for the next Oracle instance, but this time Edit the existingORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID variables to specify the new information.Start the Oracle GoldenGate processes that will connect to that instance.Repeat the Edit and startup procedure for the rest of the Oracle instances.Setting library paths for dynamic builds on UNIX systemsOracle GoldenGate uses shared libraries. When you install Oracle GoldenGate on a UNIXsystem, the following must be true before you run GGSCI or any other Oracle GoldenGateprocess.1.When Oracle GoldenGate connects to the database locally, all of the following musthave the same bit type, either all 32-bit, all 64-bit, or all IA64:2.When Oracle GoldenGate connects through SQL*Net, the Oracle client library and theOracle GoldenGate build must match. This means that the Oracle version, the bit type(32-bit, 64-bit, IA64) and the operating system version all must match. If you are usingthe TRANLOGOPTIONS parameter with the LOGSOURCE option and Oracle GoldenGateconnects to transaction logs from a different operating system, the Oracle versionsmust also be the same.3.Make certain that the database libraries are added to the shared-library environmentvariables of the system. This procedure is usually performed at database installationtime. Consult
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