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非谓语动词不定式,不定式的用法: 作主语 1. To set up a space station costs a huge sum of taxpayers money. 建立太空站花费大量纳税人的钱。 2 How to solve the heavy traffic problem is a thorny issue for our government. 如何解决严重的交通问题对于政府而言是个棘手的问题。 作宾语 1. In this essay, I aim to analyze the reasons why some people prefer to be single. 在本文,我试图分析一些人选择单身的原因。 2. Some poor students manage to pay their tuition by taking a part-time job. 一些贫穷学生通过做兼职来支付他们的学费。,作表语 1. The best way to introduce your child to the concept of saving is to give her an allowance. 让小孩认识储蓄的概念的最佳办法是给她一笔零花钱。 2. The best way to increase ones metabolism is to do some form of aerobic exercise, like a brisk walk. 促进人体新陈代谢的最好办法是做有气氧运动,例如散步。 作补语 1. The fierce social competition makes people work and live under great pressure. 激烈的社会竞争使人们在巨大的压力下工作和生活。 2. Cloning would enable infertile couples to have children of their own rather than using sperm of another man. 克隆技术能帮助不孕夫妇不需要使用他人的精子而怀上自己的亲骨肉。,作定语 1. The Internet is an economical way to convey information. 互联网是传播信息的经济的途径。 2. Our government released its scheme to demolish all the old buildings in the downtown area with an aim to promoting the city image. 政府公布了拆除商业中心区旧建筑以改善城市形象的计划。 作状语(目的、结果、原因) 1. Our government should take stronger and harsher measures to combat the littering behavior. 我们政府应采取更强硬的措施来对付乱丢垃圾的行为。 2. Governments and ordinary citizens should make concerted efforts to create a cleaner environment not only for us, but also for our future generations. 不仅为了我们,也为了后代,政府和普通市民应该携手并肩营造一个更为清洁的环境。,动名词的用法: 作主语 1 Protecting endangered species is an extension of our existing system of ethics. 保护涉危物种是我们现存的伦理体系的延伸。 2 Being overweight is bad for ones health because it leads to heart disease, a disinteresting and tiring experience. 肥胖对人的健康有害,因为它导致心脏病,高血压和糖尿病。 作表语 1 Seeing is believing. 眼见为实 2 Describing a table is similar to describing a bar chart in that comparison and contrast are employed. 描述表格与描述柱状图相似,都需要运用到比较和对比。,非谓语动词动名词,作主语 1. Protecting endangered species is an extension of our existing system of ethics. 保护涉危物种是我们现存的伦理体系的延伸。 2. Being overweight is bad for ones health because it leads to heart disease, a disinteresting and tiring experience. 肥胖对人的健康有害,因为它导致心脏病,高血压和糖尿病。 作表语 1. Seeing is believing. 眼见为实 2. Describing a table is similar to describing a bar chart in that comparison and contrast are employed. 描述表格与描述柱状图相似,都需要运用到比较和对比。,作宾语 1. Many parents consider sending their children to further their education in a foreign country. 许多家长考虑把小孩送到外国去深造。 2. We should avoid eating too much convenience food. 我们要避免吃太多的方便食品。 作定语 1. I am very glad to invite you to attend the dancing party to be held this Sunday evening at the Students Union. 我很高兴邀请你参加将于星期天晚上在学生会举行的舞会。 2. A nursing house can provide better living conditions and professional care. 敬老院提供较好的居住条件和专业的照料和治疗。,作同位语 1. His ambition, conquering the whole world, has never been fulfilled. 他征服整个世界的野心始终没有得逞。 2. Kent is not satisfied with his present job,teaching English at a middle school. 肯特对现有的工作在中学教英语感到不满意。,非谓语动词现在分词,作表语 1. The issue of female crime is pressing for our serious consideration. 妇女犯罪凾待我们的认真思考。 2. The fact that many animals are used in medical research is sickening. 许多动物被用于医学实验的事实令人恶心。 3. Playing computer games is time-consuming. 打电子游戏耗费时间。,作定语 1. A pressing issue facing us is that a growing amount of trash is being produced day and night. 我们面临一个迫切的问题是每天产生愈来愈多的垃圾。 3. The media sometimes give misguiding and cheating messages. 媒体有时发出误导性和欺骗性的信息。 作状语 1. Taking into account all these factors we may reasonably come to the conclusion that compulsory military service is totally unacceptable. 考虑所有这些因素之后,我们可以得出结论:义务兵役制完全不可接受。 2. Living in the country, people have few social visits and lack entertainment and recreation facilities. 住在乡下,人们很少社交活动,缺乏娱乐和休闲设施。,作补语 1. Some parents find their children experimenting with drugs. 有些家长发现他们的孩子在吸毒。 2. I find the real situation frustrating. 我觉得现状令人沮丧。,非谓语动词过去分词,作表语 1. Our city is becoming increasingly crowded due to the expanding population and the sharp rise in the number of private cars. 由于人口不断增长和私家车数量的剧增,我们的城市变得愈来愈拥挤。 2. Our natural energy will soon be depleted if we pay no attention to the conservation of it. 如果不重视自然资源的保护,它将很快被耗尽。 作定语 1. We shall contribute to the society with their rich experience the talents of the returned students. 我们应该充分发挥归国留学生的才干。 2. Many pedestrians are penalized according to the newly issued regulations. 依据新颁布的规定,许多行人被处罚。,作状语 1. If asked to make a choice, I would not hesitate to side with the latter view for several strong reasons. 如果我选择的话,我将基于以下几点理由毫不犹豫地选择后者的观点。 2. Deeply influenced by excessive pornography and violence on the Internet, some teenagers go astray. 由于被网络上的过度色情和暴力深深影响,有些青少年误入歧途。 作补语 1. We often find ourselves caught in a dilemma whether we should send our children to a boarding school or a day school. 我们经常进退两难:是送我们的孩子去寄宿学校还是走读学校? 2. Television not only presents a vivid world to us, but also keeps us well-informed of the latest development in all fields. 电视不仅给我们呈现了逼真的世界,同时使们了解各个领域的最新发展。,复合句,复合句通常包含一个主句和一个或多个从句。
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