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Development by Comparison and Contrast,Comparison and contrast are two thinking processes we constantly perform in our daily life. We might compare and contrast two cities, two products, two books, two plays or films, etc. although comparison usually indentifies similarities and contrast points out differences, the two are structurally similar and can be discussed together. The purpose of comparing or contrasting is to understand either of the two things more clearly and, at times, to make judgments about them.,Subject-by-subject Pattern,1. stress is caused by daily having to contend with crowds of people and restricted space. 2.Travel in rush hour can be a real headache. 3. Pollution of various kinds is the result of industrialization. 4. Cars spew toxic fumes into the atmosphere. 5. Noise bellows out from every side.,1. Here the pace of life is gentle. 2. There is time to reflect on the beauty of the world. 3. In a village,life is closer to nature.The changing seasons can be clearly observed. 4. Ther is ample space for everyone, and fresh air to breathe.,Subject-by-subject Pattern,For Americans a long time may be anything from forty years to forty minutes, depending on the circumstances. To an American businessman a proposal that could be completed within forty years might be too far into the future to be considered. A motorist who gets involved in a traffic accident would be in great trouble with the police if he waited twenty-four hours to report the accident. An hour would be too long a time to be late for a business appointment or a date. Americans are so time-conscious that promptness is not only a virtue; it is an obligation.,Subject-by-subject Pattern,But many other cultures have no such concept of a long time. During W W II, a local truck driver arrived breathlessly at military government headquarters report that a murderer was running loose in his village. Under question he told them the murder had occurred seventeen years earlier and that the murderer had remained unmolested in the village all the time. In a South American city, an American was asked to present immediately his credentials to a local official and was kept waiting outside his office for almost two hours. For such people, promptness is not only unreasonable but also irritating. They often wonder why Americans make such a fuss about it. To a South Asian person, a long time may be 1,000years, or even forever.,A. Americans concept of “a long time”: _. Examples: (1)_ (2)_ (3)_ Attitudes to promptness: _ B. Other cultures concepts of “a long time”:_ Examples: (1)_ (2)_ (3)_,Summary,In subject-by-subject pattern, we discuss the two subjects separately, that is to say, we discuss all of the characteristics of subdivisions of the first subject in the first half and then present all the characteristics of the other in the second half. The aspects examined in the two subjects should be the same and in both parts, we should follow the same logical order for each subject.,Point-by-point Pattern,Life in the city is quite different from life in the suburbs. People living in the city are constantly exposed to the hustle and bustle of urban life. However, life in the suburbs is generally quiet and casual than that in the city. If city dwellers want to see trees and grass, they have to go to one of the public parks. On the other hand, the streets of many suburban communities are lined with trees and each house has its own grassy yard. A person living in the city is close to many sources of entertainment, but a suburban dweller must go into the city for entertainment.,Summary,In point-by-point pattern, the writer compares and contrasts both subjects item after item. He structures his paragraph around points of comparison instead of subjects, moving back and forth between the subjects. The specifics of both subjects are placed close together for direct and immediate comparison and contrast, and transitions are often used so as to avoid abrupt switching between the two subjects. The point-by-point pattern works best with subjects that contain a lot of points. It can bring into sharp focus the similarities and differences for the reader to see as he reads along.,A brief consideration of Egyptian mythology and the mythology of the Greeks is enough to convince us of the revolution in thought that must have taken place from one age to the other. The Egyptian gods had no resemblance to anything in the real world; the Greek gods were fashioned after real Greek people. The Egyptian artists interpretations of the divine were horrid bestial shapes that combined mens heads with birds bodies or terrifying nightmares. The monstrosities of an invisible world were what the Egyptians worshiped. The Greek interpretation of divinity is not so dark a picture.,The Greeks w
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