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模擬試題解析,第一回聽力測驗: 看圖辨義,題型介紹,1. 本部分共10題,試題冊上每題有一個圖片,請聽錄音機播出一個和圖片相關的問題,與A、B、C三個選項的英語敘述後,選一個與所看到圖片最相符的答案,並在答案紙上相對的圓圈內作答,每題播出一遍,問題及選項均不印在試題紙上。,例題,(看),(聽),(看),(聽),Look at the picture. How much are the sandwiches? A. They are NT$16. B. They are NT$ 60. C. They are NT$ 35. 正確答案為B,圖片的重點,每個圖片有一定考試焦點,必須以敏銳的觀察力預測出考題的方向。看圖片時,要特別注意圖中的人物、數字、標示箭頭等,才不會遺漏與作答相關的指示。 常考的題型大致可分為十類: (1) 時間/日期 (2)數字/價格 (3) 職業 (4) 動作 (5) 位置 (6) 狀況 (7) 天氣 (8) 比較 (9) 服裝(10) 發音。,解題技巧,眼要明- 根據圖片線索,預測考題 耳要快-聽到問題, 由線索中確定答案。,第一回聽力測驗試題解析,Question 1:,Keywords sport ball bat base play baseball,Question 1: What sport will the boy play? (A). Football (B). Soccer (C). Baseball,Question 2:,Keywords girl old man young man laugh trees behind in front of,Question 2: What is the little girl doing? (A). Shes climbing the tree. (B). Shes hiding behind the tree. (C). Shes planting a tree.,Question 3:,Keywords map car direction gas station library church parking lot,Question 3: Where is the car going? (A). To the library (B). To the church (C). To the gas station,Question 4:,Keywords kitchen bowl on the left soup on the right fruit in the middle,Question 4: Which bowl is the hottest? (A). The bowl in the middle (B). The bowl on the left (C). The bowl with fruit in it,Question 5:,Keywords two women on the left straight hair on the right curly hair a child a baby,Question 5: Who is holding the youngest child? (A). The woman with the curly hair. (B). The woman with the little boy. (C). The woman on the corner.,Question 6:,Keywords truck car scooter,on the left on the right in the middle,in front of behind in back of,Question 6: Where is the small car? (A). Behind the scooter (B). In front of the scooter (C). In back of the scooter,Question 7:,Keywords three men microphone sing KTV,Question 7: What are the three people on the stage doing? (A). They are dancing. (B). They are exercising. (C). They are singing.,Question 8: Where is this picture taking place? (A). At a park (B). At a KTV (C). At a TV station,Question 9:,Keywords a taxi a man get out,Question 9: What is the man doing? (A). Getting out of the taxi (B). Getting into the taxi (C). Driving the taxi,Question 10:,Keywords a supermarket a woman a lobster pick up,Question 10: What is the woman doing? (A). Buying food (B). Picking out something to wear (C). Looking for some fruit,
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