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,F,1. fabricatevt.编造,捏造 make up; fabric n.织物,构造物 silk fabric/fabricate an excuse/a story 2. facilitate vt.使容易,使便利 This railroad will facilitate the local economy. 3. facility n.设施 sports facilities ; facilities for study 4. faculty n.1.全体教员(集合); 2.学院,系 college/school 学院 department 系 5. fadevi.褪色(颜色),凋谢(花),减弱(声音) =fade away; vt.使褪色 fading memories 褪色的回忆; fading flowers 凋零的花 fading voices 远去的声音,6. faint adj.微弱的,模糊的,不清楚的; v.眩晕,昏倒 a faint voice/hope微弱的声音/渺茫的希望; feel faint 眩晕; He fainted from hunger.饿的发晕 7. fair adj.1.公平的2.尚佳的,不错的; n.1.集市2.博览会; 1.fair play 公平竞赛 2.in fair condition 不错的情况; 3.fair weather 晴朗的天气; 4.fair complexion 白皙的皮肤; fair hair 金发; 5.a fair lady 美女 None but the brave deserve the fair.英雄配美女 8. faithful adj.守信的,忠诚的,可靠的; be faithful/loyal to ones wife /faith n.信任,9. fake vt.伪造adj.伪造的 make 制造; faked signature 10. fame n.名声(大小) ; famous adj.著名的; reputation n.名声(好坏),名誉 11. familiar adj.熟悉的; family 家人; sb be familiar with sth= sth be familiar to sb/be acquainted with sth 熟悉 12. faminen.饥荒 13. fancy n.喜欢,喜爱(一时的) have a fancy for; vt. fancy doing 想象,设想做sth ; Fancy meeting you here! fancyman 情夫; fancywoman 情妇; fancyhouse 妓院 14. fantasticadj.1.奇妙的; 2.荒诞的 absurd; 3.奇怪的,怪异的 fantasy n.幻想 fantastic dreams 怪梦; fantastic plans 荒诞的计划,15. fare n.(车,船,旅)费 I dont care about the fare.不在乎费用 allowance 零花钱,津贴,补贴; tuition 学费 a tuition fee revenue 税收 ; income 收入; payment 支付的款项 pension 养老金,抚恤金; tip 小费; income 收入; fee 具体的费用 16. fascinatevt.使着迷,使入迷; fascinated adj.感到着迷的; fascinating adj.令人着迷的 17. fasten v.1.固定fix2.系,捆,栓tie; fast adj.固定的; fasten/fix/tie A to B,18. fatal adj.致命的 a fatal wound/blow mortal adj.必死的; immortal 不朽的 mortal enemies/hatred死敌/深仇大恨 vital adj.1.要害的2.极为重要的3.关键的,生死悠关的; 19. fatiguen.疲惫,疲劳 vt.使疲惫,使疲劳 20. faulty adj.有过失的,不完美的,有过错的 fault n.1.缺点,过失,过错(sb)2.缺陷,瑕疵(sth) find fault with sb 找茬,挑错 He is always finding fault with his wife.,21. favorableadj.有利的,同意的; favorable conditions/wind 顺境/顺风 unfavorable conditions 逆境 22. favorite adj,最喜爱的 23. feasible adj.行的通的,可行的=practicable; a feasible suggestion/ scheme/plan 24. featuren.1.特写,特别报导2.特点,特色3.五官相貌(人);His features are handsome. 25. fee n.具体的费用 26. feeble adj.虚弱的,体弱的,27. fertile adj.肥沃的 fertile soil; fertilize vt.使肥沃; fertilizer 肥料 infertile adj.不肥沃的,贫瘠的; barren adj.贫瘠的 28. fetch vt.去拿,去请go to take 29. fiction n.小说(虚构文学); novel 小说; science fiction 科幻小说 fictitious adj.虚构的,杜撰的 30. fierce adj.1凶猛的,凶恶的a fierce dog2.激烈的,猛烈的 a fierce competition 31. financial adj.财政的,金融的,经济的; financial crisis 金融危机 32. finite adj.有限的; finite resources有限的资源 infinite adj.无限的; infinite space 无限的太空 definite adj.明确的,清楚的; define vt.1下定义2明确界定 definition n.定义,33. flash n.一闪 a flash of lightning; v.闪 He lost his temper after a driver flashed her headlights as he overtook. ash 灰烬 /rash adj.鲁莽的; crash n./v.猛烈的撞击; lash 打,击; clash n.冲突; slash v.鞭打,砍; splash 溅,泼,洒; dash 猛冲,猛撞 smash 砸 smash and grab 34. flatter vt.恭维,讨好 latter 后面的 35. flavor n.口味,味道 36. flaw n.缺陷,瑕疵 =fault/defect; perfect adj.完美的 37. flee v.逃离,逃跑; The fleet(舰队) is fleeing. 38. flexible adj.灵活的,能变通的,可通融的; a flexible schedule 灵活的日程安排,39. Flight n.1航班2飞翔3逃跑,逃离 40. flock n.群(鸟/羊/人) a flock of birds/sheep/visitors ; vi.聚集,群集; flocks and herds(羊群和牛群); Birds of a feather flock together. 物以类聚,人以群分 41. flourish vi.茂盛,兴旺; flower; prosper vi.兴旺,发达,成功 His business is flourishing/prospering. 42. fluctuate vi.波动; fluctuating prices 波动的物价; 43. fluent adj.流利的; flute 笛子,44. focusn.焦点 vt.集中精力/注意力; focus ones attention on; concentrate 集中 concentrate on 45. fold v.折叠 folded seat折叠椅 46. forbid vt.禁止; Forbidden City紫禁城; forbid sb to do /forbid doing prevent/prohibit/stop/keep/ban/hinder/preclude sb from doing 47. forecast n.预报weather forecast 天气预报; forecast sbs future/ fortune 预测未来/命运; foretell 预言foresee预见 forehead 前额 foreleg 前腿 48. foremostadj.最棒的,最优秀的; the foremost writer of his period最后,50. forfeit n.罚金 counterfeit 假钞 51. forgive v.原谅; To err is human ,to forgive is divine. 犯错是人之常情,原谅则超凡入圣. 52. formula n.公式; form n.形式; v.形成 formulate vt.1形成,制定; 2.系统阐述,系统解释=define 53. fortunateadj.幸运的; unfortunate不幸的 54. fortune n.1.财富2.命运; fortune-teller 算命先生 55. forum n.论坛 56. foster vt.促进(sth);抚养,培养;照顾(sb); *foster the sick 照顾病人; foster talents培养人才 foster a child 抚养孩子; foster sbs career 促进事业,57. foul adj.1肮脏的2.可怕的,讨厌的; vt.犯规; 58. fracture vt.弄碎= break,使骨折; fracture ones leg 59. fragile adj.易碎的(sth);虚弱的(sb); fragile china; 60. fragment n.碎片; break sth into fragments/pieces; fraction n.一小部分; a fraction of my friends 61. fragrant adj.芳香的; fragrant flowers 芳香的花; fragrant memories 甜美的回忆 flagrant criminals 臭名昭著的罪犯; flagrant politicians 臭名昭著的政客 62. frame n.框架 fame 名声 63. frank adj.坦白的,坦率的; To be frank=Frankly speaking, 64. fraud n.欺诈(行为)u;骗子c; 65. freeze vi.结冰;,66. fresh adj.新鲜的 fresh air; fresh egg; fresh paint 未干的油漆fresh stale adj.1 不新鲜的,干瘪的stale bread; 2.stale news/story 67. frighten vt.使恐惧; fright n.恐惧; frightening 令人恐惧的; frightened 感到恐惧的 68. fringen.边缘(人群,森林); ring 戒指; on the fringe on the edge 一切具体事物的边缘; on the brim 杯子,碗的边/沿 on the verge 抽象事物的边; on the verge of the des
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