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Unit 6 At the mall,a shopping mall,a,a supermarket,toilets,a gift shop,a,a,a pet shop,pets,a camera,a camera shop,a bookshop,a toy shop,玩具店,a fast food restaurant,快餐店,a Coke,a hamburger,a packet of fries,a shopping list,I can buy a birthday card a book a robot a camera Then have lunch!,in a gift shop a book shop a toy shop a camera shop a fast food restaurant!,City Mall,2/F = the second floor,1/F=the first floor,G/F= the ground floor,A; What do you want to do ? B: I want to buy B: Wheres the? A: Its on the floor.,Talking,2/F = the second floor,1/F=the first floor,G/F= the ground floor,2 Wheres ?,Its on the ground floor. Its on the first floor. Its on the second floor.,1- What do you want to do? - I want to,本课重点,
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