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Effective Presentations 1 -有效的陈述(1),NO. 23,2,Following are the commonly recognized main elements involved in preparing and delivering an effective presentation: Elements related to Style:与“形式”或“风格”有关的因素,3,Sell the idea:“兜售”你的观点 You must keep in mind that you are selling something to your audience, whether it be a product, a project, an idea, a strategy, concept or anything else.,4,Tell a compelling story:讲有说服力的故事 Your presentation of the idea and its ramifications must be so thorough, attractive and convincing that the audience is eager to buy into what youre selling.,6,Elements related to Content:与“内容”有关的因素,7,Key objectives:关键目标 State the purpose, scope and objectives of the presentation in a clear, concise manner. Plan:计划 Tell the story on how to achieve your objectives.,8,Supporting evidence:有说服力的例证 Support the main body with relevant business charts to illustrate and highlight key figures. Call to action:号召行动 Creating a sense of urgency for the approval of what youre presenting ASAP, and instilling a sense of loss if your idea does not proceed beyond this point.,9,Usage,To deliver an effective presentation, you should come across in a confident manner, be poised, and show that youre knowledgeable about what youre presenting. Following are some key sentences you might use in a business presentation:,10,(要发表一篇有效的陈述,你必须始终保持自信,摆出一副泰然自若的样子,显示出你对自己要陈述内容了如指掌。下面是你在陈述中可能用到的一些表达方式:),11,Sell the idea / Tell a compelling story / Be concise,I think its time for our company to start a new product line for teenagers. Their spending power is increasing day by day, and their appetite for consumption is insatiable. This segment comprises 25% of the buying market but they represent 45% of total dollars spent in this market. Its high time that we tap into this lucrative segment to bring us out of our growth slump.,12,Support your idea and story,Ladies and gentlemen, if you look at this line trend chart, youll see that this market segment is projected to increase by 5% over the next 5 years, while the average dollar spent by them increases 15% over the same period. Today, as I mentioned before, they comprise 25% of the buying market and spend 45% of total dollars. In 5 years time, these figures are expected to be 31% and 52% respectively.,13,Plan,I propose that we begin laying out the capital outlays and human resources that are necessary to research, design and develop the new product lines and bring them to market in appropriate locations throughout the country. Our in-market target date is the 2nd quarter of next year.,14,Call to action,Ladies and gentlemen, if we do not proceed with this initiative right away, our competitors will eat us up.,15,The following conversation is, in effect, a mini-presentation. Charlie Styles, CEO of a distribution company, is presenting an expansion project to the Board.,16,Charlie: Ladies and gentlemen, please feel free to interrupt if you have any questions. Now, if youll direct your attention to the screen. Over the past 3 years, our business in Asia has grown by leaps and bounds. 22% of our revenue now comes from there, compared to 9% just 3 years ago.,17,Youll notice from this trend chart that the volume of business in this market is projected to increase by 60% over the next 5 years. Based on past performance, we would normally pick up 40% of this market.,18,However, some of our Asian clients are already complaining about delivery times, but because our reliance on foreign distribution firms, it is difficult to be very pro-active in dealing with them. If we dont correct this situation, we stand to lose some existing customers, and the loss of reputation could hurt us in acquiring new ones.,19,Therefore, I propose that we immediately set in motion the creation of 3 Asian distribution centers, in Beijing, Tokyo, and Seoul. We could have them operating within 6 months, and be in a much better position to deal directly with our customers.,20,Ladies and gentlemen, if we dont act on this right away, Im afraid were going to lose some market share. Our main competitors already have their own Asian distribution centers, and some of our customers may gravitate to them if we dont act quickly. Thank you.,21,Summary,When you have a new idea, product, strategy you want to introduce, an effective presentation is one of the best ways to get your point across. This is especially true for a large audience. Prepare well, know your subject, know your audience, stay calm, and remain professional at all times.,22,当你想要介绍某种新想法、新产品、新策略时,有效的陈述是最好的方法之一。当听众人数众多时尤其如此。想要进行成功的陈述,就要做好充分的准备,对陈述的内容和听众要了解,保持冷静,并在任何时候都要显得很职业。,
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