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,阅读理解讲、练、评 漳州一中 蔡丽英,钱学森之问 小煤窑,creative: having or showing imagination ;constructive; productive Innovative using or showing new methods, ideas, etc ahead of the times; advanced; forward-looking; modern,The importance of reading,Reading helps in mental development and is known to stimulate the muscles of the eyes. Reading is an activity that involves greater levels of concentration and adds to the conversational skills of the reader. It is an indulgence (enjoyment) that enhances the knowledge acquired, consistently.,读的培养 1. Reading for information 2. Reading for language 3. Reading for writing 4. Reading for culture 5. Reading for speaking 6. Reading for fun,Reading comprehension,Reading for exam Reading skill/elements (要素),阅读理解的重要性,占40% 每题2分 个别省满分120的情况下阅读还是40分。 在雅思、托福、四六级等各类考试中阅读总是占最大比率。,程晓堂教授与一些英语教师的对话 程教授:教师在讲评时主要讲解哪些练习题?李老师:单选题。程教授:这部分在一整套模拟题或全真题占多大的比例?李老师:15%左右吧。程教授:那好,既然这些题目在整套练习题中只占很小 的比例,讲评时为什么把大部分时间都花在这些题目上呢?李老师:因为学生总是出错。程教授:难道学生在听力、阅读、写作等部分的试题上不 出错吗?李老师:这些试题不好讲。,现在试卷评讲有多少教师是先从阅读理解和完形填空开始,然后再书面表达,基本上把单项选择放在最后由学生提问再做评讲的? 我们是不爱讲?还是不敢讲?不好讲?,讲解阅读理解, 1. 要让学生找出每道题目的答题依据,让他们养成边阅读边作分析符号的习惯。 讲解时:只是指出所在段落?还是要把所在段落讲解清楚。,2. 利用试卷评讲,每次重点解决一两个问题。平均用力不好。 微技能训练:(美国Steck-Vaughn) 1)发现事实 2)领会大意 3)把握顺序 4)利用语境 5)归纳结论 6)学会推测,Steck Vaughn,No two learners, no matter the age, have exactly the same needs. Steck Vaughn has provided innovative and effective learning solutions that meet the needs of each individual learner in primary, secondary and adult education for 70 years.,1)发现事实,Fact: an event or things to know to have happened or existed. a piece of information 事实存在于真实的故事中-如报纸上报道的故事,也存在于传说及人们编撰的故事中。 how; when; who; where; how many/much,2)领会大意(main idea),所有的细节加起来=大意。 如:8+9+7=24. 8. 9. 7是细节。24为大意,比每个细节都大,是由若干部分组成。常常是观点,而不是事实。 如:Running is the best exercise.( main idea)) It strengthens you heart. (detail) Its fun to run with your friends. (detail) It helps you keep fit. (detail),1.重点理解首末段、首末句。如果没有明显的主题句,就通过关键词句来概括。 2. 认真审题,看清楚要求回答的是“全文主旨”还是“段落主旨”;推断的是“作者的观点、意图”还是“别人的观点、意图”。,3. 主旨在文首或文尾时,注意文章前后段意思是否有转折,如有 therefore, thus, but, however, in short等转折,那么该句很可能就是主题句。 4. 作者有意识反复强调的观点,通常是主旨。 5. 段首句是疑问句时,对该句的回答往往是文章的主旨。,3)把握顺序 (sequence) 有关联的一组事务,寻找表示时间的词语 如:first, then, next, during, while, last, eventually, later, today, days of the week, months of the year,4)利用语境(context),语境就是语言所描述的相关情境, 即上下文。是猜词的最佳方法。 When you leave your house in the morning, it doesnt just stay the same. Sunlight falls on the rug. It warms the fibers, making them wave slowly. This waving warms the air and moves it around. In the paragraph, the word fibers means A. threads B. desks C. room D. walls,5)归纳总结 (conclusion),结论就是你在综合考虑所有线索之后做出的判断,作者往往不会告诉你他/她的结论。=信息判断,如: In 1958 there was an earthquake in Springhill, Canada. There were 69 men trapped in the mine near the town. The rescue workers dug fast and hard. But by the sixth day, few family members came to the mine. The sad rescue workers shook their heads but kept on digging. Then a voice was heard through an air pipe. “There are 12 of us in here. Please rescue us.”,From the story you can tell that_ Springhill was a big city the people thought the men were dead it was snowing during the earth no one cared about the miners 深层理解题:解使用排除法排除两个描叙文章信息的选项,一个错误选项。选根据文章提供信息所引申的总结性强的选项。,6)学会推测(inference) 把自己所有已知的情况进行考虑之后做出猜测。作者不会把故事的每个细节都写出来。,如:Red-crowned cranes are beautiful birds. They are known for their trumpeting call. Many of these cranes live on an island in Japan. They live in marshes(沼泽)and are protected by law. But there are fewer than two thousand cranes left. They are in danger of disappearing.,Which of these sentences is probably true? The Japanese dont care these cranes. People in Japan want to help the cranes. Red-crowned cranes live in the desert. There are too many cranes in Japan.,Have you ever caught fireflies on a warm summer night? Fireflies are interesting little insects. They make light with their bodies. But the light is not hot. Fireflies use their lights to send signals to other fireflies. Fireflies come out in summer. (inference) The light of fireflies is not hot. (fact) Fireflies send signals with their light (fact) Fireflies can only send signals at night. (inference),阅读理解微技能之“微”,借喻于“微言大义” 学生只有分解动作微技能掌握了才能提升自身的阅读理解能力。,这些微技能也就是我们的: (1)理解语篇主旨大意;(2)理解文中具体信息;(3)根据上下文提供的线索推测生词的词义;(4)根据文中事实和线索作出简单的判断和推理;(5)理解文章的基本结构和文脉逻辑关系;(6)理解作者的观点、意图和态度;,3. 将5篇文章当教材,进行精读和泛读 教学;语言、语法复习;好词好句。 4.教语言应该注重语言背后强大的背景知识 5. 讲解文章中的长、难句。 6.注重学生无声阅读和有声阅读习惯的培养。,高三的课堂变成习题的战场,变成老师讲解专场。没有学生朗朗的读书声。,做阅读理解题时注意阅读速度的训练。 总结解题规律,1处理好数量和质量的关系。,2. 要喜新(材料要新) 不厌旧(历年高考试题经典题/篇章),阅读理解材料选取,3. 要去研究试题:服务教与学。只有研究试题你才能选材。 Trouble makers-teachers,
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