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定语从句要点: 1、句子种类中的定语从句 2、定语从句的三要素 3、关系词的选择方法 4、 关系代词的用法 5、关系代词作宾语时用法 6、关系副词的用法 7、限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句 8、关系代词as的用法 9、 as和which引导非限定,修饰整个主句的用法 10、关系代词that的特殊用法,句子种类 一、简单句 五种类型 1. 主 + 系 + 表 2. 主 + 谓(vi) 3. 主 + 谓(vt) + 宾 4. 主 + 谓(vt) + 宾 + 双宾 5. 主 + 谓(vt) + 宾 + 宾补 二、并列句 = 简单句 + 并列连词 + 简单句 and, but, for, so, while, or, as well as, rather than, eitheror, neithernor, not onlybut also, besides, however, otherwise, therefore,三、复合句 = 主句 + 从句 (主从复合句) 主语从句 宾语从句 表语从句 同位语从句 定语从句 状语从句(八种),从句,名词性从句,先行词+,关系词+,从句,被修饰词,1.代替先行词 2.作从句成分,1.分类:a.关系代词 b.关系副词,2.选择:a.先行词指人、物? b.据从句句子成分?,关系词的选择: 前看看(指人,指物,指时间、地点、原因) 后看看(从句中所作成分) 合起来再算算(确定引导词),I have lost the watch _ my father gave me. Do you remember the day _ Beijing was liberated.,that/ which/-,when/ on which,I.关系代词的基本用法: that: 人、物;主、宾 which: 物;主、宾 who: 人 ;主 whom: 人 ; 宾 whose: 人、物 ; 定,The book is very interesting. I borrowed it from the library last week. The book (that / which) I borrowed from the library last week is very interesting. 2. The school is a big one. The school stands near the river. The school which / that stands near the river is a big one.,3. The house was built last year. Its windows face south. The house whose windows face south was built last year. 4. The students will not pass the exam. They dont study hard. The students who dont study hard will not pass the exam.,5. I will remember the day forever. I worked on the farm on the day. I will remember the day when I worked on the farm.,II.关系代词作宾语时用法:,1.关系代词作定语从句中动词或介词的宾语时,可以省略;,This is the book which/that she was looking for.,-,2.关系代词作介词的宾语时,介词可提前;,This is the room which/that we lived in last year.,This is the room in which we lived last year.,3.介词如果提前, 其后不能接that;,The person whom/that I spoke to just now is our teacher.,The person to whom I spoke just now is our teacher.,that,-,4.含有介词的短语动词一般不拆开,介词仍放在动词的后面.,The babies whom/that the nurses are looking after are very healthy.,III.关系副词的用法:,1. when 时间,2. where 地点,3. why 原因,状语,1. I still remember the day when I first came to Beijing.,2. Ill never forget the day when I joined the League.,3. This is the house where he lived two years ago.,4. The factory where his father works is very large.,5. He told me the reason why he hadnt attended the meeting.,6. The reason why he came late was that he was seriously ill.,That was the way _ she looked after us.,(that/in which/ x),IV.限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句:,1.限制性定语从句与先行词关系密切,两者之间不用逗号分开;,2.非限制性定语从句和主句先行词关系不十分密切,两者之间通常用逗号分开;此时,不能用that;,1. Yesterday I met Li Ping, who seemed to be very busy.,2. His brother,who is 18 years old, is a PLA man.,V.关系代词as的用法:,1.引导限制性定语从句: the sameas suchas as many/muchas,* I have the same book as you bought yesterday.,* He lent me as many books as he has.,2. as和which引导非限制性定语从句,修饰整个主句的用法: 从句可放在主句前或后,常用逗号与主句隔开。 在主句后, 可用as或which; 在主句前, 只能用as.,He plays football well, as/which we know.,作从句宾语,译成“这一点”,As we know, he plays football well.,作从句宾语,译成“正如所”,VI.关系代词的特殊用法:,在下列情况下只能用that:,1.当先行词是all, something, anything, nothing, everything, little, much等不定代词时;,That is all that I can do for you. Is there anything else that I can do for you?,2.当先行词被形容词最高级修饰时;,This is the best film that I have ever seen.,3.当先行词被序数词修饰时;,This is the first time that I came here. He is the last person that I want to see.,4.当先行词被the only, the very, 等修饰时;,This is the very thing that I lost yesterday. He is the only person that is invited.,5.当先行词既是人又是物时;,The man and the horse that fell into the river were drowned.,思考: They said that that “that” that that student wrote was wrong.,; 装修设计 vzf73wcu 酸,有那么一刻甚至很想掉眼泪。突然之间,她的内心深处冒出了一个想法:这一切的一切,难道都是老天爷的安排吗?俗话说,母女的心是相通的。从小儿缺少兄弟姐妹情谊的小青,对于耿正兄妹三人也有一种天然的亲切感,尤其对英俊潇洒的耿正,已经是一见倾心了。昨儿晚上,安排耿家父子四人歇息了之后,母女俩悄悄儿地说了半夜的知心话。就小青来说,在自己的姆妈跟前原本不需要遮遮掩掩的。因此,当乔氏将自己的想法告诉了女儿时,小青也将自己的感受全部告诉了姆妈。母女俩的心里边甭提有多高兴了,一心想着好好地款待耿家父子,并盼望着当家人白百大能够快点儿回来,一起为耿家父子在武昌镇上落脚想想办法,进而促成这门亲事。可这天上掉下来的理想女婿和亲家人怎么能够说走就走了呢!真正应验了那一句老话:可怜天下父母心!乔氏此刻唯一的想法就是:说什么也得留住这耿家父子们!我们家忒挑剔的宝贝疙瘩好不容易看上了似乎是从天而降的这耿家大伢子耿正,我这个做姆妈的绝对不能让女儿失望!122第二十回 白家留宿落难人|(灾民蜂拥武昌镇,客栈爆满住无门;好心婆婆善指点,白家留宿落难人。)这是一个比较简陋的小院落,位于武昌镇西街北侧一条小巷子的边上。当耿家父子们疲惫不堪地走到这里的时候,小院儿对面的门槛儿上坐着一位正在哄小孩子玩儿的老婆婆。耿老爹放下挑担,走上前来恭恭敬敬地拱手问到:“请问老人家,您知道附近可有人家愿意留宿过江落难客的?”这位老婆婆仔细打量一番耿老爹,再看看耿正兄妹三人之后,这才说:“看你们着实很难,但我们家里是没有空房子可以住的。”想一想,又指着对面的院门儿说:“要不你去这家问问看,或许可以暂留你们住一宿的。这倒不是因为他们家房子多,而是他们的当家人白百大是一个船运夫,这些天正好出江押运送货去了,家里只有婆姨乔氏和丫头小青俩人。只要她们母女俩暂时搬一起住,就可以给你们腾挪出一个屋子来的。”耿老爹一听这家只有母女俩人,马上再次对老婆婆拱手施礼,说:“多谢老人家了。不过,这家既然眼下家里只有母女俩人,我父子们去借宿恐怕多有不便。不如另选一家试试,还请老人家再为我们指点一家如何?”然而让耿老爹没有想到的是,老婆婆听了这话,反而更加坚持自己的看法了。她热情地说:“真得没有比这家更合适的了呢!这家人虽然家景比较贫寒一些,但人品极好,非常乐善好施,街坊邻居没有不夸赞的。这母女俩人手工刺绣活计做得不错,平时总不适闲。更重要的是,这家人的为人处事,实在是极好的。要依我说,你们爷儿几个还是进去问一问得好!”听老婆婆如此说,耿老爹决定硬着头皮去碰碰运气。更何况,就眼下情,
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