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经济学人中文网赏析版2012年7月经济学人文章(双语对照)汇集2012.06.16The etiquette of bribery:贿亦有道12012.06.30A sweet idea62012.07.02Stories from elsewhere 来自他方的故事92012.07.07The Higgs boson 希格斯玻色子112012.07.07History is never just history 历史没那么简单152012.07.07A 20-year lesson 20年一课172012.07.07Inching towards integration 朝着一体化缓慢爬行192012.07.07Volkswagen 德国大众 征服全世界212012.07.07Tuning out 渐行渐远的短波收音机272012.07.07Sexy contemporary antiquities 性感的当代文物282012.07.10A glimpse of modern China 一窥现代中国302012.07.14Stealing steel 德国偷金属的窃贼322012.07.14Choice not chance要自主选择不要听天由命342012.07.14The American economy Comeback kid 美国经济东山再起372012.07.14Quantitative easing: QE, or not QE? 要不要量化宽松?412012.07.18Thorvaldsen Museum 哥本哈根托瓦尔森博物馆482012.07.19New film: The Dark Knight Rises 黑暗骑士崛起552012.07.21The long fight 漫长的战斗572012.07.21Roger Payne 罗杰佩恩602012.07.24Floods in Beijing 北京大水632012.07.27How to remember Koxinga 如何纪念国姓爷652012 07 28Alastair Burnet 阿拉斯泰尔伯内特682012.07.28Teenage pregnancy少女怀孕 | 且不谈幼稚之事702012.07.28Military technology军事科技722012.07.28Alive and well 欣欣向荣762012.06.16The etiquette of bribery:贿亦有道【导读】:正如标题所言,见不得人的贿赂也有其自身的一套准则。本文将为你解密全球各地不同文化群体、不同国家中的贿赂潜规则。The etiquette of bribery贿亦有道How to grease a palm行贿指南Corruption has its own elaborate etiquette贿赂也有它自身一套复杂的准则Dec 19th 2006 | from the print editionGIVE people power and discretion, and whether they are grand viziers or border guards, some will use their position to enrich themselves. The problem can be big enough to hold back a countrys development. One study has shown that bribes account for 8% of the total cost of running a business in Uganda. Another found that corruption boosted the price of hospital supplies in Buenos Aires by 15%. Paul Wolfowitz, the head of the World Bank, is devoting special efforts during his presidency there to a drive against corruption.一旦掌权并且拥有裁量自由,不管是伊斯兰的大维齐尔,还是戍边士兵,一些人就会利用职务之便谋取私利。这个问题可能严重到足以阻碍一个国家的发展。一项研究显示,在乌干达从商行贿花费占到总费用的8%。另一项研究表明,腐败将布宜诺斯艾利斯的医疗设备的费用推高了15%。现任世界银行行长保罗沃尔福威茨(Paul Wolfowitz)正竭力打击腐败。For most people in the world, though, the worry is not that corruption may slow down their countrys GDP growth. It is that their daily lives are pervaded by endless hassles, big and small. And for all the evidence that some cultures suffer endemic corruption while others are relatively clean, attitudes towards corruption, and even the language describing bribery, is remarkably similar around the world.不过对于世界上大多数人来说,他们担心的不是腐败问题可能会拉低国家GDP的增速,而是自己日常生活中会碰到的大大小小各种不便。有证据表明,相对其他的一些文化群体来说,困扰某些文化群体的腐败问题更为普遍;但全球各地对待腐败的态度甚至用来形容贿赂的语言都极其相似。In a testament to most peoples basic decency, bribe-takers and bribe-payers have developed an elaborate theatre of dissimulation. This is not just to avoid detection. Even in countries where corruption is so common as to be unremarkable and unprosecutableand even when the transaction happens far from snooping eyesa bribe is almost always dressed up as some other kind of exchange. Though most of the world is plagued by corruption, even serial offenders try to conceal it.受贿者与行贿者已经形成了一套复杂的掩饰方法,这也证明了大多数人都为人正派这一事实。这不仅仅是为了避免事情暴露。即便是在那些腐败横行的国家,以至于腐败已经稀松平常、不会遭到起诉,就算是贿赂远离监管者的视线,人们在行贿的时候几乎都会假装在进行另外一种交易。尽管全球大部分地区饱受腐败困扰,但那些经常行贿的人仍然试图掩饰这一行为。One manifestation of this is linguistic. Surprisingly few people say: “You are going to have to pay me if you want to get that done.” Instead, they use a wide variety of euphemisms. One type is quasi-official terminology. The first bribe paid by your correspondent, in Ukraine in 1998, went to two policemen so they would let him board a train leaving the country. On the train into Ukraine, the customs officer had absconded with a form that is needed again later to leave the country. The policemen at the station kindly explained that there was a shtraf, a “fine” that could be paid instead of producing the document. The policemen let him off with the minimum shtraf of 50 hryvnia ($25).Another term widely used at border crossings is “expediting fee”. For a euphemism it is surprisingly accurate: paying it will keep your bags, and perhaps your contraband, from being dumped onto a floor and sifted through at a leisurely pace. (A related term, used in India, is “speed money”: paying it can get essential business permits issued considerably faster.)这些掩饰行为的表现之一便是行贿语言。奇怪的是,很少有人会有说:“要想搞定那件事,你得给我送钱!”相反,他们使用各种各样委婉的说法。一种是准官方的术语。笔者第一次行贿是在1998年的乌克兰,当时把钱送给了两个警察,这样笔者便能登上离开乌克兰的火车。而在开往乌克兰的火车上,海关官员还窃取了一个表格,日后离开这个国家的时候还用得上它。而车站的警察会很友善地解释,如果拿不出文档,就需要支付一笔名为shtraf(罚款)的费用。警察只收了最低的50格里夫尼亚(约25美元)就让笔者脱身了。另外一种在通关时较为广泛的说法是“快速通行费”。作为一种委婉语,这种说法相当准确:支付这笔费用,你不用上缴自己的包裹,甚至还可以拿回你偷运的东西。否则,你的包裹就会被扔到地上并受到严密检查,而检查的时间肯定是他们说了算。(在印度使用的一个相关术语叫做“提速费”:支付这笔费用以后要获得那些必要的从商许可就会快得多)。Paul Lewis, an analyst with the Economist Intelligence Unit (a sister company to The Economist), describes the quasi-business terminology typically used for bribery in the post-communist privatisations of eastern Euro
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