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I 摘 要 业务流程优化(Business Process Improvement,简称 BPI) ,是从企业绩效出发,对 现有工作流程进行调研、分析、梳理、完善和改进,打破部门壁垒,增强横向协作,进 而提高企业运作效率,降低企业整体运营成本,从而保持企业的竞争优势。企业外部环 境的变化和内部规范管理的要求促使企业不断进行业务流程的优化,以提高企业的竞争 实力,实现企业快速、稳定、可持续发展。业务流程优化的内涵是是以企业现有业务流 程的问题为指向,对现有流程进行调研、分析、梳理、完善和改进,利用 IT 技术和其 他配套支持手段,在满足业务和管理需要的前提下,打破部门间的壁垒,按照最简单、 最直接的方式运作企业业务流程,提升企业敏捷性及适应环境变化的能力,尽可能减少 无效的或不增值的活动,减少等待时间、协调工作量和重复工作等。例如,审批类流程 要考虑审批的分级分类,重在审批规则、审批要素、预算控制和授权体系,减少审批层 级和时间等等。业务流程管理是企业管理水平的体现,它决定着企业的运作质量和效率。 优化业务流程,加强企业流程管理,是企业低成本、高效率运行、持续稳步健康发展的 保证。如何不断的优化企业业务流程,提高管理水平,需要我们大家共同努力,不断使 业务流程更理性,更精炼,使企业在流程的规范下,高效运转起来。本文以南水北调东 线干线山东有限责任公司为例,分析其业务流程优化的过程。 关键词:南水北调东线干线山东有限责任公司,业务流程,再造研究 II Based on the South - to - North Water Transfer Project Reengineering research Wang Ming (Structural Engineering) Directed by Zhang Zhonghua ABSTRACT Business Process Optimization (BPI), is from the enterprise performance, the existing work processes to conduct research, analysis, combing, improve and improve, break the sector barriers, enhance horizontal collaboration, thereby improving business efficiency, reduce business The overall operating costs, so as to maintain the competitive advantage of enterprises. The change of the external environment of the enterprise and the requirement of the internal standard management encourage the enterprises to carry on the optimization of the business process continuously so as to improve the enterprises competitive strength and realize the enterprises fast, stable and sustainable development. The connotation of business process optimization is based on the existing business process of the enterprise as the point of view, the existing process research, analysis, combing, improve and improve the use of IT technology and other supporting means to meet the business and management needs of the premise , To break the barriers between departments, in accordance with the most simple and most direct way to run business processes, enhance enterprise agility and adapt to changes in the ability of the environment, as far as possible to reduce the invalid or non-value-added activities to reduce waiting time, And repeat work. For example, the approval process should consider the classification of approval, focusing on approval rules, approval elements, budget control and authorization system, reduce the approval level and time and so on. Business process management is the embodiment of enterprise management level, it determines the quality of business operations and efficiency. Optimize business processes, strengthen enterprise process management, is the enterprise low cost, high efficiency operation, sustained and steady development of the guarantee. How to continuously optimize the business process, improve the management level, we need to work together, and constantly make the business process more rational, more refined, so that enterprises in the process of regulation, efficient III operation. This paper analyzes the process of business process optimization with the example of South - to - North Water Transfer East Route. Key Words: South-to-North Water Diversion East Route Co., Ltd., Business Process, Reengineering Research IV 目 录 摘 要 .I I ABSTRACT .IIII 第第 1 1 章章 研究背景与意义研究背景与意义 .(1 1) 1.1 南水北调概况 .(1) 1.2 南水北调东线工程简介 .(2) 1.3 项目背景 .(7) 1.4 整体需求及目标 .(8) 第第 2 2 章章 业务流程再造相关概念与理论业务流程再造相关概念与理论.(1111) 2.1 BPR 的定义及内涵 .(11) 2.2 BPR 的关键工具及优化方法 .(14) 2.2.1 优化方法分类.(14) 2.2.2 优化工具及方法.(15) 2.3 BPR 的实施原则及注意事项 .(16) 2.3.1 实施原则.(16) 2.3.2 注意事项.(17) 第第 3 3 章章 N N 企业现状分析、综合管理业务流程分析及优化企业现状分析、综合管理业务流程分析及优化 .(1919) 3.1 N 企业概况 .(19) 3.2 N 企业组织结构 .(20) 3.3 N 企业各部门职责及人员配备情况 .(20) 3.3.1 综合管理部职责及人员配备情况.(20) 3.3.2 其他部门管理职责及人员配备情况.(22) 3.4 N 企业现有问题 .(27) 3.5 制定 BPR 计划 .(29) V 第第 4 4 章章 内网内网 OAOA 系统改造及升级系统改造及升级.(3333) 4.1 系统功能需求 .(33) 4.1.1 总体业务层级.(33) 4.1.2 公文管理.(34) 4.1.3 公司发文.(35) 4.1.4 现场局发文.(36) 4.1.5 公司
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